Clean Your Own Dishes Devotional | New Year's Resolutions

2 months ago

Every year as we draw closer to a new year, we start making a laundry list of New Year’s resolutions. I started one of mine earlier this year - I decided to clean my dishes as I cooked each meal and not wait until after eating my meal. I watched my mom do this when she visited for the Thanksgiving holiday. I noticed that her way of cleaning as she cooked helped her be more efficient and not be stressed out after she was done cooking. Previously, I would let the dishes pile up as I cooked and then washed them after dinner. This had me thinking how this illustration is perfect example how important it is to keep our hearts clean. It’s important guard our hearts from anything that distances us from God. It's also important to clean our hearts daily, so it doesn’t feel like a pile of dirty dishes, something that almost seem impossible and tiresome to clean.

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