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This is why immigration win
Corporations & bourgeoisie make you stupid
Forget politics > it's corporations and small businesses that are robbing you of your inheritance, by the bridge that the politicians are.
The West is completely lost in its own propaganda.
The mass immigration the West is experiencing IS THE BRICS
The West is stupid
Western stupidity ...
There are individuals (taxpayers) who have no idea what they are doing. They are the reason for their own poverty and that of the peoples of the Third World but also > for this mass exodus to the West which leads them to their economic stagnation or rather to their non-competitiveness on a global scale. To do this, it is enough to do what the West and America do, that is, > take the most efficient and qualified elements of the Third World year after year, put them on boats or planes and take them to the West, directly into the arms of the corporations or the dirty Western bourgeoisie.
In reality, the bourgeoisie makes you believe in a humanitarian or even planetary gesture that the stupid taxpayer will associate himself with.
Everything is destruction.
For 500 professionals torn from their countries (by the force of promises and American money), it will be the same for each of the Western host countries, such as the 28 countries of Europe, Canada, Australia, etc.
Do the arithmetic for 500 qualified migrants per country, that means about 25,000 less competent migrants per year to support the countries and peoples of the Third World, all for the benefit of the filthy bourgeoisie and the Western taxpayers.
It is a disaster for the Third World, but for the bourgeoisie and the brainless of the West it is a murderous "BLESSING" that will put an end to their own heirs.
Insane filth.
How I hate the filth of the bourgeoisie for whom our politicians work.
Is this the only way the West has found to save its assets, its wealth?
At every bite you consume, the power of the rich increases exponentially.
Very serious consequences for the near future,
The SPRUNGS (mass camps) are arriving in the major centers, including Montreal, and this for the great redistribution of livestock to the other cities and villages of Quebec AS ANNOUNCED > and this at your request, dear slavers, and as agreed ... Good luck to you because your heirs will have none!
THERE IS NO LABOUR SHORTAGE OR DEMOGRAPHIC PROBLEM, but a genocide in progress, yours!
Corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises take away your inheritance. That's why the polls and statistics are completely and deliberately wrong. What can i say, the rich rule !
And to preserve this reign, they will send you to war.
Understand that the newly arrived migrant cannot be sent to war because he is the property of the corporations, the renovator & new consumer.
This is why a country means nothing !
It's a piece of land THAT HAS ALWAYS BEEN CLAIMED BY FOREIGNERS COMING IN BOATS (businesses boats, mordecai type) > can't you see it, it's front of your eyes!
The same people who want to ''save'' the country (only their businesses), the corporations, allow their own people to be invaded by foreigners!
Genocidal madness,
There are 2 parties; one is pro-immigration & the other is pro-business, so, because businesses need more consumers (migrants) to get rich > what is the difference?
Remember, you still pay the elites to stay on that LAND even you are the sons of the builders > A land owned by the old elites, elites that kill you, dilute you **REPLACE YOU** by barbarian slaves.
Realize for once that you can't change or jail those who rule the West > the greedy & disgusting elites.
The proof that patriots are stupid for not acting now is this: everything the patriot will consume > weapons, survival equipment, food, etc, will always go into the pockets of the elites, the oligarchs and the bourgeoisie. **EVERYTHING** to those who replace him ! …Yes, at every bite, the power of the rich grows exponentially.
It's their world you live in, not yours!
Words like white supremacist & Nazi have been used for decades to destroy western civilisation.
But what about all the countries of the world & their Identity supremacy, what words could we use to destroy them as we destroy ourselves?
No matter what country, there is nothing more crucial than nationalism. Then comes patriotism to support that nationalism. If you don't have that, you are dead and foreigners will take care of it.
The multiple ethnic origins present in your blood are the work of foreign invasions and the successive rapes of past wars on our women and young girls. This is the first known primitive form of colonialism and it is not of Western origin.The West is too young, which is why it is always at war, because the older nations make sure that it is kept on its toes., excited.
Youthful nations are always under the laws of older nations
And please stop this imported charcuterie, the circumcision of children, it is criminal, it is the sign, democratized, of the mark of a slave & also it does not come from us
I can't say everything, I can't.
My situation does not allow it. But my anger against the machine is real. Where you see friends & patriots, I see deceivers & manipulators. I am at the end of my tether due to personal events that are shaking me up at the moment. Now all I need is a spark ...
... for now I will remain friendly
The love of money is the ruin of the rapacious elite, the filthy bourgeoisie and the genocidal oligarchs and it will be the same for their children whom they wrongly consider as their heirs,
… a devastating wind from the South is coming upon them because they are its target, nothing can stop it.
What they did to Germany until 1947 and after, as they mixed their blood for its reconstruction, is happening to you now. It's your turn!
Don't you see, you are being replaced, not protected !
Your stupid 92 year old Nazi rhetoric has got you, your genocide is on its way. You lived in a fairy tale, but it’s over !
The elite demand that their power remain intact. So genocides are back in the West, on Westerners as they did to Germany.
from Procrastinateur Rock, Daniel L
Never save a country before anything else.
A country means nothing *NOTHING* it's a piece of land THAT HAS ALWAYS BEEN CLAIMED BY FOREIGNERS COMING IN BOATS > can't you see it?
It's right in front of your eyes !
The same people who want to ''save'' the country {the corporations} allow their own people to be invaded by foreigners < does that make sense to you?
See, there are 2 parties; one is pro-immigration & the other is pro-business, so because businesses need more consumers (immigrants) so they get rich & more powerful > what is the difference?
Also, the LAND is owned by the elites, not by the people. The elites that kill you, dilute you!
Instead of saving the country, save the people who built it > the FOUNDERS & THEIR CHILDREN by wiping out the oligarchs, the bourgeoisie & the elites. Only barbarians can survive this invasion & not people of words >THOSE WHO EXCITE<
It's a time of war, of reconquering the country.
Yes, a country is nothing without the founding fathers & the life-giving mothers > the builders.
And it means definitely nothing with those bastards > alternative media, patriots, militias, legion, troopers, battalion, army, soldiers ...**ZERO** NONE !
How can laws prevent a man from going to war on his own land to protect & defend the future of his children?
> So why do these laws stop the so-called protectors from taking action?
What's that ? > alternative media, militias, legion, troopers, battalion, army, soldiers & troops > *PIECES OF SHIT & COWARDS* Too many who just want to save their side, their assets and not the founders!
Since the beginning they have done nothing *ZERO* against the invaders The invaders are already in.
How can warriors fear laws?
Yet, there is a real invasion ! …
The word immigration destroys everything, all barriers. It's an army against the western civilization & their mind.
So, beware of the immigrant who wants to save a ‘’country’’ > he himself has invaded!
Yes, Wars are about replacement & genocide!
Multiculturalism is a fraud,
Don't be part of it, don't become your own slave driver by abandoning your mother land, your sick, your old people, your disabled, the needy, orphans & this for a piece of shit that money can be > and defeat the elite, the oligarch, the bourgeoisie & the tourism industry who use you,
Supremacy is essential **for a self-respecting country** to avoid chaos
HEY, why are you afraid of supremacy, your own supremacy?
What about black supremacy in Africa, China, Mexico, India, Asia, Russia, the Middle East, etc.?
Yes, what happened to black supremacy in Africa, Chinese supremacy in China, Arab supremacy in the Middle East, Mexican supremacy in Mexico, Indian supremacy in India?
Nothing > it **remained intact and HOMOGENEOUS** whereas here it has been destroyed by this wild, barbaric immigration and by our treacherous travellers, industrialists, businessmen and media.
So to speak out against white supremacy is to speak for the invaders. Invaders who use the word NAZI for this purpose > invasion. Everything is against white people & nobody can see it. White supremacist & Nazi are the words used to destroy western civilisation.
Now you're able to distinguish the deceivers … remember ; the King of England George V, the German Kaiser Wilhelm II and the Russian Tsar Nicholas II were all grandsons of Queen Victoria.
Even Trump, after his victory, is afraid of them and, like them, wants the end of white hegemony at home, while elsewhere Throughout the whole world, the supremacy of the Third World remains intact!
Our officials & leaders are sickeningly cowardly. They know the truth but they don’t have balls !
Supremacy is essential **for a self-respecting country** and to avoid chaos... and to prevent invasion and infiltration.
It is based on identity, legitimacy and normality. It is the shield of a people.
Supremacy is healthy and comes from an ancestral imprint.
Trump, like Rogan, like Brand, like E. Musk and the other so-called patriots are a disappointment, because they speak like the enemy. They cannot understand what they are saying, what they are creating, the genocide they are creating just for more foreign consumers, FOR MONEY … while **TIME IS CRUCIAL**
Yes, our elite is supreme, but not only white. So it's time to talk about the colored supremacy within our infiltrated civilization & this is why the above mentioned are therefore disappointing. They are silent about the infiltrators. For them, a microphone is a weapon. In my opinion it’s the weapon of cowardice.
There is another document I made, substantially similar to this one, called LE COMMUNIQUÉ available in French and which has SOME EXCLUSIVE INFORMATION… it is here LE COMMUNIQUÉ (french) w.i.p,
I can't use my real name anymore because it was banned by Google 2011-17 and then by YouTube, Facebook…
My computer has been spied on so many times, Alex Jones used that privilege against me years ago, since he's an elite. That day I knew !
You lose, i lose, we lose …
This manifesto is not an opposition to the West, but an opposition to the factions that appropriate it, i.e. the lobby and the old foreign nations. Bastards, parasites of the world, who wage war to create new genocides by replacing the peoples of nations with the blood of others.
Germany was the first to wake up to this threat. They were bombed until 1947 and replaced by new blood came from all over Europe, for its reconstruction. Exactly what they feared.
Have you noticed that today, in your own land, you cannot be proud of who you are without being called a racist? ... nothing has changed … look around you !
Yes, Youthful nations are always under the laws of older nations
I cannot stand with those in my country who are destroying their own people through and with vengeful, hateful and anti-Western immigration & this just to enrich the elites, the oligarchs, the bourgeoisie and foreign forces.
I don't think I'm crazy enough to shoot myself in the foot? so, why do you do it?
Does that make sense to you? I know what a social soldier is.
Ironically, is it a coincidence that the West is a terrible (HATED) trading partner all over the world, and at the same time they let in millions of anti-Western parasites from all over the world to humiliate their own people and destroy everything they have built?
Am I lying? ... only sold parasites can act like that!
So where is the fighter, the militia, the patriot to fight this invasion? > Well, on YouTube, selling products for the military complex.
I repeat: the multiple ethnic origins present in your blood, in your poor DNA, are the work of foreign invasions of the past on your soil {started in Europe} and the successive rapes on your women and young girls. This was the first known primitive form of colonialism and it is not of Western origin.
Tourism was always linked to slavery, it was modernized
The tourism industry is the perfect target for any opponent of slavery, native as immigrant
The massacre of 3 British children at the hands of Islamists in Southport is being claimed by wild Western capitalism, that is to say by those in the tourist industry who, the day after the slaughter, were already in the streets with contemptuous posters such as *REFUGEES AND IMMIGRANTS ARE WELCOME* Tourism was always linked to slavery, it was modernized
Patriots are just impulsive and greedy salesmen, in favor of the military complex. Same for their fat and cowardly militias, PARASITES. Survival gear is also from the military complex, ON WHICH THEY DEPEND.
The West is already destroyed, so > Where were those bastards the whole time, those so-called protectors?
> on YouTube, selling products while the masses were hell-bent on breaking down our borders.
I have this deep hatred of those who throw flowers at our imported enemies for fear of being called racists but also for fear of seeing their channels deleted, demonetized.
Gangrenous, cowardly and greedy people, a perfect target for the patriots & the militia ! (of course in our dream)
So, they are the ones who, out of cowardice, speak as if they were walking on eggs, playing on the side of the enemy.
The immigrants we find at our borders have abandoned their own people, their sick, their old, their poor and their own lands and this just for a little dirty money but also to enrich the filthy bourgeoisie filth from the slave era, the ancient boats. Imported sick people.
How can we trust those who left their people behind and this to enrich the rich slave owners here?
When I was young we were poor (frozen living room sockets) and yet we did not leave our people for another country and that for so little.
Where are their poor, their elderly, their sick, their needy at our borders?
They use their legs until they reach the borders, then after this little selfish effort they lose them the time to voluntarily become VICTIMS & DISABLED > and this at our expense. Where are the real needy? (image)
How can this child help the tourism industry and occidental businesses survive?
Fat and healthy immigrants were chosen for industries, not him.
The skin and bone child was only for TV and to break you and your borders.
He died like his peers on his so-called "infertile" land. (see chapter further the child with skin and bones)
...which is a scam used by fat & dirty immigrants.
Border walls are therefore a pure fraud. Don't you see it?
Boycott & sanctions against these invading countries is the only way forward, but STRANGELY impossible to do. On this point D.Trump is an impostor, a greedy businessman like the others. > another illusion directed against us.
Walls are illusory to which no greedy businessman opposes, NONE,
With mass immigration, the West makes me sick, they only think in terms of money and profit while their culture, their children and their lands are given away or stifled by others > foreign parasites.
They do not realize that in the street they are already a minority and that they will remain so forever, in a total and continuous demographic regression.
And yet the countryside seems free from imported parasitism but, it is only the last illusion that gives us the impression that we are always among ourselves.
A terrible genocidal illusion.
You can't wipe out a population with bombs, only immigration has that role of extermination.
This is the oldest known process and THE FIRST WEAPON used to the letter by nomads for thousands of years. Miscegenation is a sacrilege, a violation and a total destruction of the original creation. Yes, there was a beginning that others tried to destroy, and still do. And they dare to dance on his ashes.
The multiple ethnic sources in your blood are the work of the foreign invasions and the successive rapes of the wars of the past, and this on our women and young girls. This is the first known form of colonialism and it is not from the West.
The West is too young, that is why it is always at war, because the older nations are careful to keep it excited
The West suffers more than anyone else...
Yes, you can destroy everything, even the original DNA or rather > its original distinctions. And he who persists in destroying the other by replacement or crossbreeding, destroys his beginning or the first seed.
IT IS A LAW … THERE IS A BEGINNING for everything,
And please, Destroy this tourism industry, which is just an extension of the slave industry, the same boats of destruction.
For the Western elites, caucasians are simply not important because the infinite number of legal as illegal immigrants from all over the world are by far more lucrative > **it's the future of capitalism**.
The elites don't care about the humiliation that massive immigration will cause to the white minority, it will be a genocide & in a bad way. The minority is the elite.
The livestock, or the infinite pool of new overseas consumers, is therefore infinitely more valuable.
It will be a slow genocide, and in the worst sense of the word, when there is a majority > paradigm shift.
That's why Tommy Robinson & people like him push you into empty streets, NOWHERE, to face the ‘’police’’ & to give you the illusion that you're doing something constructive.
Yes, a pure bastard!
Yeah, the street is a way of protecting the elite, the oligarchs, the bourgeoisie and their houses and villas that are yet not too far away.
TIPS ; look at the real estate websites above $10 million, then map, this will show you the concentration of the fearful Elites.
(cities will be excluded at the next great war) Thank the naivety of the nouveau riche for giving you their locations.
They have the same survival habits, the same environment as they prepared for their end.
As said; They are even parasitic to themselves.
You are so stupid.
I am surrounded by suicidal lunatics.
... your DNA carries the proof, the genome of foreign invasions and rapes of the past and this on your women and young girls and not the genome of a forgotten romance or love stories for neurotic lunatics... The lie is over, the madness is over, the brainwashing is over.
Wake up your indolent madwomen, your lumberjacks of tourist attractions and your subordinates of sport, to the truth > or disappear by the worst humiliations, by your imported invaders!
And please stop this imported charcuterie, the circumcision of children, it is criminal, it is the sign, democratized, of the mark of a slave & it does not come from us!
In those whom the people adore, I rather see bastards and murderers > butchers!
Those who say otherwise are enemies.
The immigrant ... when questioned, it is obvious that patriotism for the country from which the immigrant comes is anchored in his **anti-western** Heart.
He will defend his country with violence right here on our soil > while this same individual will at the same time seek to destroy ours, our rights, our values, our culture and our patriotism, and this **in the name of an invented, IMPORTED racism** < but what is he doing here?
What is still intact at home, in his homeland, where he comes from, is forbidden to us here at home, by him, by his noxious, highly disgusting presence.
What is he doing here, well > war! ... What will our tourist attraction > the effeminate and alcoholic lumberjack, do?
Your politicians **ALL OF THEM** are responsible for that, for your genocide.
What we are seeing in the western industrialized countries is the protection of the slave companies that demand more immigrants for the consumption of useless poor products, not the protection of the builders, the founding fathers and mothers of these countries. There is no decline in our birth rate, but rather a fraudulent inversion of the demographic statistics in order to enrich the rich.
Even Elon Musk fell into this trap,
When you have a civilisation, Western, which allows itself to be invaded and destroyed by barbarian peoples called mass immigration, and at the same time this civilisation goes to war against these same barbarian countries, you understand the non-existence of the western borders. You also see that the West no longer belongs to itself and is vassalized by the same massive invasion.
This means that those who are waging war against Russia, China and the Middle East are the same global overseas organization that has taken control of the West which we kindly call > Immigration or globalization!
Yes, the western Elites have lost control of their own creation.
The enemy of Russia, of China, of the Middle East is not what we thought, it is those who have taken over the power of Western civilisation > **THE IMMIGRATION ELITES** who are now everywhere & well established in this infiltrated civilisation.
"If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticise"
Today, the only genocide I know is that of the Ukrainians, and not by the Russians hand, but by the Anglo-Saxon Empire and NATO claws (the elites), who are sending the Ukrainians in their place to die for their interest or rather for the interests of foreign elites.
Even Western elites are vassalised, subordinated by foreigners. This explains everything about immigration.
Ukrainians are being used as scapegoats by the Empire. Only perpetual wars can save the Empire, again.
Today, the same pattern, the same protagonists are forcing Russia to become the next Germany. And just as the USSR joined the Big Three in the Second World War, is it possible that China join the West against Russia?
I have information for you : the elite are preparing embargoes on your countries. Alcohol will become scarce, leading to wild demonstrations that will give the police no chance.
You don't need to be prepared for this because you are an alcoholic, but you don't know it yet.
For that, they have nothing against Conor McGregor being a leader.
And also, please stop this imported charcuterie, the circumcision of children, it's criminal ! It's the democratized sign of the mark, of a slave & it's not from us,
In those whom the people worship, I see rather bastards and murderers.
Those who say otherwise are your enemies.
Just like the prostitute attracts the debauched;
Drugs > the drug addict,
Gambling > the gambler,
Alcohol > the alcoholic,
Western toys, free stuff, money, invasion, rapes > the polygamous immigrant,
Well, politicians attracts > desolation & genocides,
And unlike the first four who attract the wrath of their loved ones, **the politician will attract the wrath of the people** and only his family and friends will remain loyal to him. .. if we can say !
And when I listen to the latter, he speaks as if he were walking on eggshells or in a foreign country, vassal and totalitarian **and yet he is at home** working for strangers. On that, he is in the truth!
Where is the protector that the elected official should be? … I don't think he exists.
No doubt >> politicians, journalists, businessmen, civil servants (executioners), intellectuals and artists will all be thrown into the cage of the enraged peoples, after use. This statement is easily confirmed by Bolshevik history.
It is already too late.
They have nowhere to hide, because they have set fire to everything around them, on us, thus digging their own grave.
And now, the Bolsheviks are free to act... again. Procrastinateur Rock
Immigration are the modern slave masters. It's immigration businesses that want more incompetent immigrants to make easy money from them. They have built their own system that will lead to territorial revendications, right here.
Western nations were already self-sufficient, they always were. Which means they don't need immigration, at all.
To say otherwise is a media lie paid for by the corporations > the bomb-throwing machines.
They know that these are the same companies that bombed their countries in order to move the masses to the West. If a war occurs, the streets will be a slaughter. Thanks to your politicians.
We are already numerous and self-sufficient enough. Our problem is the companies that want to get richer from more imported consumers. But because the immigrants live in communities that don't consume Western products, they import their food from the country they left, thus thwarting the greedy companies that want to get rich at their expense. When you notice that services are declining and waiting times in hospitals are increasing, you realize that immigration is entirely responsible. But what is worse is that the growing debt goes hand in hand with this reduction in the quality of life that we Westerners are suffering.
Again; Immigration are the modern slave masters. It's immigration that wants more incompetent immigrants to make easy money from them. They have built their own system that will lead to territorial revendications.
‘’Our’’ tourist infrastructures, which are now part of their system, welcomes illegal immigrants to find them low-paid jobs in immigrant businesses. Tourism has always been linked to slavery... today we have clear proof of this. (see LE COMMUNIQUÉ)
Remarkable fact that no one notices; as traceability techniques improve and democratize > ID; digital personal identification (iphone, tablet, PC, pagets, laptop, etc.), the more illegals, clandestine immigrants and undocumented immigrants there are to enter.
This is by design.
It is precisely because of the black market, the clandestine mass trafficking intended for immigrant entrepreneurs here in the West. (explained later) Slavery has nothing to do with us then (or almost)
The agreement is clear > the invisibility of illegal immigrants is essential for the growth of immigrant businesses which now include your farms, restaurants & factories producing poor quality products.
Their growth is therefore invisible and inescapable, forever destabilizing the West that is already being deprived of its autonomy.
This invisible, untraceable growth (hidden by your leaders), which is extremely lucrative for immigrant companies, will overthrow what is left in the west, both demographically and in terms of entrepreneurship.
And if there is war and conscription, there will be a genocide, yours!
THE VENEZUELAN INFESTATION IN THE UNITED STATES from the xtreme south to xtreme north
I wrote more than a year ago that Pierre Poilièvre is Justin Trudeau's successor. P. Poilièvre is also married to a Venezuelan. Is it a coincidence that the United States is currently infested with Venezuelans, including criminals, and this just because they are on their way to Canada? Yes, they are on their way to Canada as planned.
They are on vacation in the USA for now > the moment of a tourist stopover leading up to the upcoming elections..
But, it seems that many of them want to settle there because it is more pleasant than Canada.
The whole world knows it > Trudeau wants a country of 100 million people & what the U.S are suffering at the hands of these Venezuelans could be linked to the pleas of Poilièvre's wife.
Is it at his request that Venezuelans are everywhere?
No one, no journalist asks P. Poilièvre about Venezuelan immigration ... because he is Trudeau's successor.
So, wake up and realize it > translate & read **THE COMMUNIQUÉ** (link below) ... it's all there. P.Poilièvre is now a criminal (a slavemaster) and must be denounced as such.
Trudeau, Poilièvre and friends are guilty of slavery, unrest, violence & our future genocide.
A question remains ; why do they act with impunity, without intelligence? > greed is the answer!
Denounce them now!
Yes, the Third World exploits the inferiority of the Westerner in a horrible way through his complexes, and he is perceived by them and by others throughout the world as an invertebrate, a spineless one > A BORDERLESS!
This is what the third world is; If you starve and impoverish a population enough and deliberately, while putting in their heads that colonialism is responsible for this sorry state of affairs (which is not true), you will have created an army composed of billions of raging people with hatred and vengeance in their hearts, ready and determined to invade the soil of this supposed enemy created from scratch by their leaders, leaders with whom your politicians do business constantly. (murderers)
The rich, the oligarchs and the elite take advantage of this situation, of this coordinated invasion to enrich themselves without worrying at all about the fate of their own people and their coming genocide.
This possibility was known to the companies wishing to enrich themselves, but also to the elites, the rich and the filthy bourgeoisie (slave tourism) and they all went ahead together opening wide open borders of all Western countries without any restriction and this without worrying about the destruction and the inevitable genocide of their own people … all of this FOR SIMPLE MONEY > that's what lobbying is in politics!
The unfounded rage of the Third World against the West and its invasion was inevitable and the greed of the rich being > the latter opened the borders to those whose rage in the heart only asked for revenge against what they believed to be the invaders of the past; the people, the simple proletarian.
Getting rich at the expense of the founding peoples is the path of greed, stupidity & treason
☑ Peoples outside the West, that is to say the **THIRD WORLD**, understood how important it is to close their borders so as not to destroy the country.
They also understood that playing the poor and **becoming** an immigrant (migrant) was also a way of protecting themselves, of protecting themselves and of protecting the motherland.
The propaganda and lies of emerging countries (third world) are therefore much worse and terribly more effective than those of the West because for the latter **propaganda is self-destructive** while for the third world it is **invasive, intrusive, destructive and CONQUERING**
The number is more destructive than any bomb.
So, Here is immigration, it plays on poverty and the polygamous soldier positions himself in enemy territory.
Playing the poor is therefore very profitable for them, but for you, who still believe them to be poor > it is poverty that is progressing > they are strategists : not you !
☑ According to the Westerner from corporate influence, the only authorized nationalist countries are the **THIRD WORLD** while the West is prey to its national asepsis and this because of an ideal called **globalization** or **CASH**
The tool for this is modern slavery or **the consenting anti-colonialist immigrant** > a globalist tool.
It is this same immigration coming precisely from this **hyper-patriotic third world** which condemns here OUR own NATIONALIST WAY OF LIFE and this in order to better enslave it, destroy it, infiltrate it and seize it and this with the help of the parent banks of the companies > of the slave companies, of the sociopathic politicians and of the lying media as well as of our traitors.
They are the authors.
And yet when questioned, it is obvious that the patriotism to the land from which this immigrant comes is anchored in his **anti-Western** heart
Yes, He will defend his land with force right here on our soil > while this same individual strives at the same time to destroy ours, our rights, our values, our culture and our patriotism and this **in the name of an invented, IMPORTED racism** < but what is he doing here?
What is still intact in his native land from where he comes > is forbidden to us here at home, by him.
What are they doing here?
Know it… any resemblance to a current character?
At the time of the first great war, the King of England George V, the German Kaiser Wilhelm II and the Russian Tsar Nicholas II were all grandsons of Queen Victoria.
But how? Were they not Germans and Russians in different countries and, moreover, enemies?
Great men, simple pawns, that's it!
What happened to Germany & Russia during this time & after ?
While the Bolsheviks were free to act, to kill, the Second World War can be doubted without a doubt!
It is by centuries of infiltration that England has placed its pawns of Anglo-Saxon influence throughout the world, foiling the bloods....
Ask yourself, today, what about Canada, Australia or even the United States, and what about all the Western countries which together are subject to the same policy, the same migratory pressure, the same invasion > the same suicidal mentality that is so unique to the West?, so what about Israel & their real leaders?
… the same infiltration !
Who are these northern leaders who all act in the same way, with the same gesture > with one voice?
Without a doubt, > Millennial Elitism is omnipresent there.
Although elitism is losing out in the southern kingdoms, it is not losing out here in the northern kingdoms since the north have been infiltrated for a very long time.
The Anglo-Saxon pawns were already everywhere, latent... like parasitic, like a virus (as a certain prince said)
So much has been said about inbreeding and yet they are not the ones on their knees.
Consanguinity. The bloodline (because that's all elitism is) has this primordial role that allows it to remain master in its own house here in the West, and this to preserve its political, diplomatic and hegemonic influences.
To this end, the libertine population (the herd), over which elitism rules without much difficulty, had to be beaten, humiliated, diluted and mixed in order to weaken its anger and its growing discontent.
Immigration was the strategy adopted of the elite (the choice).
Understand the role of inbreeding **Consanguinity** and its wealth, it has nothing to do with skin color.
The foreigner is uprooted from his homeland by his own greed, attracted by financial promises and the uselessness of western toys, and what follows for us, westerners > is devastation by the force of numbers imported from the south, and this on our already mistreated children, the descendants of the builders of the founding fathers and mothers.
The immigrant has this role of protector and destroyer at the same time to protect the hegemony of elitism.
Now you understand the role of inbreeding, because when it’s well maintained it is merciless. That is to say, the others, like you and me > the bloods mixed by the rapes of wars and invasions of the past (the soiled ones) no longer have any importance, whether they are Caucasian, African, Latino, Asian, Maghreb or Hispanic... in their eyes they are all disgraces & foreigners in their lands... we are just tools for elitism, but also beasts to be killed when they become too noisy … WARS !
Elitism is responsible for modern and ancient slavery and the omnipresent chaos but also for the German genocide of the second great war (about which no one speaks out of maintained ignorance) but also for many others kept silent and this across Europe ... and today, it is by the hand of destructive immigration, that the final genocide of the West has well and truly arrived (it’s their turn) Power must be preserved !
Can you see it?
It is through your ignorance that you have become deaf.
Those who killed those millions of Russian Christians are the infiltrators (mutineers, insiders) > the Anglo-Saxon pawns!
What about China and this Mao Zedong genocidal? Were the Anglo-Saxon pawns there too?
Same shit, same empire… How can a man kill his own people like this?
> INFILTRATION … same thing for Zelinski!
Look your enemies in the eye … disgusting !
They smile together as blood flows around them, while Christians were being massacred.
Today, Bolshevism still uses foreigners or those who leave their own country (their own people) to come and enrich companies but also, to weaken and ultimately to replace a targeted people. To do this, to preserve consanguinity, the elite must mix the blood of their own people (the blood of the proletariat) which has become too noisy … this is why they say that immigration is their strength > BABEL. See here at 00:30 >
Dirty greed
I would much rather be falsely called a racist than uproot people, impoverish their country and transport them by boat, and this to enrich the disgusting companies here. Between modern slavery and racism, I have made my choice. And like a child, you need a drawing to fully understand the extent of the destruction of both the requested and the receiving country. Here THE FRAUD
Video links are now available by Procrastinateur Rock
The Islamist is on a mission. The rich are driven by greed, and the proletarian (the taxpayer) is the modern idiot of the village.
The enemies of the West have no interest in destroying it, because the West is destroying itself. Wars have only one aim: genocide through the replacement of peoples. Here we are, we are at war. Beware of those who criticize Communism, Fascism and Nazism, it is only to camouflage their ultimate genocidal tool > Bolshevism. You will always lose !
Let that sink into your little head once and for all.
Bolshevism did indeed exterminate tens of millions of Christian Russians as well as many other populations and this >>> without any obstacle, without any OPPOSITION from the West > from the Anglo-Saxon empire AND THEIR ALLIES and this from 1917 to 1957.
Bolshevism was never at that time and subsequently THREATENED or FIGHTED by anyone >>> **NEVER** > they were totally ignored & free TO DO WHAT THEY WANTED > and they all together **THE BIG THREE** tore Germany apart.
Let this sink in your little heads because today > the same people are destroying you as they did to Germany.
They also replaced the Iranian government with an Islamic state … and today it's Europe's turn to be Islamized.
Yes, these millions of deaths by the hands of the Bolsheviks were ours, all Christians & this happened while bolsheviks met each other many times between 1942-1945 to show their dirty faces in the newspapers ; Staline, Roosevelt & Churchill were the bolsheviks.
History repeats itself
The preface & the **LE COMMUNIQUÉ** sent by email in the whole world (850) are the most censored documents right now,
Let's be honest; your politicians are solely responsible for the migratory invasion and the replacement you face. It’s not just Islam, but the whole world immigration attacking the West., which will be explained below (it’s a takeover, an inheritance)
Know that the elites can do nothing on their own. Despite the lies, murders, rapes, massacres and throat-slitting > the politicians remain the same > against you … There seems to be no turning back.
The chains of censorship and imprisonment that they impose on you are a way of protecting themselves and the elites ... and it works. But just like journalists, politicians will be thrown after use into the pit of enraged people.
The targets are numerous but, strangely, the people always find themselves in front of and facing the police on unimportant streets. That is where the politicians and elites are well protected. Someone among the rioters is working for your leaders.
Who are their spokesmen?
What do we play?
The tourism industry is paid >like the migrants< by the government (or rather by you, the taxpayers) to host dangerous migrants in their motels, hotels and hostels. Then this money is re-spent by the migrants to enrich small and medium-sized businesses as well as international companies.
This tourism industry of mafiosi and smugglers will do anything for extra and meaningless money and this even if your loved ones are killed by those they host.
Yes, it is the tourism industry that, in the aftermath of the massacre of 3 young girls in Southport, roamed the streets pointing to the sky sickening signs such as > **REFUGEES ARE WELCOME**
Understand, the richest (lobby) feed the migrants to get them on their side and this with taxpayers money redistributed by your politicians, then they make them defend their mercantile and slave interests. (explained further)
Tourism must be dismantled at all costs !
What do we play?
> axel < muganwa rudakubana
Just do it is not about sport, not at all
Is he a brother in arms of Sadiq Khan?
The massacre of 3 British children by the Islamic hand is claimed by wild Western capitalism, that is to say by those who the day after this massacre were already on the streets with placards **REFUGEES ARE WELCOME**.
These are small and medium-sized businesses of the worst kind like tourism from the bourgeoisie in need of cheap labor and slaves & this for additional & useless profits... Ask them for information about their business?
Although 3 children were massacred, they were already on the streets brandishing placards inviting even more polygamous murderers to cross the borders. **DISGUSTING**
When the treachery and Islamization of the West are sufficiently advanced and we are there, capitalism by migration will fall. This is why today many rally or adhere to Islam for a time, as for example the leftists and this just to put an end to the capitalism that they hate so much.
A capitalism that for its part will have put an end to its own people by the imported number, the miscegenation and by greed.
With a majority of Islamic in hand > what the rich are determined to do < capitalism cannot survive what is coming and today if the Arab remains a good consumer for the latter, he is only one for a time, that is to say the time to annihilate the rich here who bombard him at home. CAPITALISM IS SUICIDAL.
The rich know that he is trapped and that is why he buys countless agricultural lands (BOLSHEVISM) while upsetting the Western food chain > to stop the misery that he has created.
The rich and the proletarian who constantly seeks gain and wealth, simply does not know that he is suicidal and murderous of himself, of his dreams, his people, his country and his own children.
There is no intelligence or integrity in him. CASH CASH CASH and he likes to surround himself with those who kill him.
Their creation > democracy and the charter of rights and freedoms for all > drop bombs elsewhere and ethnically eradicate you here. Your companies are responsible for this. The tourism industry is a cancer, a Trojan horse
Here is the biopsy.
Democracy killed nationalism during the Second World War and established Bolshevism beyond the borders of the USSR. (Québec 1943-44, Teheran 43, Yalta 45)
The population of Germany, completely massacred and bombed until 1947, was replaced by European immigration to repopulate it and mix its blood for the purposes of ethnical cleansing and final destruction. Today it is Europe's turn to be replaced, this time by a different species from the south: the brutals & polygamists of North Africa, Greater Africa and the Middle East. Your multiple DNA is the essence of multiple rape and ethnic cleansing, not related to any act of love.
Some of those who defend the Jews or Israel know that Israel and Germany were used together as scapegoats by the elites for a hegemonic purpose. We know that they do not believe the original version, nor do we. WE KNOW! That's why they focus so hard on Germany and the Nazis after 85 years to hide their crimes behind them.
Your companies are killing not only your own country, but also the country of origin of the immigrants.
Like a child, you need a drawing The fraud.mp4
Proletarians always choose to believe lies > why?
You, people, are you losing again?
And they still speak for you, for your own good, for decades,
Why do you want to destroy your Country to the benefit of those who already have one?
Integration, assimilation is not an option for the immigrant who has entered legally because it will destroy his community.
He deliberately resists his assimilation > because he knows that one day his growing community will demand from the host country lands, villages, cities, then by force of numbers a new country will be born within it. For this reason alone, racial wars are now centuries old and legion in the history books, always ending in ethnic cleansing. This is the spark that NATO is using. Thank your companies, your corporations for this.
The tourism industry (of smugglers) must be dismantled.
This industry is now showing its true face by leasing with the government > their hotels and all their facilities to legal and illegal immigrants and this at the expense of the taxpayers. The owners of tourist buildings are therefore enriching themselves at the expense of the middle class. Slavery is through tourism.
In this way, the middle class is contributing to slavery.
Slavery is through tourism.
This is why the taxpayer is a despised proletarian > he is completely overwhelmed by events.
Those who always use the word NAZI are hiding their own crimes since WWI when they cleansed the Middle East to welcome the unnameables. Yes, westerners still use the word NAZI as a scapegoat after 85 years just to hide their Bolshevik crimes > the Anglo-Saxons Elites crimes. It doesn't work anymore. They are now prisoners of their lies of their filthy creation.
These people do not work for the working class (which always loses) but for the foreigners, even if they act & speak for the people. They never talk about Bolshevism (the anglo-saxons & their allies) because they are the ones who caused 60 million deaths (Christians), that's why they use the word Nazi every day of their poor lives > for 85 years.
The proletarians lose because of these big mouths > alternative media included.
The Anglo-Saxon elitism and those who believe them are responsible for this mass immigration in all Western countries that makes our lives so miserable. It is unnatural and destructive
You should forever remember these two warnings
Click > slavery is universal
Click > Your politicians are murderers, all of them a Warning
Your leaders are all lying to you to feed corporations. More consumers = more profits, simple as that.
Your Own Leaders Are Anti-Christian, Anti-You & Pro-Mass Immigration of destruction
Look at this, While the genocide on Christians was in full swing since the First World War, the Bolsheviks met while forgetting them, (not a word about them), concentrating instead on a kind of immigrant, the Semites, that are now everywhere in the West (as if by magic). Bolshevism was created in the United States of America & built 800 military bases all over the world > which is a kind of the wailing wall for the third world, isn't it true?
FREE SPEECH is like democracy; it doesn't exist. The Books from the Library of Alexandria were burned to change history. Who was accused of that?
What is Status Quo? It’s the replacement of a political party & its horrible achievements, by an other political party with equally destructive ideologies. In this way you have this illusion of progress.
I am not condemning those immigrants who rape our women just because they dress like whores, no, I will never do that. But what I do defend is the innocence and modesty of our brave women who don't want to be like these stupid artists, these idols. I will never defend those who are at the root of the moral destruction of our Western people, on the contrary. Islam can be used as a cruel instrument of correction. Is that what we see?
Beware of yours,
Today many turn to Islam (as a tool) because they can't stand their own society > where drugs, loud music, shouting, guns, whores, politicians, investors, wild tourism, civil servants, gangs, bars on every corner & the alcoholic in every house are the normality made in the image of their politicians, but there is worse > those young girls (children) who wear make-up and dress like whores thanks to their parents. Yes, their rooms are decorated with neon lights like our modern slave houses >TOPLESS & this by their own mothers < the stupid proletarian.
Unfortunately for many, the only way to eradicate this self-destructive society is by the hand of moderate & radical Islamists.
War with bombs is nothing.
Anyone who can't find a solution to any of these problems could turn to Islam for peace. This is only possible because of the deliberate laxity of your ruling Bolshevik leaders > your politicians.
What you deliberately ignore;
Islam will ensure that Western followers are spared when the internal disintegration of Western countries takes place. They are only waiting for the great war to act.
It is said that a few men well armed with machetes would be enough to wipe out a small village, a hamlet or a small unarmed town. This is Bolshevism v2.0. (not communism)
And they arrive by the tens of millions …
Believe me, I was already disgusted with our society so, I hardened my heart again.
Western society deserves to be corrected by external elements, elements that they are already importing. It’s **INSANE** !
Western society deserves to be purified and for that, you have these choice,
> do it yourself, (For that, you will need World War III) against invaders.
> or let immigration (Bolshevism) cleanse you, (For that, they will need a great war)
Remember, you are a spineless & borderless creature in the eyes of the whole world & a shame for us
a proletarian
In Quebec, Canada the alcohol industry (s.a.q), drugs (s.q.d.c), gambling (casino, lottery) & immigration are the properties of governments. And they get taxes from prostitution. A disgusting country !
If you want to fight a leftist suicidal asshole, go and fight in Quebec.
There are two main problems: the proletarian that the politician has made is totally stupid. Of both, the politician is the only one with the journalist who understands that they are free to operate with double language that kills us by immigration, which is much more destructive than any bombs.
Politicians are murderers ... all of them !
What they don't tell you about them is frightening; Illegals immigrants are welcomed by the legals which already know their behavior. Legals are Sayanims. Official or alternative media hides these kinds of things.
If you want to fight immigration, you must first fight the smugglers, politicians, businesses, the tourism, THE MEDIA.
Like the gun and drug dealers, the smugglers are free to operate. Why are you in the street, who are your leaders ?
Those in the street with signs **REFUGEES ARE WELCOME** are small & middle businesses of the worst kind like tourism from the bourgeoisie that need cheap labor & slaves for extra profits ... ask them about their business.There is no demographic problem, they want extra profits with more people & debt is for you.
The third world is used as cash cows by them, hypocrites they are.
By a persuasion process they tear migrants away from their lands & export them like an investment. That's why migrants are treated better than the sons of our building fathers.
It also means that these migrants have been sold by their own government. It can’t be otherwise.
Listen up because I am about to write a paragraph that will put an end to this thousand-year-old aristocracy and mass immigration are in the first line.
To immigrate to a Caucasian country and then say that there are too many of them > is to be mentally deficient or to have destructive goals. These people are now in power.
They are making fun of you ;
Sadiq Khan, what is this fabricated name?
Sadiq = from sadistic
Khan = Genghis Khan who invaded Eastern Europe.
Westerners are deeply stupid !
For me, you are definitely not welcome, not at all, I just have nothing to do with slavery.
Be like Poland.mp4
Isn't it strange that in order to save the country, it must be done by imported FOREIGNERS? And they let in your worst enemy, this is Bolshevism 2.0.
There are formidable foreign and private investors, friends of our oligarchs, who cling to our institutions like remoras and gifts are made at the price of our loss.
With their motto **LIBERTY FOR ALL** our leaders have destroyed the barbarity that was in us, in our heart that protected us from the outside since ever, while **the whole world became conquering and strategic**
Colonialism was hundreds of merchant ships > what the Western people, the proletarians, did not possess.
Today, to protect themselves from their imported immigrants (that the rich need so much), the rich multinationals have themselves launched a witch hunt against the proletarians that they accuse of white supremacy (an invention) by using immigration. In reality they try to put the blame of the colonization on the back of the **PROLETARIANS** by using this massive immigration as well as hateful protest groups.
This is why the replacement is a reality.
They use the white WORKING population as a **scapegoat** to take the blows in their place THUS PUTTING ALL THE CRIMES & BLAME OF THE OLIGARCHS MERCHANTS (of their ancestors) ON THEM that is to say on us > hoping for a lull, an appeasement or compensation for colonization **a reparation on the backs of the people**.
This will accelerate our replacement. If the proletarian knew how new countries can be born within a BIGGER one **a bloody revolution would be born**
We have become the target of IMMIGRATION for over 80 years and now by diversion of colonial crimes, the rich have nothing to fear anymore** of course, because EVERYTHING IS REDIRECTED towards us the people.
Don't you find it strange that **these contemporary immigrants are consequently very well treated by the rich** compared to us ? Of course, it is the tool of redemption, of forgiveness of the rich, the bourgeoisie..
It will not work, their end is near.
Have you noticed that your politicians always smile in front of the enemy ? This is not diplomacy but duplicity.
They always blame the government in place & this to set up a continuation of this same disguised government … and nothing moves forward, nothing changes. The proletarian is totally ripped off.
Politicians will all be thrown away after use and forced to face the wrath of the people but also the wrath of their famous tool, immigration. This will be my only joy. It's inevitable.
Immigration can no longer be fooled. They know that they are used to enrich the rich.
☑ People outside the West understood how important it was to close the borders so as not to destroy their country. They have also understood that becoming an immigrant is also a way to protect themselves FROM IMMIGRATION. The propaganda and lies of the emerging countries (Third World) is worse and terribly more effective than that of the West, because for the latter it is **self-destructive**, while for the Third World it is > **invasive, intrusive, destructive and CONQUERING**
When you’re facing an empire, playing the poor really pays just have to be patient.
☑ Being childless in a world of **overproductivity, overconsumption & enrichment** leads to self-destruction through to the replacement by immigration & this to maintain profits of your businesses, a **MENTAL ILLNESS TO FIGHT** PURE BETRAYAL.
This will lead to foreigners taking over the reins of our society which means > that what our fathers have built and protected will be handed over to imported anti-colonialist people who have only one thing on their minds **VENGEANCE**
☑ The greatest achievement of the Oligarchs (the corporations fed by your politicians and your traitors) has been to move from a model of traded slavery (see **MORDECAI BOATS**) to the current model, that is, to a CONSENTING MODEL > that is, **the slave is now concentant and uses a makeshift boat to arrive at his destination** thousands of miles away and this directly in the arms of his slave master and his factory **the corporate oligarch**
☑ According to the West, coming from the corporates influence, the only authorized countries to be nationalist, are the **THIRD WORLD**, while the West is prey to its national sanitization and this because of an ideal called **globalization** or extra cash.
The tool for this is the modern slavery **the anti-colonialist immigrant**
It is the same immigration that comes from this **third world nationalist countries°** that condemns here on our soil OUR OWN NATIONALIST WAY OF LIFE in order to infiltrate it better, to destroy it, and this with the help of the companies, politicians and media. They are the authors.
And yet, the nationalism of the country from which this anti-Western immigrant comes, is always defended with force right here on our own soil, while he continues to destroy our nationalism.
Ask yourself >>> this type of immigrant that has coldly left its brothers, its sisters, its old people, it
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