How To Get White Antarctic Passport and Become Citizen of Antarctica

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“How To Get White Antarctic Passport and Become Citizen of Antarctica
Antarctica Citizenship and Passport
How to become a citizen of Antarctica and who can get a "white passport". What does an Antarctic passport give. What documents and where to submit for citizenship
In 2023, citizens of any country in the world will have the opportunity to obtain Antarctic citizenship. A request for an identity card is submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the applicant's country of residence and requires the approval of all members of the G7 (USA, Japan, Italy, France, Germany, Great Britain, Canada). The document looks like a standard foreign passport: it contains a photograph of the holder, biometric data,rsonal information, pages for pasting in visarmits.
What are the benefits of Antarctic citizenship?
The owner of the Antarctic "white passport" gets access to the following benefits and privileges:
Travel to more than one hundred countries of the world without prior entry...“

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