Gemini Full Moon Dec 15 ’24 Astrology and Frequencies #astrology #highvibe #frequenciesforyourlife

2 months ago
24 “The Twin Within” - in this chart the Gemini Full Moon falls in the 8th house, where we encounter a deep and cathartic emotional experience for the purpose of knowing love on a deeper level. We are simultaneously releasing ancient fears of betrayal, ridicule and death while receiving and remembering the spiritual gifts we already embody. This is an initiation on the ascension path that allows us to grow deeper roots in the physical world as physical beings, while stretching into higher consciousness and discovering ourselves as if for the first time. A grand Air Trine involving the Libra SN, Pluto and Sedna require the complete transformation of old patterns in relationships. It feeds a grand Fire Trine involving the Aries NN, its ruler Mars (Rx) and Mercury, also Rx and ruler of this Gemini Full Moon. We’re feeling like we’re in limbo, but it’s necessary for the powerful integration of these “twins” within us all so that we can fully heal and return to oneness.

Rumi Message: 17:39
Planetary Frequencies: 20:21

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Planetary Frequencies:
Sun/Moon/Mercury for Gemini Full Moon
Sun/Moon/Neptune - square
Sun/Uranus/Neptune quincunx/square
Sun/Neptune/Chiron - square/trine
Mercury/Venus/Mars - sextile/trine
Mercury/Sedna/NN(Mars) - opp/trine
Mercury/Mars (Using Sun for Leo)/NN (using Mars for Aries) - fire trine
Venus/Mars/Jupiter - opp/trine
Mars/Pluto/SN(Venus) - opp/sextile
Jupiter/Saturn/Chiron - square/sextile
Pluto/Sedna/SN(Venus) - air trine

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