Coexist With My Fist (1973)

2 months ago

#classicvinyl #strictlyvinyl #vinyl #vinylrip #nostalgia #music #obscurerecords #obscurevinyl #funk #70sfunk
Rare mono 45 funk single by singer and Vietnam war vet Seymour Tamzarian. This song was about Seymour's experience playing at a large outdoor music festival similar to Woodstock in the late 1960s where Seymour had accidentally ingested LSD by eating a laced sugar cube. Seymour began experiencing hallucinations which triggered his PTSD causing him to start randomly punching audience members while laughing hysterically. To this day some claim that Seymour had made up the story about LSD and was simply using it as an excuse to beat up hippies.


You're all about peace and love
But you look like a f*cking bum
Your slogan is f*cking dumb
I'm singing die hippie scum

F*ck off with your hippie sh*t
Coexist with my fist

If I don't get peace and quiet
This drum circle will get violent
F*ck you and the environment
F*ck your g*y enlightenment

F*ck off with your hippie sh*t
Coexist with my fist

Incense weed and patchouli
The hippie smell is unruly
Wear a bra and shave your pits
Take a shower dirty b*tch

F*ck off with your hippie sh*t
Coexist with my fist

If you keep playing Grateful Dead
I will kick you in the head
It's part of nature to get your a** kicked
Don't worry my fist is all organic

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