🚨Truth About Lipid Nanoparticles & COVID Vaccine Safety

22 days ago

The Alarming Truth About Lipid Nanoparticles and COVID Vaccine Safety
Dr. Richard Urso: " If you look at the studies, the original Pfizer studies, there's a 183, I think, percent more serious adverse events in the vaccinated, that could have required hospitalization. There was 22 in the 1st 90 days, 22 deaths, and the vaccinated versus 13 and unvaccinated. So there's a lot of data in the original studies that was concerning."

"And so just looking at symptoms is which what they looked at and not looking at the bigger picture, you know, morbidity and mortality, you know, it's it's it's a a shame that we rush them through."

"And if you if you understand lipid nanoparticles, which I do, I work with lipid nanoparticles, they're very toxic. These are not we say lipid, you're thinking of fat, natural fat. Think of more margarine, think of Crisco. You know, you're you're thinking about things that the body has a hard time digesting."

"And and what happens when the toxic, substances of these get into macrophages and and, and other cells, like natural killer cells and cytotoxic T cells are engulfing these monocytes, you're finding a a destruction of those cells, and it's a it's a dose response."

"So there was lots of reasons to be very cautious because the the the distribution we know before we ever started COVID that these will be widely distributed in the body. This is the natural, what what happens with lipid nanoparticles, they don't stay in a separate place. They don't do that. They've never have."

"I thought maybe there were some proprietary technology that I didn't know about. Turns out not to be true, but I was gonna be really shocked. I'd say that would be Nobel Prize winning work. In my experience, the the distribution went to the bone marrow, wiped out the bone marrow. We were trying to carry chemo to the brain."

"It's hard to direct them. It's hard to control them. They distribute widely, and that would be beautiful for an inborn error of metabolism like somebody a child with a genetic disorder. You want it widely distributed."

"But for a for a pathogen like a virus, which is a respiratory virus, you know, you'd prefer to have IgA in in the lungs, and instead we've got I g you know, IgG created in the brain. And so the wide distribution was a real well known factor, which gave me a lot of caution right off the bat."
Source: https://x.com/newstart_2024/status/1874187844664909955

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