Marken Er Mejet (Bluegrass Version)

2 months ago

A Danish folk song my grandpa recommended I turn into a bluegrass tune. Great idea. Background images are of classic Danish landscape and culture.
A text written by Mads Hansen in 1868 is normally sung to this melody. It goes as such:

Marken er mejet, og høet er høstet,
kornet er i laderne, og høet står i hæs.
Frugten er plukket, og træet er rystet,
og nu går det hjemad med det allersidste læs.
Rev vi marken let,
det er gammel ret,
fuglen og den fattige skal også være mæt.
Rev vi marken let,
det er gammel ret,
fuglen og den fattige skal også være mæt.

Loen vi pynter med blomster og blade,
vi har georginer og bonderoser nok.
Børnene danser allerede så glade,
alle vore piger står ventende i flok.
Bind så korn i krans,
hurra, her til lands
sluttes altid høsten med et gilde og en dans.
Bind så korn i krans,
hurra, her til lands
sluttes altid høsten med et gilde og en dans.

In English:

The field is mowed and the hay is harvested,
The grain is in barns and hay stands in hoarse.
The fruit is picked, and the tree is shaken,
and now it goes home with the very last load.
Cut we the field with ease,
it is the old law,
the bird and the poor must also be full.
Cut we the field with ease,
it is the old law,
the bird and the poor must also be full.

The scythe we decorate with flowers and leaves,
we have dahlias and peonies enough.
The children danced already so happy,
All our girls are waiting in the bunch.
Bind then grain in wreath,
hurray, in this land
the harvest is ended with a feast and a dance.
Bind then grain in wreath,
hurray, in this land
the harvest is ended with a feast and a dance.

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