Capricorn New Moon Dec 30 ’24 Astrology and Frequencies #astrology #highvibe #frequencies

1 month ago
35 This Capricorn New Moon forms a square to Lilith, encouraging us to call/recall those unwanted aspects of our personality and integrate them fully into the heart center. As retrograde Mars continues to transit the USA Sibley chart’s 8th house, domain of what’s been hidden, dormant, denied, and all “taboo” topics, this theme is further emphasized. Transiting Saturn conjuncts the USA’s Sedna, and stirs up new concepts of “time”, our “reality”, as well as how we conduct ourselves in the world.

New Service! I am now certified to offer eligible clients Anrita Melchizedek’s Galactic Activations to assist in the ascension process. Please visit for more information.

Planetary Frequencies: 16:16
Galactic Activations Info: 20:50

The Dance of Saturn and Sedna:

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Planetary Frequencies:
Sun/NM/Saturn for Cap New Moon
Merc/Jup/Saturn - opp/square
Merc/Saturn/Chiron square/trine
Venus/Uranus/Sedna square
Mars/Neptune/Pluto trine/opp
Mars/Pluto/Sedna opp/sextile

With USA’s Chart:

Sun/NM/USA Jupiter opp
Sun/NM/USA Saturn square
Sun/NM/USA Uranus quincunx
Saturn/USA Saturn in Libra(Venus)/USA Sedna conj./quincunx
Venus/USA Moon/USA Merc conj./quincunx
Jupiter/Saturn/USA Sedna square/conj.

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