Denzel Washington Baptism: Spiritual Revival or Political Chess Move?

1 month ago

Celebrity politics, media manipulation, or faith in Hollywood.

Denzel Washington is doubling back on admitting to doing a gay scene and saying it was a "peck" on the lips, and now saying he kissed the man on the hands, not on the lips. Really D?

This makes his public spectacle of baptism even more suspect instead of being inspirational.

What do you think Denzel’s baptism really means? Comment below! I guess only time and room will eventually reveal.

"Truth needs no support, only time and room" ~ JW

#MakeITMakeSense #thechurchofgod #speakingout #spiritualdiscernment #cogic #DenzelWashington #BaptismControversy #HollywoodPolitics #2028Elections
#FaithOverPolitics #TruthUnveiled #SpiritualChessMoves #GaySceneHollywood
#PublicityStunts #SpiritualAwakeningOrStrategy #DiscernmentMatters
#ViralMoments #HollywoodExposed

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