Russell Brand: truly christian?

30 days ago

I'm in the minority regarding Russell Brand but my cynicism is well founded. I'm old enough to know the majority can be so dreadfully WRONG. Look at any political power, the major religions & the conflicting views within the christian faith: it's an appalling state of spiritual affairs.

We live in a world where LIES are believed true, fake news ABOUNDS, Sexuality Dominates & the Power of Glamour reigns supreme. The cult of personality thrives and we deify each other: WE EVEN DEIFY OURSELVES. It's all so much human dross: for all the obsession with narcissism we're in a most SPIRITUALLY NARCISSISTIC AGE.

As an ex neo-vedantic new ager converted to the true Christ (by the Holy Spirit) I'm AGHAST to see great deception in christendom. I'd no idea. It's so deceived because it contains *Absolute Truth* blended with too much untruth by many quasi- converted, prideful/vain intellectual preachers anointed by a very different spirit than the Holy One.

I liked Russell when I was an "awakened" new ager; now I'm Born Again I balk at everything he says and does. I can't stand to look at him nowadays though I have to witness.

Most people are beguiled by the glamour of celebrity and Brand is a HUGE bedazzlement. Too many christians give him the benefit of the doubt but he's as deluded as he was as a yoga practitioner loudly proclaiming "awakening," panpsychism, generating Kundalini (serpent power), displaying mudras and proclaiming KRISHNA "the God of the seen & unseen Universe"

My Renewed spirit squirmed mightily when Russ was a "yogi" and I feel no relief now he professes christianity. Ever the slick egotist, and particularly since the allegations of sexual abuse, he preaches JESUS like an astute opportunist & highfalutin pretender who really doesn't get the true mettle or exclusivity of the Faith. He may well believe in Jesus, just not the REAL ONE. Satan is successfully promoting "another Jesus" and "another gospel" these days (2 Corinthians 11:4, Galatians 1:6-9) evidenced in shows like "the Chosen." The god Russell "feels close to" is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4).

In keeping with his previous ersatz yogi persona Russ now presents a strongly delusive parade as a christian. I know he doesn't read the Bible properly, by the Light it was written: like any new ager he cherry picks Biblical verses he "resonates" with, misinterprets them and dismisses the rest.

It's apparent that ancient supernal Luciferian beings govern our world, appealing to & stimulating intellectual/spiritual pride & prejudice in all their ugliest forms. Christians aren't immune to that whole ball of wax, they're some of the worst perpetrators. Christian's en masse are strongly deluded about themselves & their faith - parroting warped teachings & twisted doctrines ad infinitum.

Satanic distortion bothered christians in the early centuries AD, manifesting as Gnosticism, Docetism, Marcionism & Arianism, all of which are here today in a wide variety of "christian" minds. We've Hebrew Roots, Black Israelites & Flat Earthers thrown into the modern maelstrom of madness.

An abundance of christian naivety & an acute lack of discernment is glaring: things are so crooked that discernment fascism is a growing trend. Many think they've discernment where they clearly have NONE. Opinions about JESUS are especially erroneous, again made worse by mendacious shows like "the Chosen."

Russell remains an open conduit for spiritual deception, as we see by the support of Donald Trump. He saw the popular christian support and - as like attracts like - embraced the blind ignorance. His "conversion" was integrally synchronised with MAGA & an astute maneuver to stay relevant. But Trump is a man of the world not God; serving Mammon not Jesus: a major actor in the fake esoteric/satanic battle of light & dark playing out before the world's myopic eyes.

The end-times are dead ahead if not already here. A time of tribulation and Antichrist is near. According to Scripture christianity is in for a mass Apostasy (falling away from the faith - 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12) and it's clear MAGA is a form of Apostasy 'cos it's a material/satanic form of christianity denying the Real - Spiritual - Jesus of John 17 (vs 16)

Too many underestimate the sly power of the Devil. Donald Trump ticks the boxes for an (if not THE) Antichrist forming the New World Order right under the noses of (country first) American christians who'll follow him no matter what. Before Jesus' literal Return (Isaiah 9:6-7) a temporary Kingdom (Golden Age) will be ruled by man/A.I. under Satan.

The christian way is LOVE but also a serious matter of Heaven or hell. We're to be sober minded & know when to “reprove, rebuke and exhort” (2 Timothy 4:2) by exposing false teachers and stealth infiltrations of the Church. We're to expose darkness even in our own faith (Ephesians 5:11) just like the early christians were soundly warned of savage wolves sneaking into their ranks.

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