Love, Light, Luck, Life by Kinsland

2 months ago

"Love, Light, Luck, Life" from Kinsland's debut album 'Keepers Of The Flame'

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Copyright 2024, Kinsland Music Publishing

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Music by Dan Mongiello

Lyrics by Ben Kuzay


Through the spirit channel in the cosmic sea
You came to Britta's womb and then you set me free
The evil that had comprised a wall around my heart
Was shattered into nothing when I held you in my arms

Don't be afraid
You've come this far
Let me into your heart

And as one ends.... And so a life begins
Everything that starts must surely come to an end
We can't comprehend this intelligent design
On this plane or in this lifetime

My love for you can never be erased
And you, my sons, could never be replaced
Thankful each second of each minute of each day
Humble and honored for what I've been allowed

I have not forsaken you, my son
I have forgiven you for all you have done
I have known you since before you were born
Now I want you to forgive others

Babies are magic; they come from the other side
The dust of our creator still lingers on their souls
I love you my sons
This experience has taught me everything I know
It is fitting that your name means "a gift from God"

You're coming home
Into my loving arms

Love, Light, Luck, Life

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