Would Governments Ever Use Bio-Weapons Against Civilians to Control the Population?

2 months ago



0:00 - Bill Clinton admission (from James Corbett video: https://www.corbettreport.com/shut-up-conspiracy-theorist/ )
0:31 - Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
1:40 - Guatemala Syphilis Experiment
2:15 - The Population Bomb by Paul Ehrlich 
4:30 - Ecoscience - John P. Holdren, Paul & Ann Ehrlich
10:38 - NSSM 200 Henry Kissinger 
14:15 - Agent Orange - Operation Ranch Hand
15:25 - Operation Seaspray
16:55 - Operation Dew #DEW
17:42 - Operation LAC
20:25 - CBS Coverage on St. Louis Cold War Experiments
21:08 - Local news clip

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