Public Disclosure - 1.5 years delayed - Part 2 - December 31, 2024

2 months ago

NOTE: Pause the video to read each slide. If you're on your phone, hold your thumb on the screen to pause video.

I've already exposed this one particular fraud with a video of enough evidence, that he and his family should be ashamed, to say the very least. But due to his failure to take Direct Orders, it's clear that his Active-Duty Unit, Delta 4, with the United States Space Force, also does not give a dang about his actions and failure to obey Direct Orders.

I left out a LOT of the other evidence thinking that this fraud would be humiliated enough, but obviously, with disobeying Direct Orders from February 2024, and back at it again on July 26, 2024, this fraud needs more spotlight on him where he can receive the publicity he so desperately wants.

I know people say, "I hate addressing this," and it sounds like they do sometimes, but I truly don't like these things. I've got much better things to be doing than dealing with a bunch of low life frauds and shitbags.

But sometimes, you just have to defend yourself and take it to someone or a group.

For 2 years, I refrained from ever defending myself and never used a single name of anyone who attacked me, but when these people took my Mother and Grandmother's photos and put lewd things all over them, plus, tried to include my Mother in their petty trash, they crossed a line that's unredeemable and unforgivable for me.

These people are in my life because they want to be in my life. They are NOT in my life by my choice.

I never knew any of these people before I went viral.

They have set in after me, obsessed over me, and pursued me. Not the other way around.

Which also proves their intent and motives.

It’s always those trying to lie on someone they don’t even know at all while trying to pin the person they don’t know as the liar.

The worst thing that liars, thieves, crooks and criminals can ever encounter is a person with a great memory, no image to maintain, and one who can defend their character from people who don’t know me.

I was not made aware of this fraudulent con-artist and pathetic human being until January 31, 2023. I had never heard of this piss poor excuse of a "soldier" and human in my whole life until that date.

Again, I repeat, Captain, now Major, Chuck Ruffin, was non-existent in my life before January 31, 2023.

He started all this via a TikTok video on January 30, 2023, then followed up with another video on February 6, 2023, to "stop listening to Derek Johnson. Derek Johnson is wrong."

I was not made aware of this fraud and POS until January 31, 2023. All of his ploy, plot, and fraud was during the time I signed a Publicity Deal, February 18, 2023, going on radio and other major platforms.

That was their agenda, to intercept people who were looking me up, receive their messages in which they could respond with all kinds of defamation, slander, and libel, in order to cancel book sales. In which I have screenshot proof of book logs during that time period of people canceling orders with the reason: fraud / scam.

Then they took it deeper with their motives and intent, as I had a spy get in their private group (which was easy) and collect their exchanges. Plus, they had a person turn on them and provide someone I know with the information, that they were planning on doing a podcast and live event with their premeditated, prefabricated lies, frame-up, and felonies, who tipped us off as they didn't want to be an accomplice, around March 11, 2023.

As you'll see in the video, Ruffin's post, on March 25, 2023, he confirmed on another group of his, that he created a look-a-like page using the name of my brand, 1776 Nation, in which you'll also see in his first few posts on his personal Facebook on February 4, 2023, he damned himself by knowing my name and brand name, all of which was a month before this plot to steal mine and confuse people trying to find my page.

Then he took his motives and intent deeper. The fraud with 6 accomplices forever stamped their names on the United States Patent & Trademark Office dot GOV with their names, emails, numbers, and addresses, trying to register 1776 Nation as a Federal Trademark.

The way we first found out... There's always a MOLE with criminals. One of those accomplices who's forever stamped on the USPTO dot Gov, emailed my Attorney, and damned them all. Made very dumb, unnecessary, and damning comments. All of which is a sign of guilt.

As you'll read in his post:

"The goal wasn't to steal. It was a play using a very legal process. I just did it before he did with the motive to make him take his sales down so he couldn't profit off of lies."

That's the fraud literally posting for the whole world to see, his intent and motives, was to steal my Trademark to prevent a loss of income / sales.

Keywords: GOAL and STEAL.

Do you know what one of the key pieces of evidence one needs to prove Defamation, Slander, and Libel? Loss of income.

What is the "very legal process" about stealing?

Admission of guilt: "The goal wasn't to steal."

Just tell the whole world you're a thief. Admission of guilt. = Motives and intent.

So, if it was a very "legal" process... is that why you filed for a Letter of Abandonment that was issued to you on September 22, 2023, that you filed for on September 21, 2023?

That Letter of Abandonment was literally 7 days after I posted on Telegram a long post, a Public Disclosure, that we know of a group attempting to STEAL my Brand and Trademark... already aware of the fraud Facebook you were trying to deceive people with. Motives and Intent.

As you'll see his post in one of his other groups (he did not realize I knew existed) with timestamp proof of his post on September 14, 2023, an admission and damning comment, AFTER my Telegram Disclosure Post on the SAME exact day, September 14, 2023.

That's what happens when frauds get caught. The attempted cleanup is messy and damning.

How did it feel reading Federal Law = First to use NOT first to file?

That "legal" process was so "legal" that you were watching my posts, saw my public disclosure to people that we had evidence, that you filed for a Letter of Abandonment and it was granted 7 DAYS after my post.

And the fact that you had the AUDACITY to try to pull in a State of Alabama Representative District 88, Jerry Starnes, in your web of lies, fraud, and crimes, by trying to say I doxxed you and your accomplices for showing what the WHOLE world will see when people go to the PUBLIC government site and look up ANY Trademark on the

District 88 also ties in your address that you used to register on the in your attempt to STEAL my Trademark... you know, your "very legal process." Congrats Jerry, RINO Republican. I know a LOT of your people, as I'm sure they'll love to know what kind of person you are as well.

Public Servant who does not do much homework of the fraud you're "helping"... or was it just that? Did you know too? All I have to do is make a few calls to Montgomery and get involved and expose you too. It would be in your best interest to consult your fraud pal and tell him to obey Direct Orders. It's not worth it for any of you.

All of FRAUDS should probably READ the disclosure on sites like USPTO a little better before you sign up for things that expose yourselves. You doxxed yourselves because you never thought I'd piece this all together.

So, in January 2024, after watching these fools for a year and collecting all their evidence and piecing enough together to be short, concise, and precise on their intent and motives, I made a video of where this guy came from, for JAG to collect and study, then to tell this clown it's not worth it and to correct his wrong.

It would cost a minimum of $20,000 on the front for a Federal Attorney just to file, as JAG can represent me as a Retired Veteran, but things such as Trademarks are Federal and not in their Jurisdiction.

There I was trying to be the nice guy and keep from him facing a Court Martial. As I do have a case, it's a matter of do I want to be the one to spend that kind of money.

I released the video and put his Commander, Unit, and JAG information on there for people to take action, in which JAG contacted me within a day of the video releasing. They confirmed my Retired Status with my DoD # and said they received around 53,000 phone calls which started the talks with them.

I told them I expect resistance and even haters. I realize many disagree with me and that's a person's choice and right. But his actions are beyond disagreement. His premeditated intent and motives and actions prove he came after me, is obsessed with me, as he has not pursued anyone else, but me.

I told them this is petty and a waste of taxpayer dollars, that a grown ass "man", an Officer nonetheless, is engaged in such petty garbage, violating DoD and AF Regulations, plus has 5 kids and a wife, amongst all responsibilities of the Space Force, and I did NOT want spend stupid money to go to court because this isn't about being right. It's about doing what's right.

After I corresponded with JAG and a Special Investigator for a little over a week, via the SI, JAG and his Chain of Command:

His deal was to:

Change Name of his fraudulent Facebook Page donning my Brand Name.
Leave my name out of his social media.
Leave me alone period.

My deal was to:

Take video down of all the evidence of his fraud and felonies which equal INTENT and MOTIVES.

And forget he exists, in which I would LOVE to do, as I never knew who this piece of shit was before January 31, 2023.

But Narcissists can't follow instructions or orders. From DIRECT ORDERS in February 2024 to July 26, 2024... the fraud was already back at it on social media.

Active-Duty with 5 kids and a wife, an OFFICER nonetheless, with roles and duties with the Space Force, sitting on social media in the comment box of someone posting my video and thinking I wouldn't see it.

As you saw his narcissist comments from last fall:

"I refuse to let someone attempt to discredit me and my service to this country"....

Manipulation and Gaslighting; Fraud and Pathological Liar.

This POS brought ALL of this on himself.

So, here we are again.

But what I'm about to show you all is something I brushed under the rug for almost 2 years. Again, trying to be the good guy, turn the other cheek, but this time... I just can't. If the guy is going to trail my every move, then people need to know what the fraud is.

Even though I don't keep a number count, I lost quite a few followers due to this 2 years ago. But more importantly, my dear sweet Mother who birthed me, her only child, had to watch the comments, but also live with the agony of an individual who may know my birthday, but NOTHING about me, did NOT grow up with me, another pathological liar and narcissist, trying to frame-me and then bald-faced LIED about it in which is all recorded with timestamp proof in the timeline you'll read about.

But because I was trying to be a decent human, understanding publicity, and "haters"... I turned the other cheek for TWO years while I watched my name and character get drug through all kinds of trash and shit that were ALL BALD-FACED premeditated and prefabricated lies, false accusations, false information, misinformation, defamation, slander, libel, fraud and frame-up all of which prove motives and intent.

Now imagine a parent, who's a great parent, who's never intervened in their children's lives, finding out that one of their children is replicating the Deep State swamp and also repeating Biblical History.

I grew up an only child. I have half-siblings who grew up completely different from me. A completely different cloth. And for the sake of the same parent, I've tried to be cordial through the years, as we do have our same parent with us. Most of my family doesn't even know I have half-siblings. That's how 'only child I grew up.'

Imagine finding out that your child was seeking to prefabricate text messages via photoshop of your other child with an underage female with the intention of this spreading as the internet does and people do.

Isn't that what the deep state does to President Trump and those associated with him?

Doesn't that sound like something else?

Cain killed Abel. Genesis 4:1-8.

Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. Genesis 37-50:

And there was my "half-sibling" in posts and in private group with his now, 5th ex-wife, both raging narcissists, painting a picture of how he's such a hero, that I'm a liar, and making these people think he was close to me, all trying to frame me talking to an underage female... and trying to use my friend Siggy, who's daughter is in her mid 20s.

I have audio with untouchable backup files of the "half-sibling" lying to me and his Father about any affiliation with these people, but then when questioned about correspondence with a 'Chris Eryx', he 'all of a sudden' remembered that "they contacted him" and "I told them I don't want anything to do with this." Social Media posts by the "half-sibling" and text messages from his new pal Chris prove otherwise.

They never thought I'd see their private exchanges in private groups they created. As you'll soon read, it was Chris, the man of many names, who damned them all, and put the bow on the box for my team.

And there was his soon to be 5th ex-wife with some low IQ individual, who's one of the 6 accomplices on the USPTO, in a FB comment box saying:
"...after he used his own mother to speak with grandmas."

My Mother has NEVER been to any of my events for safety reasons, plus, keeping her privacy as secure as possible from lunatics and evil scums like all of you.

I'm my Mother's only child and I grew up that way. She has always feared this "half-sibling" to be a deathly threat to me and worries for my safety, as he's a loose screw and just looking for a reason to get rid of me.

There's a reason I grew up an only child.

How did I trace them together? Really simple.

Took the time to go to their friends list and what do ya know?

Bingo. They areee as dumb as displayed.

The recruiter / handler = Chas Carter from PPN (Patriot Party News).

As you'll see with time stamped and screenshot proof...

Chas Carter was following Chuck on his Instagram.

Chuck is still following my friend Siggy and I have proof of him trying to message her.

After finding out Chuck had violated Direct Orders, recently, with the post that was sent to me where he was commenting about me on July 26, 2024; So, on December 2, 2024, I tagged him and PPN, letting them know I'm going to expose the RING they are/were in.

Same day, Dec. 2, 2024, I received a text from Warren Armour from PPN, as you can see in the video. I explained to a tee the timeline and how I caught his guys in a web of lies and know who planted Chuck. As expected, he tried to separate Chas from PPN, with a comment: "What does this have to do with PPN?"

Your boy is one of the key guys of PPN. In true mafia style, as they all act like they are "key players" and 'insiders'... and they're NOT anything close to it, he wanted to meet in person.

But last time I was around any of these guys, December 10, 2022... My team and myself got immediately sick afterwards, all of us running 106 degrees temps, as I have text proof of people begging me to go to the hospital. Now you'd have to know me and them to know our health history. But none of us had ever been THAT sick.

So, after explaining to Warren from PPN how his guys are all linked together and he wanted to deny it and play Mr. Tough Guy on text, I go back on Instagram, in the same calendar month, December 2024, forever timestamped, to Chuck's friends list, and what do you know... no more Chas Carter following his buddy Chuck.

Now look at the timeline:

September 3, 2022: My first text to Chas Carter.

October 5, 2022: First text message ever with Chris, man of many names.

October 19, 2022: Chris, man of many names, gets his ass fired on tour and left in New Mexico to find his own way home from tour.

December 10, 2022: Event in Dallas, Texas, with Chris, man of many names.

December 12, 2022: The last text by Chris, man of many names, until video with evidence dropped January 24, 2024.

December 15, 2022: Last text message from Chas Carter that mentions Chris, man of many names.

January 31, 2023: Chuck makes a TikTok video about me and Nino.

February 4, 2023: Posts on his personal Facebook with my name and brand name.

February 16, 2023: Accusation comments start on my music videos about underage females.

February 2023: "Half-sibling" posting on social media related material to all this.

March 4, 2023: Chuck makes an appearance on Nino.

March 11, 2023: A person tips a friend off with their intent to display a prefabricated, all fake, exchange of "texts" with an underage female and say it was Siggy Flicker's daughter.

March 14, 2023: Text messages about Chris, man of many names, and Chuck going to do a podcast on PPN to "expose me."

March 21, 2023: Post via Dallas at PPN: "Pray for Derek, he got arrested." Some random guy named Derek in Florida. With people texting friends of mine asking if it was true.

April 17, 2023: One of the 6 names on the fraudulent attempt to steal Trademark, Laura Upshaw, emails my attorney and dams them all.

April 18, 2023: Chuck Ruffin, and his 6 minions, files for 1776 Nation on

May 23, 2023: Receive a text message from a PPN member; Chas threw me and the Military under the bus on a Podcast.

September 14, 2023: I post on all Social Media accounts disclosure that we knew a group was seeking to steal my Federal Trademark.

September 14, 2023: Chuck posts in his group about my Telegram post. Admission of guilt.

September 21, 2023: Filed for Abandonment of Trademark.

September 22, 2023: Granted Letter of Abandonment of Trademark.

January 24, 2024: Made public my 1 hour and 13 minute evidence video on Chuck and his plot.

January 24, 2024: Chris Eryx, Chris Steinbrunn, "Baby Trump," gives up the ship. Damns all of them, ties them all in together.

October 2024: Chris, man of many names, on podcast tying in the members of PPN.

December 2, 2024: Chas Carter still following Chuck.

December 2, 2024: Warren from PPN text messages me as to why PPN was being tagged. Then tries to separate Chas' actions from PPN.

December 29, 2024: Chas is no longer following Chuck.

How did Chas know to unfollow Chuck? 🙂 GUILTY.

And Chris, man of many names, is the one who ties them all together.
The mole = Chris.

I was on a tour in 2022 that started in September 2022 and ended in October 24, 2022. Never met the guy in my life. Never met him until October 5, 2022, and he was fired from the head of the tour in Ruidoso, New Mexico, on October 19, 2022.

The con-artist has ZERO business talking to anyone about me. This con BARELY talks to me for 2 weeks and is all of a sudden talking to an estranged "half-sibling" all trying to frame and "expose" me with their premeditated, prefabricated, fake messages with an underage female and had not spoken to me since December 12, 2022, but when the video with evidence dropped on January 24, 2024, all of a sudden he's voluntarily texting with the names, Chuck Ruffin, Jerald (the "half-sibling"), Nino, Chas, my friend Siggy, and "just wanting the truth?"

"Don't give up the ship!!!"

The mole gave up the ship. Now I'm going to sink it.

What does Laws and Orders have to do with this trash?

How come I did not receive a single call, message or email from Chuck this whole time? And why should I? What makes him the ONE I need to talk to?

How come I did not receive a single call, message or email from Chris from December 14, 2022, to January 24, 2024? And why should I? What makes him the ONE I need to talk to?

So, why was Chris contacting an estranged "half-sibling" out of the blue, he had NEVER met in his life?

Why was Chuck contacting an estranged "half-sibling" out of the blue, he also had NEVER met in his life?

So, why was Chris all of a sudden texting me on January 24, 2024, since 2022, after a damning video that did not show all these messages, but he saw his name, briefly, wanting to "get to the truth?"

"I am extending an olive branch."

Why do I need an olive branch from a group of people tied together creating lies, false accusations, fraud, and frame-up intentions?

Olive Branch = GUILTY.

You think I wanted this trash in my life?

I was on a tour where I had to meet and get along with this clown. Meeting wasn't by choice.

"Don't give up the ship!"


"Yes, I put him with Nino. I found out about Chuck Ruffin cause he did an interview with PPN."

So, who got Chuck on PPN?

The handler and the mole proved it.

All of which ties in the premeditation with intent and motives. Thanks to Chuck's posts all over social media. Amongst all the others admissions of guilt.
Now, apply the timeline again.

At first, due to the internet world, I gave Chuck the benefit of the doubt, being an Active-Duty Officer, a "man in uniform," thinking someone could be using his image, as there's a lot of people who use that to prey on people.

But what damned ole Chuck... He had a video go viral in his Uniform filmed by his dependa wife, which was their whole ploy, anything to blow up his second career and hers... but clearly, that video didn't blow up their secondary careers, just a viral video that became one of the THOUSANDS of soldier videos that have gone viral.

In that video, the fool walks by his Mailbox and the video has a clear image of his house. It is the same address he used on the

Now, what are the odds that ole Chuck hasn't been on any other shows?

And what's the odds that ole Chuck doesn't go after anyone else?

And what are the odds that ole Chuck is an aspiring "producer?"

And what are the odds that ole Chuck's wife is a singer?

And what are the odds that PPN is based in Nashville, Tennessee?

This is the SAME FRAUD who has the audacity to make manipulative and victim comments such as:

"He as posted a pretty lengthy follow up specifically targeting me."

'I refuse to let someone attempt to discredit me and my service to this country..."

"I'm just his target because I'm active duty. Every time someone begins a new thread or he loses his platform he comes after me."

Typical manipulative, pathological liar and narcissist.

NEVER heard of this fraud before. Came after me January 30, 2023. Has not gone after ANYONE else but me.

Then gets caught with premediated, prefabricated motives and intent to steal and frame me, THEN tries to play the Victim.

Classic Narcissist and Pathological and Manipulative Liar. Unfortunately, those never see or know they’re wrong.

Chuck Ruffin is a fraud and waste of taxpayer dollars' role in the United States Space Force as an Officer is NOT to be on Social Media attempting to correcting anything.

This is where he tries to scathe the average person who will simply support a 'man in uniform' simply due to the status of Active-Duty and the wardrobe.

The Department of Defense Regulations, Space Force Regulations (under Air Force Regulations), and the United States Space Force's mission does NOT include using terms such as "liar" and "lying" and then saying "absolutely" incorrect as one of his recent posts says:

"He is absolutely incorrect. Here is an example of a National Emergency that has continued for over two decades that the entire world knows about."

First off, and again, it's not his role, duty, responsibility on taxpayer time and dollars, to do ANY of this, much less come after, set in on, and focus on me, and me alone.

Two, if you'll notice on one of his posts, he says:

"Yes he sources them from direct sites associated to .mil and .gov sites. However he takes small portions of these document and misleads people by not providing the full context on how they are used."

(Spelling depicts the original post as he's either dyslexic or just that desperate for publicity and pathetic as his punctuation and grammar are poor).

If anyone who personally knows me and/or has followed me for 2.5 years knows anything about me.... the video that went globally viral to allow me to build a platform was 1.5 hours long. The 2nd video I did the next night that received millions of views, was 3.5 hours long. Most of my videos are 2.5 to 4 hours long. Most of my posts require Parts (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc) and the 'See More' command.

The guy is a low IQ individual who knows NOTHING extensive about Legislation, Laws and Orders. Even his cherry-picking "skills" are below 3rd grade level. I wouldn't even insult a kindergartener with his poor attempts to "correct" me.

He's a woke liberal who hates President Trump. He's always defending "Joe Biden"... and fails to answer why "Joe" has not received one thing Presidential that's all publicly available. Instead, he responds to people with two paragraphs that are as broad as the Pacific Shoreline.

And notice, he's the one who accuses me of short descriptions of Laws and Orders, and says I fail to show people extensive answers, but nowhere does he have 2.5 to 4 hour videos breaking down ALL the Laws and Orders that I cover nor does he have posts with Parts (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) or with 'See More' commands with loads of receipts.

Again, guilty. These people who accuse you of things are the ones who are doing the accusation(s).

Legislation is the very fundamental core of the United States of America. And even though other Nations have governments, legislative processes and functions, what sets us uniquely apart is HOW we were established and the documentation of that.

The Military and Military Law came first, then the Declaration of Independence, then the Constitution.

The reason our Nation has looked so lost, confused, brainwashed, and conditioned, was by putting trust into titles, entitlement, and positions simply due to the role, not the people.

As you'll read in another post of his: "I hate that so many good Americans are caught up in his spreading of information and interpretation of laws when he isn't a lawyer, or even affiliated with the government."

Guess who else wasn't affiliated with the government?

The Man draining the swamp.

Guess who isn't a lawyer either? The Fraud trying to coerce and persuade people to stop following me who's committed all these actions against me.

Plus, it doesn't matter WTF I'm saying... it's not your role, job, duty, responsibility, to trail behind me, talk about me, correct me, or anything. Period.

That's not ANY role in the United States Armed Forces.

You pursued me because I'm a Retired United States Veteran and you're Active-Duty with a secondary dream to have hits as a producer and to promote your wife.

What a perfect combination of seeking publicity to use your Uniform to lure people to you with your Active-Duty status because you know how many people admire the Uniform and Service.

Your intent and motives are VERY clear. And with PPN based out of Nashville, Tenn, along with those guys being jaded because I would not join their "network" in 2022 plus this petty drama that followed my decline of their "invitation"...

It all makes sense to anyone who follows the timeline provided.

You are a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR and Narcissist trying to play Victim. You are a SHITBAG by all Military definitions and any Vet or any soldier who takes up for you, are also SHITBAGS.

You need help. And my contribution will be roasting your ass until you formally apologize and go away as you were DIRECTED to do by JAG and your Chain of Command in February 2024. Follow your damn Orders.

As everyone read your post via FB on February 4, 2023, "I hate that I'm even making this post."

No you didn't. You wanted this. It's just not when and how you wanted it. You are caught in a web of lies, deceit, deception, fraud, and pursuable crimes. But your worst courthouse is the people of social media who will judge your actions...

Especially all those you thought would never see all this evidence pieced together. All those you've hood-winked and "pulled" one over them.

Playing the Victim saying I'm trying to destroy your life and career. What a pussy and narcissist.

Again, this is what you wanted, just not WHEN and HOW you wanted it.

Playing the Victim saying I'm turning my people against you. "My" People are amazing, great, wonderful, honest, transparent, God-fearing, God-loving, all different walks of life, all different religions, awesome Patriots who are tired of liars, thieves, frauds, scammers, and Deep State swamp rats like you.

All one has to do is stay in their lane, mind your own business, do unto others, and tell your point of view about whatever it is you want to build an audience with, and leave other people's names from your mouth in a negative manner, but ESPECIALLY do not lie, steal, cheat, and try to destroy someone to build yourself up.

You're such a manipulative and pathological liar, fraud, and narcissist, you would say that I'm doing that to you. I'm defending my character that you and your thug accomplices were attempting to destroy with drama, lies, and fraud.
Saying you "refuse to let me discredit you and your service."

You discredit yourself and the people will not be fooled. The evidence speaks for itself.

And you aren't going to do shit. You asked for all this. You have FREE access to JAG. If I was the guilty one attacking you, you can pursue me a LOT easier than I pursue you. Do it. I beg you. File with JAG and sue me.

But you won't because the evidence is stacked and overwhelming, and I've done everything to brush this under the rug from day one, as you've alluded to, another GUILTY admission to the public, that I blocked you from day one.

Here's the fact: You're a keyboard pussy who wants attention via publicity and money.

I'll always have the last word, because I've got everything on you and your accomplices.

That's why you will not visit your buddies at JAG.

And remember, I've been the nice guy who didn't waste money on this easy case. You should be thankful. But every time you say something about me, or are associated with my name in ANY form or fashion, you break what's recorded with JAG and other attorneys, which extends the Statute of Limitations for me to pursue you in the Court of Law and Order.

So, enjoy the bed you made.

Same applies to you, PPN. While I believe it is two sole moles at PPN, Chas Carter and Chris, man of many names, I still think people should unfollow this group.

Laws and Orders do NOT operate and function this way. What these people have done replicate the same traits as those who've sought to destroy President Trump, his family, his people, and other supporters.

Warren, you're the only one with any spine thus far, since you text me, but you cannot separate PPN from Chas' actions, as you tried to do. Doesn't work that way.

You should disassociate with these two clowns, IF you have any decency.

Is that the "Local Action equals National Impact?" - Asking for "the Locals."

It was also PPN, Dallas, who tried to start a drama "publicity" smear last year, when some guy named 'Derek' got arrested in Florida around an event of people I knew, and you guys posting: "Pray for Derek, he was arrested" and nothing more.

Knowing people would click on it and find out it was another Derek, but also knowing some who worship the ground you all walk on... would run with that before seeing a last name.

You guys think I'm stupid... you're all a failure.

All of your motives stem around money and publicity.

And in closing.

Why am I having to deal with you? Why in the hell do I want to talk to you? I don't know you. Never knew you. Don't care to know you.

Why in the hell do I have to see your damn name on posts trying to correct information after you've been given a Direct Order to stay away from anything associated with me?

But here's the irony... how come many other people have contacted me and my management, as our contact information is all public, but I don't have a DAMN call, voicemail, or direct message from you?

NOT one single direct message from you at all before January 30, 2023. Not a single direct email, message, or phone call from you during the time you were using fake profiles and secondary accounts, all with the same access to my contact information.

Not a single direct email, message, or phone call from you during the time your ACCOMPLICES were using fake profiles and secondary accounts, all with the same access to my contact information.

E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G you say playing a "victim"... you damn yourself every time. You have access to me via all secondary accounts. You're just a pussy who never thought you'd be caught.

My page isn't set up for drama, propaganda, and "conversations." I appear on podcasts but I don't have a podcast where I bring people on. Never have, never will. That's not my style.

I provide people with receipts aka the tools of our Military Laws, Regulations, Customs, via Publications, Manuals, and Orders and Legislation via Laws, Bills, Acts, Codes, Orders, and I tell what I perceive after reading ALL those and having the ability to combine those.

You are a low IQ fraud who has not read 1/1024th of what I've read and studied nor will you ever have the ability I have, and that's your problem, as well as your recruiter, Chas.

You all want fame and notoriety. You all call me a 'grifter' but all of you have subscriptions and discount codes for products you're selling or a link asking for donations. Hell, you all beg for followers, because you cannot get them honestly and with solid information.

You all claim to be Christians and/or Patriots and/or President Trump supporters. None of you are any such thing. You are all jealous liars, thieves, narcissists, frauds, traitors, backstabbers, and hypocrites.

I have hundreds of thousands of followers because people have taken what I've taken and perceived the same thing because they took the initiative and read and empowered themselves and read the same thing.

Americans are sick and tired of liars, thieves, frauds, and scumbags like yourselves who call yourselves "Patriots" and "Truth Seekers" and other garbage. How about just be a decent human being and show people what you want to show them.

Legislations, Laws and Orders do NOT require:

False Accusations
False Information

If you'd all just focus on yourselves being decent humans plus what matters to people... versus "how many people" aka numbers are following you all... outside of creating drama, lies, and criminals, and would have focused on Laws and Orders of the Land, you might have found people will listen to you and you all wouldn't find yourself in this dumpster fire you all created.

I went globally viral showing people the Laws and Orders invoked and provided visuals of those and still do, daily, weekly, monthly. Again, none of that required any of you, anyone else, or drama, propaganda, and petty garbage. Amazing how that works.

You're all bums and frauds who need to be banned and barred from anything Government and Military related. I wouldn't even trust you as a garbage man. And that's something you all are experts in, trash.

You all have a lot of explaining to do to your followers. I don't need your explanation. It's clear what your motives and intent was plus it was all premeditated. You all failed. You're all posers and brown nosers with zero integrity, decency, or intent to do good by the people you all "claim" to care about.

But your followers will follow you just because and never look at the evidence from 2022 and 2023, all timestamped in a chronological order that proves premeditation, intent and motives to do harm and destroy character.

All replications of the Deep State.

Any retaliation with their "podcast" on December 31, 2024, after this yet again, public disclosure, adds to their guilt, intent and motives that adds to all the evidence that already outlines fraud and frame-up.

Disclosing you are going to do a podcast, after evidence has already gone through a Lawful Process (JAG at Buckley Space Force Base in January and February 2024), as JAG would not have taken this further had their not been a case, only proves your guilt, intent and motives.

You're all retaliating because you've all been caught.

You're retaliating because I never knew ANY of you before any of this and you have nothing good to show the world, as I've been on the scene 2.5 years, but now your colors are about to be shown, to replicate the deep state and expose yourselves.

Waiting until AFTER you've all been caught in a web of lies, deceit, fraud and frame-up equals and proves malice, intent, and motives.

All for publicity and money.

What a world we live in.

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