Cambridge Market: Talking to the traders - Friday 20th December 2024 Part 2

2 months ago

A big thank you to all the stall holders who spoke to me in this part, I truly appreciated the time you spent with me and the informative conversations we had. An especially big thank you to the Spanish speaking lady and her son, who returned to the market just to help with translating for us, which was very kind. I truly hope their optimism regarding the future of the market is well founded.
This series of videos has come about because I visited the market on the 14th December and got talking to a butcher about the proposed changes the City Council wants to make. He had a petition against it on his counter and I asked him about it as I was signing.
While talking to him, I suddenly thought it might be a good idea to talk to as many traders as I could about the proposals and record what they had to say. I spent the next week doing just that, and may continue after the Christmas break if I get the time. It has been both eye-opening and illuminating. I have learned a lot from the people I have spoken to, on and off camera, and I am very grateful to everyone for putting up with me at what is the busiest time of year for them.

Useful links:

This sort of behaviour does not bode well for the future of the market:

"Pioneer Group bought the centre in August 2022. It plans to partially demolish the shopping centre in order to create new life science laboratories, as well as a hotel and gym.
Alex said decisions made by the owners caused footfall to drop and businesses to run up debts, which he believes has been a purposeful tactic to remove the businesses from the centre."

Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire markets
Open for comments from Monday 25 November 2024 to Sunday 2 February 2025.
Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council are seeking views on markets in the area.

Traders fear impact of £12.6m market upgrade


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