Quiet Riot With Randy Rhoads (Guitar Solo ) 🎸 ✨ 🔥 🔥 🔥

2 months ago

[Not everything is what it seems]
_Edward Snowden was traded intentionally to Russia by White HAT/S Military ALLIANCE @ beginning operations _-

♟️ MOVES♟️ >
_4 Star Admiral Michael S. Rogers is a retired four-star admiral who was the 17th director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and as chief of the Central Security Service (CSS). And commander of the United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)
(In January 2014 Admiral Roger became the director of the National Security Agency and the commander of the United States offensive cyberoperations unit in the Department of Defense. Just weeks later flight MH370 would disappear under mysterious circumstances and confirmed military drone footage and SBRIS military operations with Satellites would release military footage of MH370 )

General Rogers first public remarks as NSA director, Rogers stated that he believed that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden was "probably not" working for a foreign intelligence agency despite speculation to the contrary"

In early 2019, Rogers became the chairman of the board of advisors of Claroty, a cybersecurity firm. Talon Cyber Security is an Israel-based provider of cybersecurity technologies with headquarters in Tel Aviv. It develops a secure browser engineered to provide enterprise-grade security across all devices, irrespective of location, device type, or operating system. Its wildly known that Talon Cyber Security and operations is funded in large part by Highland, and Prince Mohammed Bin Salman ( subsidiary companies and partners in the Middle East who control over a trillion dollars/Monetary currency in over 80 regions across the globe including Israel) ... Talon operations are in sync with CrowdStrike cybersecurity . >>
,>> these operations are important that collects world wide data and move information directly from intelligence white hats operations inside the middleast >> this means white hats are directly plugged into the global pedophile operations and know every country and persons involved in the world pedo ring, BLACKMAIL operations and EXTORTION rings and the 17th Admiral of the National Security Agency is directly moving operations. //// these important operations is connected to intelligence giving local law enforcement heads the Intel, data, briefings and evidence of corruption in there countries.

_General Charles Q Brown
Was the Commander, U.S. Air Forces Central Command, U.S. Central Command. In March 2014 he was appointed as director of operations, strategic deterrence, and nuclear integration of U.S. Air Forces.
He worked closely with Admiral Rogers in several joint classified military operations dating back to 2012-14
In July 2018, Brown was promoted to a four-star General position under The President of the United States Donald J. Trump.
General Brown known as Q , who in 2023, became the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the nation’s highest military officer.

(In March 2013, General Brown was Deputy Director, Operations Directorate, U.S. Central Command, MacDill Air-Force Base)
21. April 2013 - February 2014, Deputy Commander, U.S. Air Forces Central Command; Deputy, Combined Force Air Component Commander, U.S. Central Command, Southwest Asia
22. March 2014 - June 2015, Director, Operations, Strategic Deterrence, and Nuclear Integration, Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe - Air Forces Africa,

_Gregory Michael Guillot is a United States Air Force General who has served as the commander of United States Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command since February 5, 2024.He most recently served as the deputy commander of United States Central Command from 2022 to 2024. He served as commander of the Ninth Air Force from 2020 to 2022..

General Guillot is the commander of NORAD and under military operations of Department of Defence LAWS OF WARS operations, General Gregory Guillot will become the Leader and be the soul commander of all three branches of the U.S. government bestowed upon him through Emergency powers 11.3 U S. Military DOD operations.
When General Wesley Clark gave open COMMUNICATIONS ( COMMS) that Classified U.S. Operations were going to take down 7 countries in the middle east to create a war. These important COMMS triggered a movement behind the scenes and Intel went out to certain commands of the deep state operations that were controlling wars to bring and trigger NUCLEAR reactions/ standoff. World war. > Further more behind the scenes a movement was evolving that 9/11 was an inside job>>>> within months of the COMMS General Clark gave, a strong Alliance was building//// within less then ten years and after the intentional housing crash of 2008 under Obama,... the U.S. Military Alliance to go after the deep state grew. >>>
>>>> It had become known to High level military commands that military leaks of Project Blue Beam in the 70s 80s 90s caused massive panic by the globalist and CIA operations that 911 inside EVENT was carried out to create >>> The Patriot Act.
_The Patriot Act gave the power to the deep state to go hunting after the white hats who were against Project Blue Beam and shared the Classified/ Rockefeller CIA/ GLOBALIST operations . With the Patriot Act and illegal FISA warrants the FBI. CIA,/[ ds] military Intel installed pedophilia images, video into
white hats computers . From generals to admirals to U S. Leaders to Congress and Senate to law enforcement leaders and high Elite personnel. The planting of pedophilia videos and images into U.S. leaders phones, laptop, computer and homes created a massive BLACKMAIL/ EXTORTION operating ring. And those who were speaking out against Project Blue Beam, against exposing 9/11.. human trafficking networks through military intelligence and three letter agencies became silent.
_but behind the scenes General Clark and older generals and commanders connected to JFKs Special forces divisions United and began moving forward operations to bring down the deep state cabal U.S. operations that was working in a world syndicated operations.
By 2014 Admiral Rogers took control of intelligence operations through Hawaii and several United operations through the United States, that came into possession of the Super Conductive Room Temperature microchips and the military Alliance operations began seizing [ ds] military underground D.U.M.Bs and more advanced technology.
> EDWARD SNOWDEN was a super savant geniuses in these deep underground military operations that housed some of the first super computers and quantum computers and had idatic memory and was a super genius. Snowden often traveled to different countries meeting prime minister's presidents and meeting certain intelligent agencies heads to give briefings on super advanced technology and helping to mold an Alliance on COMING operations. Snowden the military was in possession of Plasma energy weapons, infinite energy, the power of Nano Neutrino inter-outer stellar communication systems. This plasma technology opened worm holes.<<<<<
( The fake story of Snowden running across the world to escape was a cover story ... The real truth is he was traded to Russia, Putin knew of the intelligence, genius of Snowden and knew U.S. had advanced operations happening. .. But the white hats in the U S. Needed Russia to come into the secret Alliance, and Russia needed to clean is country of deep state operation and connect to COMING Storm Operations.... But Putin only agreed if Snowden was given to him with U.S. Top scientist and a few Super Conductive Room Temperature microchips>> * hence the MH370 _EVENT that occurred just months later after Snowden escaped to Hong Kong and ended up in Russia. .....

General Guillot is the commander of NORAD and under military operations of Department of Defence LAWS OF WARS operations, General Gregory Guillot will become the Leader and be the soul commander of all three branches of the U.S. government bestowed upon him through Emergency powers 11.3 U S. Military DOD operations.
When General Wesley Clark gave open COMMUNICATIONS ( COMMS) that Classified U.S. Operations were going to take down 7 countries in the middle east to create a war. These important COMMS triggered a movement behind the scenes and Intel went out to certain commands of the deep state operations that were controlling wars to bring and trigger NUCLEAR reactions/ standoff. World war. > Further more behind the scenes a movement was evolving that 9/11 was an inside job>>>> within months of the COMMS General Clark gave, a strong Alliance was building//// within less then ten years and after the intentional housing crash of 2008 under Obama,... the U.S. Military Alliance to go after the deep state grew. >>>
>>>> It had become known to High level military commands that military leaks of Project Blue Beam in the 70s 80s 90s caused massive panic by the globalist and CIA operations that 911 inside EVENT was carried out to create >>> The Patriot Act.
_The Patriot Act gave the power to the deep state to go hunting after the white hats who were against Project Blue Beam and shared the Classified/ Rockefeller CIA/ GLOBALIST operations . With the Patriot Act and illegal FISA warrants the FBI. CIA,/[ ds] military Intel installed pedophilia images, video into
white hats computers . From generals to admirals to U S. Leaders to Congress and Senate to law enforcement leaders and high Elite personnel. The planting of pedophilia videos and images into U.S. leaders phones, laptop, computer and homes created a massive BLACKMAIL/ EXTORTION operating ring. And those who were speaking out against Project Blue Beam, against exposing 9/11.. human trafficking networks through military intelligence and three letter agencies became silent.
_but behind the scenes General Clark and older generals and commanders connected to JFKs Special forces divisions United and began moving forward operations to bring down the deep state cabal U.S. operations that was working in a world syndicated operations.
By 2014 Admiral Rogers took control of intelligence operations through Hawaii and several United operations through the United States, that came into possession of the Super Conductive Room Temperature microchips and the military Alliance operations began seizing [ ds] military underground D.U.M.Bs and more advanced technology.
> EDWARD SNOWDEN was a super savant geniuses in these deep underground military operations that housed some of the first super computers and quantum computers and had idatic memory and was a super genius. Snowden often traveled to different countries meeting prime minister's presidents and meeting certain intelligent agencies heads to give briefings on super advanced technology and helping to mold an Alliance on COMING operations. Snowden the military was in possession of Plasma energy weapons, infinite energy, the power of Nano Neutrino inter-outer stellar communication systems. This plasma technology opened worm holes.<<<<<
( The fake story of Snowden running across the world to escape was a cover story ... The real truth is he was traded to Russia, Putin knew of the intelligence, genius of Snowden and knew U.S. had advanced operations happening. .. But the white hats in the U S. Needed Russia to come into the secret Alliance, and Russia needed to clean is country of deep state operation and connect to COMING Storm Operations.... But Putin only agreed if Snowden was given to him with U.S. Top scientist and a few Super Conductive Room Temperature microchips>> * hence the MH370 _EVENT that occurred just months later after Snowden escaped to Hong Kong and ended up in Russia. .....

Do you think it was just coroncident that Snowden ended up in Hong kong the hot bed of CIA/ Vatican/ mi6 operations that control large parts of China and hong Kong became the drug capital monetary operations of CIA mi6 through the Vietnam war to control the opium industry operations and the money was funneled through Hong Kong . Why did Snowden then stop in Hong Kong? >>> He met with white hats and initiated codes and back channels/Communications that would connect to Russian deep under ground ops//////
_if the United States and Obama and intelligence was really chasing Snowden they could have brought down the flight between China and Russia at any moment as the U.S. military has technology to control flight systems since the early 90s and advanced in their technology in 2010_12 pre-SBRIS Systems and Navy intelligence advance technology flight control operations and 15 other ways to control airplanes.////// What is known is the deep state intentionally stood down in capturing Snowden because white hats forced operations> 17A. Rogers
_With Snowden now in Russian and months later microchips and U S. Engineers top scientist arriving also.... THE MILITARY ALLIANCE OPERATIONS BEGAN AND CHINA JOINED ( who wanted to bring down their CCP) /////
>In 2016 White hats military operations stole the U S. Elections in the final 45 minutes of the November 5th elections.
( This was actually the first time in 60 years that the deep state did not control elections and outcome..... Thats why Hilary Clinton was in Panic and the deep state was in panic. They never thought she would lose.
>>>>> Now it was known by the deep state they were at full war with white hats and Military operations,.. The next plan of the deep state was to initiate the Pandemic.
The Pandemic was also part of Project Blue Beam operations and Lockstep operations)

_5** military intelligence battalion
> 3**th Military Intelligence Battalion
>4**th. 706th 202th and several other U.S
Military intelligence Battalions
_*"th Space Surveillance Squadron( 2022)
_Militaryos in Hawaii >Cryptologic Center (HCC) or NSA Hawaii is a U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) Central Security Service (CSS) facility located near Wahiawa on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. The facility opened on January 6, 2012>
The center focuses on signals intelligence intercepts from Asia, and conducts cybersecurity and cyberwarfare operations.
_There are 12 key military installations and bases across the state of Hawaii that support the U.S. armed forces and U.S. military intelligence operations that connect across the world to military operations, Satellites, SBRIS, dominate cyber warfare control and military psychological operations warfare and advanced under ground military facilities housing advanced weapons and SUPER advanced technology.
Currently the deep state is trying to take over military operations by creating
The deep state can try to initiate COG
But they are limbo over these operations and don't want NORTHCOM to control COG
because then 17 Admiral Rogers friend General Guillot would become President.
The Democratic party is trying to find a way to Bypass General Guillot .
> In 2024 Congress passed a law that would give power to NORTHCOM if drones became a national security risk and CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT WOULD BE INSTALLED .. This would bypass Trump's inauguration into office .
( Currently your hearing reports that Cheyenne mountain and NORTHCOM are at odds and fighting for power as is several different branches of military bases in Colorado///// .. But these squabbles are intentional, . STAGED<<<<)

These important operations are connected to why Trump was intentionally removed by white hat military operations in 2020 so Biden could create chaos. BRING EXPOSURE TO THE DEEP STATE/GLOBALIST OPERATIONS.
>Russia had to go after Ukraine and the secret Biolabs and military underground level 4 facilities and bring down deep stare ops in Ukraine
>Trump had to stay out the way through the four years of COLLAPSE AND WARS so he could RETURN and bring REAL EXPOSURE ( the world needed to see deep state pandemic with it him) .... There are several reasons Trump had to step aside to keep him safe from being blamed.

In this time that Trump stood aside he United MUSK. And super powerhouse to go after the globalist / CIA FBI. Deep state and crimes against humanity operations and indictments coming. ...... Everything had to be planned this way that would eventually connect to Trumps and Musk's coming financial system that will recreate the U.S. super power and dollar and bring and end to Taxes and how unconstitutional military operations are taking the money.
>>>> I have told you many many times the stolen. Elections of 2020 was actually given to Biden by military operations . These were important game theory operations and a world wide military STING operation.
Not everything is what it seems.

As we get closer to the truth. The more unbelievable it will become. The truth will discredit itself.

You are already inside Project Blue Beam.
And white hats counter operations of Broken Puzzle to EXPOSE The deep dark operations and advanced technology and global crime syndicate operations of deep state military that is trying to initiate the full spectrum of project Blue Beam .

Have faith Patriots. You are inside DISCLOSURE PROJECTS/////
It's biblical.
To change the world. Or to think of Spirit or advanced technology.. You have to think Plasma ( worm holes)
Through God all things are possible.

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