1984: BEST YEAR EVER. My Tribute. How it was thru my Teen eyes. 40th Anniversary

1 month ago

This is my tribute to the best year Ever: 1984. I'll show how 1984 was for me using clips from pop-culture (an audio/visual experience). I was the best age for enjoying that year... 16 years old. Everything in this video is something I remember from 1984.
The clips are in rough chronological order of when they happened in the year.

0:00 Intro
1:47 Dancing in the street
2:30 Pop Culture
3:33 Van Halen 1984
8:05 Michael Jackson Award mania and taking off glasses
12:00 Computer culture in TV shows
12:45 Facts Of Life in the 80's
Video game arcades. Packman Fever
15:07 Ghostbusters
LA Olympics
25:50 Whole world yells "YEAHHHH"
Johnny Carson
31:08 TV reaches new highs
Cosby Show brings back Sitcom fun
32:18 TV heaven...
It's Your Move

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