Light Of Hope

1 month ago

(Written by Ben Antoniadis)

Heading down the open road
Though fear swept through here some time ago
Invading every town along the way
Where few held their ground in its wake

Where the people were tired and torn
Some shell shocked, some battle worn

I met a man on the road who stood tall
Though he had nowhere to call home
He said, “The soul of a nation has grown cold
And it’s written on the face of every lost soul”

Yeah, the heart of a nation is broken
And the truth cries out to be spoken
Where the conscience of men, silent too long
Like the silence of every stillborn

So, speak the truth, my friends
There’s a light of hope up ahead
Some say it’s where the fallen have risen
Some say it’s where the newborn cries, a song of freedom

Yeah, the heart of a nation is broken
And the truth cries out to be spoken
Where the conscience of men, silent too long
Like the silence of every stillborn

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