The Serpent Seed - Spawn of Satan

26 days ago

Who are the children of the devil? There a reason John the Baptist called the Pharisees (religious leaders) a brood of vipers. Remember the serpent (nacash) in the garden of Eden? I propose that fallen angels are “Nacash” (serpents/shining ones), an ancient reptilian race of humanoid shapeshifters that make hybrid babies with humans called Nephilim or serpent seed. The “Lizard people”/Nephilim conspiracy is not as crazy as it sounds when you read about the hidden history behind it. The devil and his demons have many children here on earth, in the flesh, according to the Bible. They are on the left hand path. All murderers and liars are cursed in the eyes of God (YHWH). All the demons, Satan the serpent, and his offspring are all damned to hell, bound for the lake of fire to spend eternity burning. They will kill, steal, destroy, and lie till the day they die with no remorse. They see everyone who isn’t of their bloodline to be an inferior animal. They believe might makes right. They are so sneaky and crafty and manipulative you’d swear they weren’t human and you’d be right. They only seem human but that’s the hallmark of mimicry. The noble and royal bloodlines are potentially connected. It’s real life censored, so it’s best to just pray that they don’t bother you and avoid them if you can.
Why don’t they teach this in church or school?
Who do the political leaders of the world serve?
How far down does the rabbit hole go?

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