EXPOSED: MYSTERY CHEMICAL FOG! - Is It A DARPA Eugenics Operation For 2025? - Drones Spraying Vax?

2 months ago

EXPOSED: MYSTERY CHEMICAL FOG! - Is It A DARPA Eugenics Operation For 2025? - Drones Spraying Vax?

Josh Sigurdson reports on the strange fog being seen everywhere in the world simultaneously which goes against all reason.

While it's not possible to see the exact conditions for precipitation to cause fog in 3 continents at once, there may be something more nefarious at work.

People are reporting a strange chemical smell in the fog in places like the UK, Germany, Florida, Minnesota, Toronto, Winnipeg, Playa Del Carmen, Romania and many other places.

Strange white particles are floating in the fog and people are reportedly getting extremely sick after being in contact with it. From coughing to vomiting, there is clearly something seriously dangerous going on.

Chemical reactions are happening in people's swimming pools and strange "Tsunami Fog Banks" are drifting into San Diego.

We don't want to fear monger about this and we could be wrong but going into 2025, there can very well be a eugenics operation in play to be blamed on Iran, Russia or others.

DARPA and EcoHealth have a paper on spraying mRNA covid vaccines from drones.

The CIA and NATO have courses on spraying people with neurotoxins from light posts.

At this point is any of this so farfetched? They already openly admit to using weaponized mosquitoes to vaccinate the population, or as the Pentagon calls it, "Flying Syringes."

Will this poison the food supply? Should people be concerned about becoming violently ill from this fog?

In this video, we break down what we know so far and theorize.

Stay tuned for more from WAM!

#news #politics #fog #fogvid24 #fogvid #depopulation #eugenics #greatreset #drones #covid #vaccines #mrna #joshsigurdson #WAM

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