The surprising in-depth analysis of the apocryphal book of I Baruch

1 month ago

Baruch was Jeremiah's scribe & Baruch's name means blessed. His father's name Neriah means lamp of Jehovah, so that makes sense.

Once again, I demonstrate, like all the other books of the apocrypha, that the book of I Baruch, is yet another false and counterfeit book from Satan.

Multiple encyclopedias confirm that there were not 1, but at least 3 different authors of the book of I Baruch and that it was written several hundred years after Baruch died, confirming that he was not the author.

The word encyclopedia literally means a well rounded education. The 7 grace epistles [Romans - Thessalonians] written by the apostle Paul, [but authored by God himself], establish the pattern of doctrine, reproof and correction, which is instruction in righteousness.

These 7 letters were circulated to all the believers in the Mediterranean and Asia minor area, giving them the perfect and well-rounded spiritual education that no other source can provide [especially none of the books of the apocrypha, such as I Baruch].

The bible is the only book in the entire history of man that has many writers but whose only author is God.

The Jewish Encyclopedia says the word "dead" in I Baruch 3:4 is a mistranslation of the word "men"!
I Baruch 3:4
"O Lord Almighty, God of Israel, hear now the prayer of the dead [men, not dead] of Israel, the children of those who sinned before you, who did not heed the voice of the Lord their God, so that calamities have clung to us".

This makes much more sense, but regardless of what is the correct translation of Baruch 3:4, I Baruch still violates the word of God.

Proverbs 28:9
He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.

The broken logic of the people who have rejected the word of God is why are they praying to the one whose word they rejected?! It doesn't make any sense until you realize that they are influenced by a devil spirit of iniquity, which is false righteousness.

This subtle yet significant broken logic is similar to the lawlessness in the shield of the trinity diagram that violates the laws of mathematics and logic that God created.

There are 3 verses in Jeremiah where God commands him NOT to pray for the Israelites 3 times!

It's because they have had their conscience seared with devil spirit power and therefore, they cannot be healed or repent.

Therefore, God would not have commanded Baruch, Jeremiah's scribe, to violate and contradict 3 commandments that he told Jeremiah by praying for the men of Israel that were too far gone to be helped.

This is more absolute proof that the apocryphal book of I Baruch is a false and counterfeit book designed to distract, deceive and confuse.

Whoever is the writer or writers of I Baruch, they were influenced by a familiar devil spirit that mimics the dead.

May God bless you on your journey for truth and enlightenment by avoiding the books of the apocrypha.

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