Everyone's Talking About the Rapture, Eagerly Awaiting Christ Jesus, Double 726's Today- Matthew 24

2 months ago

Hard to believe, but I checked my weather this morning to discover the sunrise was at 7:26 and the moonset is at 7:26. For those who don't know, "harpazo" the Greek word for "caught up" in 1 Thessalonians 4 describing the rapture is 726 in Strong's Concordance. Confirmations to keep watching every day for Jesus to come and not be getting discouraged. The Take Time to Be Holy hymn sung by @RosemarySiemens is included here, and she has 553K subscribers when 553 means "eager expectation" in Strong's. I show you how to find Strong's 527, and it occurs in Matthew 24's parable of the fig tree. So do some Bible study with me and sing along to the original Take Time to Be Holy hymn and the new melody and lyrics that I wrote here. God bless and Maranatha.

Take time to be loving, Christ Jesus our Lord,
and He's coming to rapture, the bride He adores,
By His blood He did purchase, His saints for all time,
Father, Son, Holy Spirit, your power divine.

Take time to be watching and looking above,
for His glorious appearing, our hearts full of love,
In this world we have trouble, but be not dismayed,
Jesus promised to take us, to heaven some day.

Take time to listen the Holy One speaks,
He opposes the proud and gives grace to the meek,
Your God goes before you, gives light to your path,
Salvation through Lord Jesus, not appointed to wrath.

Take time to listen, our God is alive,
and He speaks to His children, who closely abide,
Our Jesus is coming to rapture His bride,
So look up to heaven, our redemption draws nigh.

The original video I did has 153 views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQ44KF1JcAM&t=262s

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