The Great Conjunction - The Youtube Cut

1 month ago

When I first uploaded The Great Conjunction to Youtube a couple of months ago it was blocked Worldwide. They were having NONE of it. That is the version that I put up here on Rumble, and also on Odysee and Bitchute. Then I turned my attention back to Youtube. I cut. And I cut some more. I cut almost 5 minutes off this sucker and it STILL wasn't having it. Then I made quite the daring jumpcut right before the crystal shoots out it's beams (you'll see it if you look for it) and Youtube said "Well, in THAT case, sure!" and so this is the version that exists on Youtube. It actually streamlines the video and I think focuses it quite a bit. You lose all the Kira stuff and all the Urskek talk at the end, but I think it makes for a much better viewing experience, so I wanted to share it with my wonderful Rumble viewers. I'll stick it right in the Hippo 2.0. playlist so you'll always have your choice of videos whenever the urge to see Muppets save the Universe strikes you.

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