Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty

2 months ago

The Apostle John saw a vision of God and Christ in full glory. Learn how this awesome vision changed John’s life—and how it can change your life too.

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TRANSCRIPT: https://media.thetrumpet.com/video/00/00/48/55/transcript.pdf

Revelation chapter 1 is the most inspiring vision in the Bible, describing the glorious splendor and majesty of God the Father and Christ the Son. These two radiant, spectacular God Beings are beautiful and powerful beyond belief! They shine like the sun.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Prophesy Again to learn what God expects you to do with the stunning vision of Revelation chapter 1. It is not enough to simply hear God’s truth and keep it to yourself. But there is a right way and a wrong way to share the truth.

Study Prophesy Again to prove where God is working today. Discover your role in doing God’s Work. Unlock the urgency of God’s warning message. Discern the two major groups within God’s own Church in this end time: the few who are serving Him, and the many who have rebelled against Him. You must be sure you choose the right group to support.

You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s booklet The Royal Book of Revelation. As inspiring as the Revelation 1 description of God and Christ is, it is even more inspiring when you realize that humans will soon look just like them! Study The Royal Book of Revelation to understand the awesome potential of every human past, present, and future. God is a Family, and He wants all mankind to enter His Family! This means becoming fiery, pure, perfect Gods!

When you consider the awesome future that God is offering to mankind, is it any wonder that the Apostle John repeatedly called God by the name Lord God Almighty? Simply seeing a vision of the Lord God Almighty made John fall over as if he were dead! How dazzling and wonderful is the holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!

The vision of Revelation chapter 1 changed John’s life, and it can change yours too. Study The Royal Book of Revelation to learn all about the fiery God of Revelation chapter 1—the very God who can use His limitless power to work miracles in your life if you will just obey Him with your whole heart. Understand how God will transform your mind and revolutionize your life if you put Him first.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Prophesy Again and The Royal Book of Revelation. Order now!

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