International Public Notice: Besides the Fraud, There's the Murder By Anna Von Reitz

1 month ago

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Article 5194 Video - International Public Notice: Besides the Fraud, There's the Murder - Tuesday, December 31, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

In one of our most recent Notices to the International Public, we noted that "Britain" as a country does not exist, does not possess sovereignty, and never did.

England is a sovereign nation-state. Scotland is a sovereign nation-state. Ireland is a sovereign nation-state. Wales is a sovereign nation-state.

There is or was a King of England at one time, but the historical record indicates that the office has been deliberately left vacant since the early 1700s, with the result that the only actual representative of England's sovereignty has been the hereditary Lord High Steward.

This circumstance in England was reprised here in America, where the same gang of criminal miscreants finagled to claim that the actual sovereign People of this country had disappeared "over the sea" and similarly leaving only the hereditary Head of State as a placeholder.

Now these False Representatives are attempting to overturn the sovereignty of many nation-states based on the corporations they have used to provide "government services" in the meantime.

None of these cozy arrangements were ever approved by any of the actual populations of any of these countries; this constructive and coercive fraud has been carried out under conditions of non-disclosure, deceit, and color of law.

Everyone knowingly involved in this gargantuan multi-generational fraud against the public interest is guilty of fraud, treason, and a great many other crimes. They have no granted authority to do any of the things they've done.

The Office of "King of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales" is a joke, a hoax, a literal impossibility, as sovereignty is indivisible.
Like other oxymorons these con men use, such as "civilian military" and "sovereign citizen", this deceptive Title has been used to bilk the public and create the assumption that an individual sat as King and functioned as the Sovereign of all these countries, when in fact no such thing occurred.

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