Antichrist Trumps New World Order Prophetic Timetable The Final Decade 2025-2034!

30 days ago

As you know, the rising Antichrist Donald Trump is now speaking openly about his global ambitions - something he was quiet about during his run for re-election.

This is just the beginning - just a foreshadowing of things to come.

Antichrist Trump is about to take power in the most powerful position in the world - humanly speaking.

He will be commander in chief of history's mightiest military - a military with over 800 foreign military bases surrounding all other nations - a military never imagined before now.

The rising Antichrist Donald Trump is about to fulfill all the Bible prophecies that tell us about the man of sin who goes out conquering and to conquer - the son of perdition who will force his will upon a world that has only begun to see what is coming upon them.

Only those of us who believe the Word of God and believe the Bible prophecies can foresee the full significance of this man's return to power.

Brother James Key
22.9K subscribers
Dec 31, 2024

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