International Public Notice: A Short Reply to "King Charles III" By Anna Von Reitz

2 months ago

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Article 5193 Video - International Public Notice: A Short Reply to "King Charles III" - Tuesday, December 31, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

An examination of history reveals that the Throne of England was acquired as a property interest by the German Hanoverian Dynasty shortly after the English Civil War.

There followed the ugly interlude known as The War of the Spanish Succession, with the result that German Queen Anne ascended the English Throne. She was the last Sovereign of any stripe to sit on it.
That was over 300 years ago.

Queen Anne --- probably unknowingly --- vacated the land and soil of England and became a "Queen" in name only of a Company calling itself "Great Britain". Deft deceits, then, and now, have served to hide these facts from the public.

As an example, people have been deluded by the appearance of a "combined monarchy" --- "Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales" gives the impression that Elizabeth II was the Queen of all four countries, but in fact, this was a deceitfully named foreign office operated under this distinct, separate name.

She never actually sat on the Throne of England despite the complex and extravagant Coronation Ruse, as the records of the High Court admit. Nor did she sit on the actual Thrones of any of the other countries.

Good sense should tell anyone who thinks about it for five seconds, that a Sovereign Office is not divisible.

But we should hardly be surprised that Elizabeth II never sat on the land and soil of England as Queen: 250 years-worth of her Predecessors never did, either.

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