Somalia: Regional Security Forces Repulse IS Attack, Kill 8 Foreign Terrorists | Firstpost Africa

2 months ago

Somalia: Regional Security Forces Repulse IS Attack, Kill 8 Foreign Terrorists | Firstpost Africa

Security forces in Somalia have thwarted an Islamic State-linked suicide bomber attack on a military base in the Puntland region of the Horn of Africa country. Authorities said the attack, which killed 8 foreign terrorists, took place when the deputy speaker of Puntland’s parliament was reportedly visiting the military base located in a village. Reports further suggest that there were additional casualties among civilians following the attack. However, the government has not yet provided details on the number of casualties and injuries. The attack by Islamic State terrorists was the first time that the terrorist organisation had attempted such a large and sophisticated attack in Somalia. The IS has a relatively smaller presence in Somalia compared to its rival Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Shabaab terrorists, but has in recent years become crucial to IS’ global network. Puntland has launched several efforts to tackle the growing threats from the Islamic State but has also faced hurdles due to its differences with Mogadishu. Watch the video to know more.


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