MSNBC Is Not Happy: Dem 'Journalists' Susan Glasser & Dana Milbank Pleading For Resistance To Trump

1 month ago

Posted • January 1, 2025: The eyes have it! Scott Adams says you can easily recognize who has Trump Derangement Syndrome with a one easy test. Check out the peepers! We think he’s on to something. Check out this MSNBC screenshot of Democrat ‘journalist’ Dana Milbank. What do you see? -- Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays: “Anti-Trump eyes. It's a thing.” -- ‘Journalists’ and their fellow Democrats all have the same lifeless, soulless, hollow eyes these days. There’s no ‘visual’ joy to be found amongst them since Kamala lost to President-Elect Donald Trump. Posters say they can spot TDS sufferers with a simple ‘eye examination.’ -- Always the same, demon-possessed eyes. Hatred, all consuming fiery rage. A miserable myopic “life.” He looks so defeated. Someone give this man a hug or a slap… I’m not sure what would help more.

TDS eyes for men … and bat shit crazy Karen eyes for women … are definitely a thing. The 👀 are always telling … and they are always the same. Perhaps we should formalize a clinical term for this … “Mental Illness Eye Syndrome” … or equivalent. What would y’all call it? -- You’ll notice that Democrat ‘journalist’ Susan Glasser from The New Yorker has the same utterly defeated eyes. MSNBC is NOT HAPPY. They are wondering & basically pleading for resistance to Trump. They keep asking where is the pushback like in 2017 from foreign leaders and where are the protestors at airports. They are hoping as the deportations start there will be more protestors. Why? They say it at the end, “We saw a jump in cable viewership & news subscriptions.” Newsflash… NOBODY TRUSTS THE MSM anymore… you have all been replaced and you have no more currency with the American people because you have lied to them about Trump for 9 years.

I'm beginning to get what Scott says about eyes. Hmm. ‘Journalists’ blame exhaustion from Trump when it’s really exhaustion caused by constant lying about him and being afflicted with TDS for 8 years. Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness. Power has never been my bag but from what I have seen losing power for those who need it is very much like dying both spiritually and physically. Looks like their souls have been sucked out of them. Trump is taking their toys away. They all look like that. 😂 It's the look of progressive joy. It’s hilarious these mentally-ill Democrats pushed ‘Joy’ during the election, something they have obviously no experience with. William Shakespeare wrote ‘eyes are windows to soul.’ If that’s true, don’t look into the eyes of ‘journalists’ and their fellow Democrats unless you want to stare at defeat, utter despair and joylessness.

Twitchy: The Eyes Have It! Scott Adams Says There’s One Simple Way to Diagnose Trump Derangement Syndrome

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