Captain William Egan Military Service Jan 2, 2025

1 month ago

Captain, U.S. Army Reserve, Chemical Corps.

The wartime missions of Chemical units are to defend against nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, provide smoke generation for maneuver concealment on the battlefield, and fight as mounted/mechanized infantry.

11 years service. Mobilized once & deployed overseas another time.

Led 30 to 200 soldiers as: Detachment/Company Commander (3x), Company XO, Platoon Leader (2x)

You will learn best about Captain Egan by reading what others wrote about him for 4 medals: Army Achievement Medal, Army Commendation Medal 2x (one for overseas deployment as Detachment Commander from a Colonel), Meritorious Service Medal (for mobilization as Platoon Leader from a Major General)

1 unit award, Honorable Discharge, SECRET clearance.

4-year, full tuition Army ROTC Scholarship paid for BS in Chemistry at the Honors College of Michigan State University.

Photos: 310 CM CO Mobilization, 379 CM CO Change of Command, 357 CM CO Det #1 Ft. Bragg, Commissioning.

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