TRUTHBOMB Drops In Syria Busting New Regime Wide Open!

2 months ago

Right, so New Year in Syria comes with the dropping of one heck a truthbomb, but one this channel and other alt media have been talking about for much of the last three weeks or so since the toppling of the Assad regime and that is that the new government led by HTS are not some great boon to the people of Syria following more than half a century of Assad rule, but something that looks increasingly likely to be even worse. HTS are just one of a number of disparate groups made up of remnants from the likes of Islamic State and Al Qaeda, they are a bunch of extremists in and of themselves cut from that very cloth and when we remember the war on terror it is people such as these that we were fighting against, that are now being presented as allies, dressed up in a nice suit instead of being draped in fatigues and bearing a black flag.
Western media has been spinning overtime to rehabilitate the image of their leader Ahmed Al-Saraa, formerly known as Al-Jolani, even being spoken of as Syria’s President in some sources despite no election to make him such has yet taken place is an attempt to legitimise what is still at present actually a dictatorship and a dictatorship made up of some of the worst elements of terror in the Middle East over the last several decades.
Well all of that dramatically came undone last night as France launched attacks on Syria now as well, alongside those Israel is still carrying out, but it’s reasons blow apart those western media narratives and we must take not, because western mainstream media is not covering this as you might well expect.
Right, so French airstrikes on Syria, what is this all about then Damo? Well, it’s very much the war on terror ongoing, it just so happens that the terrorists are now passing themselves off as an interim government, but an interim government that is planning on sticking around for at least the next 4 years, rather than the handful of months originally promised to bring in a new elected government in Syria to replace the decades long reign of the Assad family.
Now France and Syria have been at odds with each other for the last 13 years, triggered by the Civil War that erupted in Syria in 2011, with France telling Assad at that time to step down, but of course he didn’t and so years of civil war have continued ever since until HTS finally toppled his regime last month. It wasn’t until 2014 that France began arming rebels against Assad though and when I say rebels I don’t mean the likes of Islamic State, ISIS, but those groups engaged in trying to form a replacement government, but the Free Syrian Militias, which later formed the Revolutionary Commando Army and who have remained a western backed group ever since. They were fighting Assad’s regime and Islamic State, so this prompted France to begin arming them to see a stable government, they hoped appear.
France themselves became more involved directly following the 13th November Paris terror attacks of 2015. To cut a long story short, arrest warrants were issued by France for numerous figures in Syria, not least Bashar Al-Assad himself. Assad, previously having been awarded the Légion d'honneur, returned it saying he wouldn’t wear the award of a slave country to the US, who were also striking the same targets at this point, in 2018 this happened, yet where the US are delighted with the change in government to Ahmed Al-Saraa’s Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham group of Al Qaeda and Islamic State leftovers, France is absolutely not. Where the fall of Assad and a new interim government had replaced it and had come in, you’d imagine France would be fine with this, the way our media spin it, surely these are the same rebels France was arming in previous years, but as I carefully pointed out a moment ago, they were arming rebels who were fighting both Assad and Islamic State and now it is Islamic State effectively, or parts thereof now in charge in Syria, France is not letting up therefore and that should nail on to any observer that this new US backed administration in Syria are the very same terror groups who France and the US were both fighting, only 6 years ago now. How things change when the group now running Syria’s government want to be allied to Israel because all of a sudden, all is forgiven in the eyes of the US. France not quite so much those US slaves Assad made them out to be, at least not at this moment in time, but by making these strikes now, France have made it clear to the world that it is Islamic State in effect now in control in Syria and the consequences of this admission through military air strikes on what France has designated Daesh targets, another name for the same group, Islamic State, ISIS, ISIL, has any group had as many names as this lot? At any rate an excellent article in Skwawkbox titled ‘Breaking: France joins Israel’s attacks on Syria – admits it’s now ISIS-controlled’ reveals the gulf widening between France’s viewpoint of Syria right now and the narrative being spun by the media in other western nations. Here's an excerpt:
‘The French government has admitted its military joined in Israel’s bombing of Syria last weekend – and at the same time admitted that the new Syrian regime is ISIS-run, despite the attempts of the UK, US and other western governments to airbrush its identity and rehabilitate its terrorist leaders. France said it had bombed ‘Islamic State sites’, with French Armed Forces Minister Sebastien Lecornu stating:
“On Sunday, French air forces carried out targeted strikes against Islamic State sites based on Syrian territory.”
The US and Israel, which has continued its genocide in Gaza and seeks to strengthen its impunity by weakening Lebanon and other neighbours who oppose the slaughter in Gaza, have already bombed the new regime’s military and fuel depots, despite PR attempts by the governments of Keir Starmer and Joe Biden claiming that the Syrian ISIS-/Al Qaeda offshoot HTS has ‘cut ties with’ or ‘distanced itself from’ those banned terrorist groups. Washington has also admitted that at least one of its bombing attacks was aimed at ISIS operatives.’
Ah, so even the US itself has been striking at Islamic State then?
And actually, early on last year, HTS were the subject of UK strikes, but it’s amazing what 12 months and doing something that helps Israel’s aims does to change the tunes of some governments eh?
Western interference in Syria, to help Israel has put terror groups in charge, it’s nailed on now, the cat is out of the bag, this particular monster is out of its cage, no amount of excuses will help those who brought these circumstances into being at the expense of the Syrian people, especially minorities including Christians, of which most western nations are predominantly full of, will cover up what some have done. France clearly wants to prevent another rise in global terror as we saw before, but if it comes to pass now anyway, with HTS left in charge in Syria for any length of time, and they’re talking 4 years right now, that would be another fine mess of western interreference in the Middle East should it come to pass and it will be the likes of Biden and Starmer that we’ll be looking at to blame for it, though perhaps for a change, not Emmanuel Macron.
Meanwhile, the problems for Israel continue to mount up elsewhere as they’ve continued in their breaches of the ceasefire currently halfway through now in Lebanon, but the Lebanese have taken a leaf out of Israel’s book and thrown it back in their faces. Get all the details on another deserved blow to Israel’s invasiveness in this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch. Please do also hit like, share and subscribe if you have not already done so to help support the channel and ensure you don’t miss all new daily content, that is very much appreciated and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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