Fat Is Not Positive: Full Metal Ox Day 1406

2 months ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1406
Saturday 04, January 2025
Serenity Year Episode 1471
**See the full vlog on Hive, Rumble, Steemit, Noxsoma.com or Minds.

Fat Is Not Positive

There are two or three top products that have been showing up in my social media feeds since the first of the year; weight loss products, high testosterone products, and immune-boosting products. But today we're going to talk about how "they" (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) manipulate humanity, or try to, by linking contradictory words together.

But let's wonder why so many products are available at a "huge discount" at the beginning of the year. Because nobody bought them!

Why not?

Because they are too expensive and unnecessary.

As you know, or maybe not, your humble vagabond meticulously monitors his weight, daily. We've figured out how to control it, having dropped at max, 6 lbs this year. (The average is 4 -5 lbs.) We're not taking any weight loss drugs or injections, or expensive herbal concoctions.

Anyway - I will happily share this simple basic formula for fat/weight loss and boosting energy, (the two go together) in our Substack series. If you didn't catch the "secrets" after 2 and a half years of Free Public FMO episodes, I guess you're not interested.

Anyway, it's kind of a theme today as we chat about words & mind/behavior manipulation. There are so many humans that know so much marketing psychology and history, it's become second nature and most people don't even notice it. "Gaslighting" has become a popular term, but it hasn't stopped it from happening.

So let's get on with Saturday. My aim is to get the first proper episode of Noxsoma Life Camp posted on Substack (Patreon, may take a little longer, if we do it at all) tomorrow. It won't be daily, but there will be a pattern. It might be desert, or it might be "viral." Depends. (noxsoma.subsstack.com)

Today's Episode:

Supporting with Venmo (@noxsoma) helps to sustain the project.

Subscribe on https://noxsoma.substack.com/ Global Healing Initiative & Longevity Strategies [Noxsoma Life Camp 2.0]


SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

Program notes hive.blog/@noxsoma
YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/user/noxsoma

YouTube: [The Gymmy Jamm Season 11] Winter Wonder Jamm. We started focusing on the chest. Still early in the game. We will likely add this to our Substack & Patreon channels as well.

3 Weeks New Habit Gym S-11 E-002 Saturday - https://youtu.be/PVXhIp7go5U?si=1Ao3sLiFwJDKeNZR

Body Building (Friday) Gym S-11 E-001 - https://youtu.be/g2CYV0w8B4E?si=1aT4QlSECyvKNAj2

Park Session 01 (Moonday) Pull Ups in the Park - https://youtu.be/7dGdZKHYrNY?si=1F1gRfW36gzXeO14

Triple Play Day 3 (Saturday) - https://youtu.be/LsCg9AmYe4o?si=ZIBTfSXCNgej-prz

Squats Bench Discipline E-120 (Friday) - https://youtu.be/2z-0oi5VqmQ?si=57FoH5zSXp7RPdbS

Chest Sandwich & Legs E-119 (Thursday) -https://youtu.be/YTq4FREtVPw?si=jRRoAoqMVePbt0I-

First Day Nu Discipline Chest Bomb E-118 (Tuesday) - https://youtu.be/Dtwj7RGKVCU?si=wC9jrJF0DDigsKMe

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Contact: noxsoma@protonmail.com
Telegram t.me/noxsoma
Living is the best part of life.

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