whenever i make an arrogant statement i can only imagine my haters

2 months ago

by the time somebody in the vortex answers this question somebody in the "real world" will have already answered
just checking my tire pressure again
better to be paranoid than have a tire fly off my car
that time that my tire blew out n i had to pay this dude w/ a tow truck $250 to drive me 5min up the road
this dude i do standup w/ that asked me to do a podcast invited me via insta!spam to do a comedy show tonight
what the fuck is an insta!spam story
apparently he had asked me about this a few weeks ago n i totally forgot, probably cos i was stoned
*i did show up n it didn't even happen cos there was no audience LAME!
i wish i coulda yelled at them for believing the masonic bullshit
very rarely will i do any of the stuff that i talk about
too many ideas, too little time
so this fan of mine brought this to my attention n he was right (i already told him but i will tell him again)
feel special cos i'm thanking you in the video as well
it is very voyeuristic i realize so it is a bit like mental masturbation
the whole point of this is: don't live a boring life all cos everyone else is
nobody knows what will happen next including myself

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