WRETCHED | Survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse | Use Discernment<•>powerful …

2 months ago

2 Thessalonians 2:7
WRETCHED | Survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse - For decades there have been horrific stories told by those coming out of occult backgrounds that are so terrifying that many refuse to even give such tales more than a second thought.

Such confessions always speak of the same traumatic events of Satanic rituals that involve human sacrifice, sexual abuse, and mind control techniques.

Even though the reports have been dismissed as nothing more than “Satanic Panic”, the victims refuse to go away.

As witnesses continue to surface, the reality of an underground Satanic power of lawlessness becomes more and more difficult to ignore.

With courage and boldness, the survivors of these traumatic events relive their nightmares and tell of the only thing that saved them from it all, Jesus Christ.

All credit for this video goes to Thomas Dunn.


Love truly is the answer. Loving people at the very place they reside, at the very point they are at, in their journey back to Source.

Kinda like how God loves you and I; at the very point we acknowledge Him.

That’s where everyone, who is created by God, who is a part of God, is moving along the aether, back to Source.

Meeting Yeshua, in a place where we could not have imagined, before that hour; at the very point we cried out.
When we have exhausted all of our hoarded resources.

How can I make such claims; because God Is Love!
And every one who has love for God and for all of God’s sentient beings; is from God!

To love God with your entire life force, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
How we treat others is a reflection of our Love for God.
At every point we touch Huemanity; we have touched God!

Mark 12:28-31
Ezekiel 8
God showed him more and more
Signs and symbols

God wanted to expose it. Jimmy Carter wanted to expose it. Issac Kappy wanted to expose it.

The information you are getting is meant to be a decoy so we never find out who the real players are.

The Satanists are doctors lawyers pastors Sunday School Teachers highly trained organized individuals, very intelligent holding high positions in our community.

He Feels the Evil In The House spilled out on family.
How much more may the Love God affect your/my household, your community, your country.
Generational demons are passed down
Multiple Personalities Disorder 200
The man had great demons no one could bind him. Weaponizing demonic powers
Soldier could be Super.
Mark 5:1-20
In my first pastored I had an older gentleman come through the door right at the end of the service.

He looked to be of Greek origin, dressed in a blue gingham shirt with the sleeves cut off at the shoulders and a six inch wooden cross around his neck.

His words were. “Cana sinner come to this gathering?” We all, that is all ten of us heartedly invited him in. The ladies and the children were headed out the door. So it was me and the Wife, while Sam sat down at the piano and began to pound out a Jerry Lee Lewis honky gospel song on piano.
When he had finished singing, Sam says to me. “Say, Pastor can I talk to you for a few minutes. I think I may have a spiritual problem.”

I invited back into my office. In the meantime Wife had gone upstairs.

The little church group, in Utah had asked me to come and to assist them in establishing a church in American Fork Utah.

So Sam, followed me back to my office, while I sat behind my desk.
I offered Sam a chair to the side, facing my desk.
I started by saying. “What can I do to do to assist you, Sam.” I said in my best pastor voice. How little did I know, how deep this spiritual bog was going to be.

“Well, pastor I was born into a Carnival family. I am the the seventh son of the seventh son.”

While he talking, I kind of drift off for a milliseconds.

Johnny Rivers
Seventh Som

I had to shake myself. It had been a long day. When I came back aware Sam’s head was on fire. I was totally sober, and by this juncture in my life; for several years.

Sam was prattling on about tough his life had been. When I interrupted him to say” Do you know what just saw? I just saw the top of your head on fire!”

This seemed to please Sam. Unbeknownst to me, Wife was upstairs getting some cookies and lemonade together on a tray.

She told later. “All I could see in my mind’s eye was Sam slashing you with a knife and blood was all over walls and seeing you on the floor.”

So, then I see my Wife coming down the stairs of this daylight basement home; with a trey of refreshments. She sets them on my desk and begins to back away.

I invite her to sit, to sit with us for a moment. She graciously declines, but gives me the furrowed brow look.

Sam and I helped ourselves to a cookie and a refreshing glass of lemonade.

Sam is getting up to leave, when he says. “I’d love for you to come out and visit me maybe this next week.

As I was driving up to Sam’s house the very first thing I noticed is the chain link fence.

The barb wire at the top is pointed inwards, so as to keep something in, to keep something imprisoned.
I see an overgrown driveway to follow it to a pedestrian gate towards the rear of the house.

By this time I can see Sam standing on the concrete back door stoop. He’s waving happily.

As I’m getting out of my car, I am hit with the stench of death. Rotting flesh, gangrenous flesh covered with greenbottle flies.

Yes, I’m still moving toward the pedestrian gate. I see the reason for the stench, dead sheep carcasses were strewn about between the Great Pyrenean Mountain Dogs.

These dogs, if they were to stand on their hind feet; they would easily stare face to face with six foot tall man. One dog drug it’s hindquarters around, obviously crippled.

I was dodging leftovers of dog food as I stayed away from the deep foxholes that each dog had to protect it from harsh Utah Winter winds.

I yelled toward Sam, still smiling. “Are you sure these dogs are okay?”

“Oh, sure. Sure sure, if they’d get out of line , I’d shoot’m with my 45 I got just inside the door.”

I didn’t know if I should be reassured or threatened at this point in time. But trudging on, where angels fear to tread. I reached the steps of the back stoop.

“Come on in, there’s someone I want you to meet.”

Overgrown driveway, eight foot tall fence with barbed wire at the top slanted inwards.
Huge dogs in the yard, smells of death, bedsheets over all of the windows.
“Someone to meet? Who? What?”

What’s that song? “You can check in, but you can never check out!” Dink dink dure.

“Oh, great! Who is it”

“It’s my girl friend, Kathryn.”

As my eyes adjusted to the dimmer light of the kitchen. Sam introduced us. Everyone found a chair around a large kitchen table.

Sam pointed at the pictures around a ledge around the ceiling. They were of different pictures of Jesus in different poses in the stories of the Bible.

He said. “Like Jesus at the well with the women.
And Peter on the angry waves and Jesus’ hand with his hand out. It reminds me I need to have faith.”
I had once taken a group of Sunday School boys out for hamburger. I asked a boy of about eight. “Jimmy, have you been reading your Bible.”
He confessed he surely had been. “I’ve read Matthew, Mark, Luke and half of John, this week!

So, I knew someone had taught him the first four books of the New Testament.
I felt the same about Sam, someone had taught him the stories of Jesus.
Our attention turned to Kathryn. “How did you meet Sam?” I asked.

“I work at a booth at the Mall selling hearing aids.” She said.

Turning to Sam. “Did you buy a pair of hearing aids.”

“No, I just thought she was cute, so I asked asked her to have lunch. And the rest, as they say, is history.”

Turning again to Kathryn. “So, what drew you together?”

“I’m a witch!” Kathryn said matter of factually. “Well, I dabble in the dark arts. Spells and Conjuring and Stuff.”

Sam, never came back to church. He was caught in a web he would never escape.

Many people caught in the web of Satanism are former victims of pedophiles. The outcome of pedophilia is anger, resentment, hate for God, despising good.
Narcissistic people.
Turning to the only open arms available to them; Satan.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between victim and perpetrators. They are, on occasion, one in the same. Pedophilia is self perpetuating.

Satanism should not be the only ones they have to turn too. I realize the practice of pedophilia is abhorrent to most people.

We, the Christian community, should be open to welcoming people who have been victims and perpetrators because, in most instances, they are one in the same.

Many times we end up being like the people of Gerasene. It’s to gross for us.
We ask the healer to leave our coasts.

Mark 5:17
So the people began to beg with Jesus to leave their region.
When God is in you.
You will love people right where they are, and how they are.

Kinda like how God loves us.
I don’t have to like what they are doing.

But love them, I must, because our Heavenly Father Loves Us All; Right Where
Sam had a brief and weakened call to Jesus. I wasn’t strong enough, then to help Sam.

What I didn’t know then, pedophilia was and is a worldwide phenomenon and growing bigger by the day.

Appreciate Y’all

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