莫德納秘密允許中國將「削減人口」藥物加入 新冠疫苗中——媒體封鎖 Moderna Secretly Allowed China to Insert ‘Depopulation’ Drugs into COVID Jabs – Media Blackout

1 month ago


#莫德納 秘密允許 #中國 將「 #削減人口 」藥物加入 #新冠疫苗 中——媒體封鎖

#ModeRNA Secretly Allowed #China to Insert ‘ #Depopulation ’ Drugs into #CovidJab s – Media Blackout


歡迎來到人民之聲,在這裡我們揭露 #全球精英 的謊言、腐敗和勾結。本週,重大新證據浮出水面——這些證據徹底揭穿了針對 #新冠 #陰謀集團 的指控,他們的罪行、指紋和欺騙行為被揭露,要求前所未有的正義。

從 #比爾蓋茨 在 #疫情 前與 #中情局 的秘密交易,到 #主流媒體 厚顏無恥地販賣謊言牟利,再到 #斯特凡班塞爾 的譴責性供詞和將莫德納與病毒直接聯繫起來的基因線索——我們正在為紐倫堡 2.0 做準備。


Welcome to The People’s Voice, where we expose the lies, corruption, and collusion of the #GlobalElite . This week, major new evidence has come to light—evidence that has blown the case against the #Covid #cabal wide open. Their crimes, their fingerprints, and their deception are laid bare, demanding justice like never before.

From #BillGates ’ covert dealings with the #CIA in the lead-up to the #Pandemic , to the #MainStreamMedia shamelessly selling lies for profit, to #StéphaneBancel ’s damning admissions and the genetic breadcrumbs linking Moderna directly to the virus—we’re building the case for Nuremberg 2.0.

Stay tuned, because the truth is coming—and justice is on the horizon.

沒TG的可用瀏覽器看: https://rumble.com/v64t7jg--moderna-secretly-allowed-china-to-insert-depopulation-drugs-into-covid-jab.html

來源: #TPV #ThePeoplesVoice 英語原版 https://rumble.com/v63qrm7-moderna-secretly-allowed-china-to-insert-depopulation-drugs-into-covid-jabs.html

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#CovidVaccine #SpikeProtein #mRNA #CCP

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