Composed Soundtrack: As 40 Striped Dolphins were driven into the Cove at Christmas 2024

1 month ago

Composed a hybridale Cinematic Soundtrack weeks ago and used in this video, as at Christmas, dec. 24, 2024, in Taiji japan a pod of defenseless Striped dolphins were driven into the cove.
The Soundtrack is composed with over 40 classic instruments und over 30 tracks with Synthesizers. Last part in the video I took from another Synthesizer soundtrack that I composed last week. I have turned the color back during the video "no red blood" so it wouldn't scare everyone away and you can watch. A killer recklessly drove over a dolphin struggling in the net and broke its lower jaw with the engine. See the proof in this video.

Written by Megumi Matsuda:
Striped dolphins
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
It was also sunny and the sea was too calm.
The formation was confirmed an hour and a half after 9 banger boats went hunting. Immediately after that, the nets was set up in the back of the Cove. Coast Guard also left fast.
The large pod had divided into two at offshore, one of them seemed to have been let to escape. However, there was still a large group diving long and deep, making repeated tries to escape. They were the first Striped dolphins of this season.
They had again divided into two groups near the Cove, with an estimated group of about 40 dolphins driven into the Cove. They have at least one calf. The other group seemed to have remained outside the nets.
Trainers from the Taiji Whale Museum* came and happily selected one captive and taken her to Taiji Harbor. Then the rest of the pod was all killed under the tarps and taken to the slaughterhouse by 2 skiffs.
*There is the fact that 2 Striped dolphins of the Whale Museum passed away.
The cove was quickly stained red with blood of the dolphins. The current killing method (adopted in December 2008), which is modeled after the Faroe Islands, does not kill the dolphins instantly in exchange for less blood loss. The sea ended up turning red, even though the dolphins were made to suffer even more to reduce the image of the SEA OF BLOOD. Two divers (hunters’ assistants) were searching through the water for any sunken bodies.
The Striped dolphins are so sensitive and nervous that they are called “the dolphin that will die if touched.” Kunito’s videos show individuals drowning inside of the nets in the Cove, and others panicking, getting tangled in the nets, and crashing into a skiff while coughing up blood.
Enough is enough. It is said that this is the same as slaughtering livestock. Not true. The dolphins are migratory wild animals that are listed as an endangered species. They are mammals that only give birth to one offspring every few years, and everyone in the pod takes good care of them together. They do not have a high reproductive rate in nature. They are not the property of Japan.
If you love dolphins, never be a supporter of the cruel aquarium business.

Filmed by by Kunito Seko

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