NAD+ Test Kit - How Fast Are You Aging?

2 months ago

I explain what NAD+ is and why its essential to keep us in optimal health as we age! I explain how you can boost your NAD levels but, equally as important, how you can test your NAD levels with an easy NAD+ home test kit. Ensure you retain youthful skin, muscles and energy levels as you age.

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This video is NOT intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Content provided on this YouTube channel is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical diagnosis, supplements or treatment options. Information on this YouTube channel should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products throughout this video are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. It is important that you check the labels to determine if a product is right for you. Before starting any treatment at home, consult a health care professional to determine if it's right for you.

00:00 Intro
00:16 What Is NAD?
01:12 NAD+ supplement?
01:55 Why Test?
02:19 How to Test?
02:34 The cost?
02:41 My test results
04:15 Would I recommend this?

#antiaging #antiageing #longevitysupplements #biohacking #biohackyourself #biohackingsupplements #nmn #nadtestkit #donotage #donotagediscountcode #bestantiagingsupplementsI explain what NAD+ is and why its essential to keep us in optimal health as we age! I explain how you can boost your NAD levels but, equally as important, how you can test your NAD levels with an easy NAD+ home test kit. Ensure you retain youthful skin, muscles and energy levels as you age.

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