The End Times will Involve Russia and Ukraine

2 months ago

Why is NATO Desperately Trying To Cause A Global Nuclear War?

Putin Speech LIVE: Russian President Vladimir Putin's New Year 2025 Message; 'Everything Will Be...'

Fatima: Priest: "The End Times will Involve Russia and Ukraine" - The Tipping Point Has Arrived

In 1944, Edgar Cayce prophesied that Russia would help prevent the destruction of mankind. He foresaw a future world financial crisis, and he pointed to Russia as being the “thorn in the side” of the financial powers that were organizing themselves against the good of humanity, describing Russia’s role as being the “hope of the world”:

“In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.

“Guided by what? That friendship with the nation that hath even set on its present monetary unit ‘In God We Trust.'”

Wah cannot tahan as I read all my hair stand up on end and for your knowledge on Dec 20 in a flash I saw Russia, Turkey, Iran and Egypt bringing down “illegal Israel”, I believe this is the Big War.


غنائية مريم غزة - ابراهيم نصر الله وسهيل خوري| Mary of Gaza - Ibrahim Nasrallah & Suhail Khoury

Palestinian Lives Matter: European Leader Shames Netanyahu Over Gaza

🔴 2024 Recap & 2025 Expectations | What Happened, What’s Next? | Live + Q/A

Excellent Coverage of "OUR" Dilemma. I’ve spent a lifetime figuring this stuff out. Your last words in your Commentary assured me I wasn’t Crazy All these Years.🤔.
Happy New Year......Here is Hoping for a HUGE AWAKENING Of more Americans to the "Truth".
May You & Your Family stay safe.
Love You for bringing Truth, where there has been Darkness.
"They" Own & Control All U.S. Media, & Our Gov.❤🎉


Gods message seen in the stars. Haile Selassie. Bible. Lalibela.

The original gods of Israel (El, Baal, Yahweh, Asherah)

So many people don't understand that! The followers of Abrahamic faiths don't understand where their own deity comes from! This video is awesome!

I’ve always been searching for something like this I’m happy to dive in

Something you may have missed, elohim is plural, nor singular.


Larry Wilkerson Warns: Israel Is On The Fast Track To DESTRUCTION As Iran's Move STUNNED The World

The United States guarantees the supplies of petroleum to Israel even if supplies are not sufficient for the United States.


Why Are Western Countries Banning Israeli Tourists?

I am proud of Australia about their standing on behalf of Palestine. Thanks!!

Australian Chris Sidoti SLAMS the West for Aiding and Abetting Israel, Sparking Global Outrage!

The Database on IDF War Criminals is being compiled and published.

Australia waking up


Truth About Israel in the Bible: Israelis in Biblical Prophecies

While the World often sees Israel in terms of political struggles borders and conflict few realise the profound spiritual significance of this nation what makes Israel unique is not just its ancient history but the fact that it's very survival and rebirth are considered by many to be part of God's Prophetic Plan but here's the part that might surprise you God's Promise to Abraham the foundation of Israel was not initially exclusive to one group of people. It was a promise of blessing to all nations yet it narrows down to Abraham's descendants particularly through Isaac. So why did the covenant promise go to Isaac and not Ishmael both of whom were Abraham sons and who exactly inherited the Promised Land God gave to Abraham?

Modern day Israel is not the Israelites of Jacob

The modern Jews are not Semites.! They claim that they are Ashkenazi Jews but Ashkenazi is the grandson of Japheth. Therefore, they are Europeans who are the descendants of Japheth.

But Israel never changes they always turn their back on God

The historical and prophetic significance of Israel is truly astonishing. The fact that its rebirth in 1948 seems to directly fulfil biblical prophecy is something I’ve always found fascinating. This video does a great job of explaining how Israel’s existence is intertwined with God’s plan, from the Abrahamic covenant to the modern state of Israel. But it raises a larger question for me—do you think the spiritual restoration of Israel, as prophesied, is tied exclusively to Christianity and the recognition of Jesus as the Messiah, or could it encompass a broader perspective that includes other faiths, such as Judaism or even Islam?


The Bible Lied About Abraham - The TRUE Story That Will Leave You Speechless!

The minute I hear this particular AI voice I know I am going to hear a story that only touches on the truth.

Damn! I would not be surprise if from this versions of historical theories, Moses would not be adapted by the Egyptians but by the Sumerians 🤣🤣😂

Nonsense. The first high civilization was Khemit which started around the Great Lakes region of Africa. The ultimate source of the Nile. The oldest fossil remains are further south and because of the Nile is the only major river that flows from south to north because the water is essentially flowing down us very, very steep and vast mountain plane pass the deserts to the Mediterranean the culture later known as Egypt by the Greeks did not start at the Mediterranean. The first monotheistic was the Akhenaten. Moses was a mythological character and did not exist.


Did Moses Exist?

Is MOSES A FAKE If it is then ISRAEL is FAKE too?

Expert Historian PROVES Moses Was INVENTED 4th Century BCE

The Hebrew Bible Was Fabricated! Moses Never Existed Says Ancient Historian! | Dr. Gad Barnea


Prophecies of Moses: Israel's Future

The ZIOPIGS wanted a state in Palestine but Balfour said NO but a homeland which mean the Jews got the right to live in Palestine. The ZIOPIGS didn’t waste time right away they work on America Harry Truman by bribing him with US2 million to divide Palestine into 2 and the 55% was given to the Jews and the owner of the land was left with 45%. After the official recognition of Israel, the ZIOPIGS immediately slaughtered the Palestinians and stole another 23% of the Palestinians land.


Is This Moses?

They Opened Moses Tomb And Everyone Was Shocked To See What Was Inside

Who Was the Pharaoh of the Exodus?

The Exodus Pharaoh EXPLAINED!

For those without faith, archaeology has proven the Bible true time and time again. I am blessed with faith so I don’t require proof but it still neat to see it. Thank you so much for your hard work and sharing it with the rest of the world!

It's incredible to think that when we see that mummy, we might actually be gazing at the same face that Moses saw, the same mouth that kept saying, "No," to Moses' demands to let his people go. Almost three and a half thousand years later!! Thank you for this.

This is way better than National Geographic.

If every serious and professional historian would captivate everyone's attention by taking you through the past with such ease, people would be very well educated. 🙏🏼🙌🏼


BIBLICAL SHOCKER! King David's Empire Exposed for What It Really Is

And then the additional kicker when Jesus is declared a member of the King David lineage by way of his father Joseph, who wasn't really his father because his mother was a virgin.

The saddest part about this is that most people probably learn about this period of Middle Eastern history from the perspective of the bible, not from rigorous academic research about the ancient civilizations that actually existed. 😐


King Solmons Tomb Opened After 3000 Years, What They Found Inside SHOCKED The World

"Pay Close Attention: Rabbi TELLS Shocking Secrets About King Solomon"

2 things I have asked from God, Wisdom and Youth


Who Was Melchizedek & Why is He Important to Us?

Melchizedek: The Most Mysterious Man in the Bible

On the nature of Melchizedek: in Hebrews 7;3 he is clearly a supernatural and divine entity, since Melchizedek is referred to as being "without beginning of days and end of life, without father and mother" and also "remains forever". Dr Michael S. Heiser also explained (see on YouTube: "Was Melchizedek Jesus?") that his name actually does not translate as "king of righteousness”, but more likely: "my king IS righteousness". This is of course a reference to God, being the kings of kings, the one who is pure righteousness. Furthermore, one manuscript among the Dead Sea Scrolls, 11Q13, mentions Melchizedek as being the head of the divine council. Douglas Van Dorn gives some arguments to equate Melchizedek with Jesus (see his book The Angel of the Lord - Appendix V).



The BRUTAL Things Committed By Every European Colonial Empire

Those guys are amazing, the worst evils on earth now giving lessons on humanity everywhere

Still happening today in 2024 in Sudan, Congo, Palestine, America, Haiti, Indonesia,

Among all the colonialists, wherever the British colonized they also ported their acute sense of racism that is alive and well today. If you don't believe me see Palestine, America, Canada and Australia to name a few.


'When The US Invaded Iraq, No One Sought Sanctions,' Concedes Peter Kuznick To Arnab On The Debate

Bye Bye USA !!

Now, I just watched the interview given by US Reserve Bank Chairman, Powell. He said," since the US has taken such an act, by kicking Russia out of this SWIFT System, no country will ever trust any organisation system, set up by the US anymore. That means, we could just kick out Russia, from the UN too.

The RUSSIANS are thankfully able to bypass the Visa Card, by using the *Chinese Unionpay, which has operations in 180 countries. Soon, all Asian, and ASEAN countries too, apart from India, South Korea, perhaps even Japan too, since Japan is in the newly formed RECEPT trade organisation, too. Australia and New Zealand who are in such a trading grouping too, will have to come up with an alternate paying system.

Since China is the Biggest Trading Nation on Earth, with turnover of more than 6 trillion US, almost 3 times that of the US Trade Volume, China will now encourage Asian countries to trade, using a Basket of Asian Currencies, bypassing US Dollar.

This will be the start of the US Currency decline, in the world trading system, as a reserved currency. Joe Biden wouldn't have an iota of brain cells, to fathom such a scenario.

Of course, US and her other Western Allies, like Australia, will suck up to the Yanks, till we have screwed ourselves, in the end.

Our world will end up in a very different scenario from what we are witnessing and experiencing today. You can say our world will end up in Two Economic and Militarily sphere of influence, one lead by China, and one by US.

The ultimate scenario one day is this: China will have an economy twice bigger, than the US. Since China has 1.4 billion people, as soon as her GPD per person reaches even $30,000 per person, when that final goal is completely accomplished. US Hegemony has almost ended right now.

US, which banned Venezuela Oil Import, is now scrambling to ask Venezuela, to export oil to US. Even deaf & dumb, and blind Yanks, are asking Iran to export oil too.

EUROPE will be the Ultimate Biggest Loser in the end, if the Western World keeps going down this destructive path. Since Europe comprises Energy Dependent Countries, for Oil and Gas. Will Europe want to pay 2 to 3 times more, for US Liquefied Petroleum Gas? This newly elected Chancellor hasn't a brain to figure this out. Unlike previous German Chancellor, Angela Merkel; she stood her ground against US objection to Russian Gas Pipe Line. President XI has just spoken to German Chancellor and French President, warning them that they are going to be in deep shit, if the war in Ukraine doesn't work out amicably to all parties concerned.

Hello, we are going to be living in a Totally Different New World, sooner, rather than later.

Author unknown


Hopefully someday the US will pay a heavy price for this.

“Dear USA,

"You dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, burned thousands of people, who are suffering to this day, just to show the then Soviet Union that you have nukes and it must be shut down.

In Vietnam you burned and burned and burned with the napalm bombs, the forests, the infrastructure of a whole state, you left nothing standing, you dropped the bombs in the cities and villages destroying everything.

You destroyed Yugoslavia by bombing Belgrade itself, throwing bombs at homes, hospitals, without counting a thing. You tried Milosevich as a criminal in The Hague with a trial of parody and killed him, letting the Ucekades baptize Kosovo as you like.

You forced the Turks to invade Cyprus, an independent state, and even 50 years now, we can't even find the bones of the missing ones putting us to negotiate to this day, with our butcher alleged to solve the Cyprus issue, while fine it suits you well. You let the Turks roam the Aegean, question, the islands and tell us "find each other" while your pastels know well what's happening, and who threatens whom.

You destroyed Libya, along with your European friends because you didn't like Gaddafi, and they didn't give you the oil at the price of a Jamba.

You armed and funded your Islamic State proxies to fight six whole years of "civil war" in Syria because you didn't like Assad, and you were bothered by the naval base of the Russians in Syria and Assad turned out to be very Russian.

You invaded Iraq allegedly to find the nukes, and in Afghanistan, to find your former friend Bin laden and demolished both countries, bombing uncontrollably cities and villages, destroying everything, sending a missile to Baghdati U.S. Cruise from your dolphins that burst into the shelters, killing women and children. Who could forget that night.

Are you talking about democracy you bas***ds?

You who built the perfect center for physical and mental torture in Guantanamo.?

You hanged Hussein without trial, he who was your best friend and ally until a few years before that.

You who with your wars and politics created ISIS and the Taliban.

You who overturned Salvador Allende with the bloodiest coup in Chile, a democratic elected president, killing him inside the presidential palace, and installing Pinochet's most violent dictatorship.

You who when the Berlin wall fell, promised Russia that NATO would not extend an inch and reached it to the legs of Russia, despite your promises and agreements.

Are you talking about Democracy, peace, and war crimes of Russia you lying traitors, murderers of innocent people?

You filled all of Europe with Pershing missiles and cruises surrounding Russia which you ignored.

You didn't adhere to a single condition from the Minsk agreement, while on the contrary Russia obeyed all of them.

A lifetime of F(edited)er's and hypocrites.
Even Hitler, your own multinationals funded him and made him a beast.

So only Ukraine was missing from the puzzle, to complete NATO's nest around Russia to drown it.

Since 2009 Putin has been warning you that Ukraine is a red line.

In 2014 with the coup you underwent. You overthrew Yanukovych, elected president, using Nazis and fascist clashes to kill Ukraine, and you installed a puppet government that was intended to prepare the country for the country entry into NATO and the EU while you knew it was a red line for Russia.

Are you talking about democracy and invasions in any state, you bas***ds?
Today's Russia, if it wanted, within half a day, could make the entire Ukraine, muddy. But he doesn't do it.

He doesn't want to kill just people. Ukrainians with Russians are brothers people. And this is the tragic end.

To this day, you don't tell the truth. You are unmerciful liars.

You are taking advantage of the pain of the Ukrainian, but also of the Russian people and misleading the world.

Yes. Russia is right. This is the truth.

She warned, shouted, asked you not to tighten the noose around her neck anymore. But when you have to deal with NATO, creators and directors of all wars on earth, unfortunately there was no other way.

Russia is not Iraq, nor Syria. You raped her and now you’re playing the victim. Were you assuming Russia would roll over and it would end quickly?

It's a shame how the United States of America does this to the peoples of the world. It is the ordinary people who pay for America's crimes against humanity every time. My soul hurts."

~ Unknown Author.

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