Lucifer in Hebrew: Is Lucifer Really Satan/ The Adversary/ The Devil/ The Dragon/ The Serpent?

1 month ago

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This is not a deep study, as looking at just one word will blow the minds of many! See how long it is taking me to get through the Olivet Discourse study? (Linked below.) 14 videos and I’m not even halfway through the Beginning of Sorrows yet!

Do you know of anyone else who is that thorough? (Seriously.)

Study now. Study hard. Be careful with your words and beliefs, as we will all have to answer for every single one.

Jeremiah 6:19: Hear, O earth, lo, I am bringing evil on this people, the fruit of their devices. For to My words they gave no attention, and my law- they kick against it.

Isaiah 14:12 (YLT): How hast thou fallen from the heavens, O shining one, son of the dawn! Thou hast been cut down to earth, O weakener of nations.

(KJV): How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

A footnote in the 1599 Geneva Bible is informative as well.

One thing I didn’t mention, for those seeking more: examining the context, ponder what one may say in response to idiocy: “Great job, EINSTEIN!” In like manner, “Wow, you’re killing people and destroying cities- you’re just like the dawn, bringing light and life to all!”

Isaiah is speaking sarcastically, if one actually reads the context.

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