NWO Cowards Prepare To Unleash Mosquito Warfare On Humanity

2 months ago

In what could only be described as a fever dream cooked up by mad scientists with too much Gates money burning holes in their lab coats.

The New England Journal of Medicine, actually published this twisted madness: describing how researchers in the Netherlands were unleashing armies of genetically mutated mosquitos on human guinea pigs, all in the name of fighting malaria.

They dubbed it GA2 - a Frankenstein's monster of a parasite engineered to lurk in human liver cells for six days before shutting down like a cheap Vegas slot machine. Its predecessor, GA1, had been a 24-hour flash in the pan.

The methodology read like a script rejected from a B-grade horror film: "Stage A - subject volunteers to be swarmed by 15 to 50 infected mosquitos." Stage B was even more deranged - random selection for either 50 mutant-carrying mosquitos or, if you drew the lucky straw, just regular old blood-sucking insects. A placebo by way of proboscis.

But here's where it gets seriously twisted: 20% of the poor bastards showed signs of heart damage, which the researchers dismissed with the kind of casual wave you'd expect from the spawn of Operation Paperclip. "Unrelated to the trial intervention," they claimed, offering no explanation beyond a cryptic smile and a stack of Gates Foundation receipts - $2,287,871 worth of them, to be exact.

Dr. Richard Bartlett, one of the few voices of sanity in this pharmaceutical circus, called it what it was: "A serious safety signal that cannot be ignored." But in the current climate of medical McCarthyism, where dissent equals deletion, his warnings might as well have been whispered into a hurricane.

The whole thing carries a stench of something darker than mere scientific advancement - a brave new world where vaccines come not in syringes but on the wings of millions of engineered insects, turning the entire planet into an involuntary clinical trial. Welcome to the future, where consent is as obsolete as last year's pandemic response playbook.

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