Learning to Code as an Adult (Overwhelmed With Responsibilities)

2 months ago

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Video Description:
As many of you know, learning to code as an adult with a full plate of responsibilities is no small feat. Over 75% of you watching my channel are over 25 years old, so I get it—you’re balancing jobs, family, relationships, and more. In this video, I dive into the gritty reality of what it takes to succeed in learning to code when you’re not just out of high school, but a real adult with serious responsibilities.

I’m going to be brutally honest here: if you’re making excuses about not having enough time to learn to code, you need to stop lying to yourself. The truth is, it’s not about having time; it’s about making time. I’ve been there, and I know the sacrifices you’ll need to make to achieve your goals. From managing your time effectively to finding the right moments to code, I’ll share strategies that can help you navigate this challenging journey.

If you’re serious about becoming a developer, you’ll need to learn how to balance your responsibilities while staying consistent with your learning. I’ll cover practical advice on how to create blocks of focused time for coding, the importance of building good habits, and even how to handle burnout through mindfulness and lifestyle changes. Whether you’re a parent, working full-time, or juggling multiple commitments, this video is for you.

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