The Truth About "Trusts" Protecting Your Money

15 days ago

Are are you seeking a "trust" for when the RV hits?

Many people are asking me about it.🤔

"Should I get an irrevocable trust?"
"Should I get a revocable trust?"
"Should I get a foreign trust?"S

Then these so called freedom gurus that charge $10,000 for this:
A "foreign irrevocable situs express trust".🤣

What the hell is that?

"Foreign" - without the "United States" corporation.
Um ok.

"Irrevocable" - what makes is so?
I've seen plenty of those challenged by guess who?
THE IRS & CHASE BANK! (biz partners who steal your stuff)

"Situs" - What the hell is this?
Situs is a legal term that means the state whose courts have primary jurisdiction over a trust.

Situs determines which governing tax laws a trust must comply with, generally based on the location in which it legally resides.

How is that helpful or in the realm of private and freedom?

It's not.
It's marketing BS to steal your $10K.

"Express" - get this!
Express means.....You expressed your wishes on paper!
I can't stop laughing.

All this is attorney marketing BULLSH*T.

Watch the clip as to why not.

What you desire is freedom from government reach.

So you can SEAMLESSLY pass your private property to your heirs without PROBATE.

When a death certificate is issued, you should see who gets notified!!

Every government agency you can imagine so they can all get their piece of your pie.

If you want to keep them out of your pie, then all the items of your pie must be IN THE PRIVATE.

I have a class that handles all this for you and it's easy as can be.

Don't spend $10,000 on this nonsense that's not even in the private

To set up your future....
1. Remove yourself from the IRS contract. We have a class.
2. Remove your property from the public domain. We have a class.
3. Convey it all to the private. We have a class.
4. Write up your own "trust" papers ( we don't like that misleading word but for the sake of argument) put your trust papers in your safe.

Nobody sees them but you.

You choose who will execute them when you go to heaven.

This removes all taxation from your life.
Taxation is a contract, not an obligation.

it's propaganda.
For the love of everything holy, come learn what it is and then you can decide if you want it or not.

Stop making assumptions about what you've seen.

If it doesn't make sense there's a reason.

If it's complicated, that was on purpose to get you to sign papers you don't understand so later on the BAR CARD agents of the state can steal it from you!

Follow me to freedom!
Link in bio.

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