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Prophet Amanda Grace - A Jehu Moment - Matt Gaetz Withdraws + What’s Coming for America - Captions
This video covers a live online event hosted by Amanda Grace. The event begins with a welcome to viewers across the United States and internationally, as well as a short prayer. Topics discussed include the withdrawal of Matt Gaetz from an unspecified nomination, a prophetic discussion with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn about the Jehu anointing and parallels between the church and government, and insights into recent political and prophetic events including the role of Donald Trump and recent developments in AI and global politics.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Amanda! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 11-21-2024 and may be watched here: 👉
Explosive Prophetic Insights with Amanda Grace, Clay Clark & Rabbi Jonathan Cahn - 2024 Revelations
Join Amanda Grace as she welcomes special guests Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and Clay Clark in a dynamic live session just one week before Thanksgiving 2024 (November 21st). The session kicks off with a stirring prayer and then dives into breaking news, including Matt Gaetz withdrawing and International Criminal Court developments. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn discusses President Trump, biblical prophecies, and a potential revival. Meanwhile, Clay Clark offers compelling insights about AI, the global economic shift, and alarming statements from Elon Musk. The episode also includes Amanda’s forthcoming book announcement 'The Revelationary War', a mention of upcoming events, and holiday sales from My Pillow.
00:00 Welcome and Introductions
01:56 Opening Prayer and Reflections
05:46 Special Guests and Announcements
07:02 Discussion with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
29:48 Breaking News and Analysis
30:51 Interview with Clay Clark
43:40 Predictions for AGI and Humanoid Robots
44:20 The Future of Warfare and Human-Robot Ratio
46:12 Biblical References and Economic Implications
47:34 Concerns About AI and Technological Advancements
53:04 Elon Musk's Vision and Historical Parallels
58:43 Warnings and Philosophical Discussions
01:07:33 Biblical Prophecies and Modern Technology
01:16:52 Final Thoughts and Announcements
Video Information:
Prophetic Alert: Jehu Bringing Down the House of Baal, Matt Gaetz's recent step down and What’s Coming for America
Join Amanda as she welcomes special guests Jonathan Cahn and Clay Clark to discuss how a Jehu of this time will bring down the house of Baal and what is coming in this season for America. Tune in Nov. 21st at 4pm ET.
Music Copyright References:
-21981893-Corporate And Inspirational Cinematic Background Music (1.00 Minutes Version) by StockAudios/Pond 5
-151471022-Uplifting Inspirational Corporate by Patrick_Schlebes/Pond5
-154756307-Magic Fireflies Loop Version2(Modern And Relaxing Background) by Lesya_NZ
-123859534-Successful Product Presentation 60S - P5 by wolfgangwoehrle
-105166597-Believe in You (Inspirational And Uplifting)- P5 by DivaProductionMusic
Music License:
Purchase ID/Date: 7365245 / 9-29-2023
Prayer Requests:
Video Transcript:
Hello, hello everyone. Welcome. We are live. Yep. Today is one week until Thanksgiving. November 21st 20 twenty-four. Welcome to everybody jumping on in the United States and around the world. We're so happy to have you. Hello hello. Let's see who is jumping on. I see people coming in from South Carolina, Tennessee, Washington, Indiana, Texas. God bless Texas. Oh my goodness gracious. I think people from New Zealand are on which is amazing. Maine, aloha from Oahu. Hello, hello to you as well. Welcome to our our brothers and sisters watching in Hawaii and let's see who else is coming on. West Virginia, Georgia. We're putting out a short about Georgia. So, keep keep watch for that. It's coming out. The devil tried to go down to Georgia but the Lord dealt with it. So, we're going to be doing that soon and hello to everybody else jumping on to our moderators, to our Ark of Grace team. Thank you helping us do what we do for the Lord. I'm going to open up in prayer in just a moment as people are jumping on. We have a lot to talk about including Matt Gaetz has withdrawn now. This is a huge new story actually that is broken. My team alerted me to it today actually and there is so much more that we have to get into. I'm going to open up in prayer. We I have my time with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. We have that cued to go. We prophetically talked about Jehu and it was amazing. So, please stay tuned for that. If you can share this video now, share as well. Like and subscribe. Let me open up a prayer and I want to thank one person quick and we're going to get. There's a lot to talk about today. There is a lot happening. There is a parallel I'm beginning to see that's running between the church and the government right now and we're probably going to get into that more on Monday but I'm beginning to see this parallel form and so I'm just praying about it. So, let's open up in prayer and we'll be Father God in the precious name of your son Jesus Christ Yeshua Hamashiach we come before you this day father God we praise you you are almighty God you are high and lifted up far above every power principality and might we give you all the glory honor and praise to your precious holy name father God Lord we humble ourselves before you this day asking you to forgive us of our sins cleanse us of all unrighteousness father forgive us of every way we've sinned and fallen short father God Lord we praise you that your mercies are new every single day Lord. We all fall short of your glory father God. We all do and we praise you father God that you sent a savior for us. Jesus Christ Yeshua Hamashiach came to the earth. He was the word became flesh. He was the Passover Lamb. He dwelt among us. He was the sacrifice for our sins. He willingly died at Calvary. He purchased us by the shedding of his own blood. He redeemed us. He reconciled us back to you. He miraculously rose again in three days and after appearing to many, a Ascended back into heaven, took his rightful place at the right hand of the father where he rules and reigns forevermore. He is our advocate before your throne and I honor that. We honor that Lord before you this day. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, we welcome your presence, the presence of Ruach Elohim, the spirit of the living God, and the Holy Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh, to fill this place father God. Lord, let your power, your might, your glory go forth, let it descend father God, let people tangibly feel Your presence Lord be our front and rear guard as we go forth in the name of Jesus Christ. I ask you fill us Lord with your wisdom, counsel, might, power, and the reverential fear of the Lord. By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ by the spirit of the one true living God. May only the truth and power of almighty God with authority now come forth Lord in Jesus name. Father take all the glory for yourself Lord. Father in the name of Jesus Christ we rebuke every plot scheme contract assignment, harm, interference, or sabotage that would be attempted in the name of Jesus Christ. It is rebuked, cancelled, aborted, destroyed, dismantled, disabled, rendered, powerless, nullified, voided, disarmed, bound up in the name of Jesus Christ and cast back to the dry places, pits, and areas you have designated for such Lord to be bound there in the name of Jesus Christ and not return or have anything sent to this place. Father, take all the glory for yourself. You are the potter. We are most certainly just the clay. You are the author and finisher of our faith. You are the breath. You the Yahweh. You are the breath father God of life Lord and we glorify you. We praise you Lord. Take all the glory father God. You deserve it father God. We are merely vessels and receptacles for your glory to fill and for what your plans and your purposes are to be fulfilled in the earth father. We praise you in the name of Jesus Christ Yeshua. Amen and amen. Amen. Praise the Lord. Welcome to those of you jumping on. We have so much to talk about including Matt Gaetz stepping aside and stepping away from the nomination. I have to thank one person, actually two people very fast. So, first of all, I was very touched by this. Christine, I think it's Firestein. Psalm 23 on a silver bar. Christine, thank you so much for this. This is absolutely precious. We're going to talk to Andrew about something like this potentially. So, we thank her for that and guess who visited me today? Doobie, Kim Clement's tour guide was in the States and he came and he visited with us today at the ark and he gave me this necklace. His wife was actually wearing it and they took it off and they gave it to me. It's very special but we're praying me and Doobie about something the Lord wants us to do. So just we keep that in mind. Keep that in prayer. So we were so glad to have Doobie and his lovely wife Imbal here today to visit with us at the ark. Okay. Now let's get down to business here. If with what is going on because there is a whole lot of shaking going on. I know that's a song but there is truth right now to that song with what we see happening. So a few days ago and I'm going to intro him in a minute. It's actually I think it was about days ago. Me and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn got on together to discuss the the pattern of Jehu, what we have seen with the presidency, what's coming for America. We talked for about 20 minutes and I want you to be able to see it and when we come back, we are going to be live. Clay Clark is going to be with us. We're going to be talking about what's just happened with Matt Gaetz amongst other happenings that are going on. So, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has been one of the spiritual leaders to have radically impacted our world in modern times. He has spoken at the United Nations on Capitol Hill to members of Congress and to millions around the world. Every one of his books starting with the Harbinger onward has become a New York Times bestseller. He is recognized as a Prophetic Voice of our Times. He leads Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, New Jersey and Hope of the World Ministry which is a world outreach of God's word and compassion to the world's most Needy. He is also a precious friend of ours. So, please enjoy my time with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn talking about the Jehu anointing and what has just happened in this nation. We're going to bring in Jonathan Cahn right now. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. We're welcoming in the Holy Spirit right now. The Ruach HaKodesh into this conversation in Jesus name. Welcome Rabbi. Always great to be with you Amanda. Thank you. It's wonderful to have you back. So a lot has happened since you've last been on. Yeah. Yeah. And let's talk let's talk about that. Let's talk about this incredible victory that has happened in America with Donald Trump winning in an incredible the presidency and what this means for America. Yeah and and I know you you know you had a kind of you had a vigil of prayer on there for this and yes you were part of it. I don't think I've ever seen so much prayer happening. I mean in in in for the election. I mean as we did in this one. And also people encouraging people to vote. And I just heard that they did a study and it was basically believers that pushed Donald Trump back to the White House. So so a a few things. This is I mean it's This is you know a number of years ago I wrote a book called The Paradigm and the Paradigm it speaks about the leaders of our time and there's an ancient paradigm that matches up with them and with Donald Trump for America I mean for Israel he's a he's been a Cyrus but for America he's Jehu and he's following this pattern of Jehu he doesn't know it but he's following this template of Jehu Jehu was wild he was unpredictable he was of he wasn't a politician he was a fighter and you never knew what he was going to do next or say next and he was used by God to to come to a nation that had known God but was falling away from God and rapidly descending and he used Jehu to number one shock the the system and also also to overturn the powers that be the house of Ahab. Yes. He was actually a judge judgement for the elite and the those in power. But he also was to slow down the fall of the nation and even turn it back if he could turn it back to God. And he was used to drive out Baal worship. You know and and he was the one he made in order to come to power. He had Jehu had to make an alliance with the religious conservatives of the land. So Donald Trump had to make that alliance with the religious conservatives as he has. And he also you know Jehu to come to power he he had to defeat the first the nation's former first lady. Jezebel at the time. Yes. And and yet and so he had a he had to defeat Hillary Clinton and Jezebel was for the offering up of children. And so was Hillary Clinton she was the she was the champion planned parenthood's champion so with everything replayed and everybody thought I mean the polls were saying that Clinton was going to trounce Trump well the paradigm said that the Jehu's going to win and he did and the thing is interesting because in this election notice the dynamics again it's a woman with an unGodly agenda with an anti which has never happened be I mean the only times it happened was Hillary Clinton yes and Kamala Harris and both times this is the this is the dynamics of Jehu. Both times you have Jehu and it's interesting because when Jehu when Trump was against Biden that wasn't that dynamic it wasn't the same dynamic. No he's against a woman with an unGodly agenda. He wins. Jehu wins. You know. Yes. So he won again. You know. So this is a reprieve in one sense. It's a window. It's the answer. The answer is Jesus. And the answer is revival. But God uses the political realm to open the door to the answer. So we cannot stop praying now. We cannot stop being vigilant now. We gotta go even farther because this is a window. If we don't use this window for revival, we're going to waste it. You know, and and if you don't have revival, it's going to turn back. You know, if you don't, if you change the government but you don't change the people, the people are going to change the government back. Right. If you change the laws but you don't change the hearts, the unchanged hearts are going to change the changed laws back. So, we have to change the hearts and we it's revival. So, Let's pray. I mean, let's not stop praying. We gotta keep praying but pray that Donald Trump will truly go all out for God in this in this this is like a last chance. Because if he does, God will do an amazing thing, an amazing thing. So, there's so much by the way, there's so much to this Temple of it's amazing. I'm I'm still I'm in fact Amanda, I'm going to have to write another book because because it there's so much, there is so much that's happening right now and that for the future. So, pray, you know, Pray for we gotta pray for God and we gotta spread the gospel. Go all out. You got religious freedom right now. Use it. Go full blast. And I totally agree with that and I'm going to read to you something very fast from July 1st twenty twenty-three, right? That the Lord had had me a very short paragraph within a word that he had had me put out and it says, for a Jehu shall come before looking like a bit of a mad man, however, is anointed by God to tear down with the hands of seducing spirits and those who encourage the idolatry of Baal have built the work of the hands of one woman and one man. The foundation beneath shall be challenged by this Jehu in his fierce driving shall be recognized as he convinces under the anointing of God those around such individuals to turn on them and finally throw them down. Now Amanda. Yes. When did you when did you get get that? July 1st 2023. Yeah yeah this I mean and that and what you what you just spoke you spoke this is this is what Jehu did and this is where we are and this is and this you know it's like there was a destiny to win here and this is this is you know God used Jehu and he he preserved Israel for a time you know yes he did and now we don't know that there was revival under Jehu and in the when Jehu was gone things kind of went back. We we want to go better than that. You know and so so therefore we gotta pray. Revival is the answer. Jehu is an is a vessel. Well amen and that and that the Jehu then is willing to put on the full yoke of God. Yes. And be fully yoked as Hezekiah was, as Josiah was, as David was, willing now because it's uncomfortable to someone who's never worn it to put that yoke on now. Yeah, oh yeah, absolutely. You know, if Jehu is the only king of the Northern Kingdom who is commended at all. All of them were disasters in the north. He is commended but he also had a mix. He didn't go the Jehu from the Bible. He did something to God but he didn't go fully. We gotta pray that this Jehu goes fully. That's it. Amen. That's it. Amen. It's not just the political thing and it's not just what his own plans are. He gotta realize God has his own plans and I think that even when he saved him from death by the the but that fraction of an inch before this, I think God was is trying to speak to is trying to get that to to to Trump. Amen. I I I very much agree with that and let me ask you a question now because we you wrote the book The Dragon Prophecy, right? And it had to do with Israel and Hamas, right? And what everything that happened? Yeah. Mm hmm. Okay. Now when the election happens Hamas suddenly comes out and says they want to deal. Which is interesting because we saw what Trump did to Isis. Yeah. And so what do you what what do you think the dynamic now? How is it going to change you having written this book? And now what's happened with the election in Israel now with this war with Hamas and in Lebanon. How do you think Trump taking office is going to change the dynamics of this war? Well the the amazing thing is when when the enemies of of America the enemies of Israel sense a strong leader they generally get better you know you know a weak leader does not help because that actually brings more conflict and we've actually seen that you know so on one hand is the hope that that they will realize number one you know Trump does mean what he's what he says when he talks like this but also he's he's also going to be more pro Israel and so that so Hamas if they're expecting America to pressure Israel to stop well that's not so much with Trump so it's going to pressure them and it's going to pressure those who are under them who and many of them are getting a very tired of Amaz many of them are saying they they've ruined our lives they've ruined everything to to do that now whether they will you know it's it's that versus the satanic spirit that impels them so so whether it's going to you know the common sense thing would be let's let's let up let's make a deal let's let get over let's have finished with this but the other side is they are there is stuff there and so you don't know but it the pressure will be for that and same with Iran. The pressure will be for that. Now, I don't know if you heard this but it's beginning to percolate and be reported and I just happen to see this in passing that the Ayatollah is not well and we're looking for a credible source on this because this is beginning to be, you know what I'm saying? It's beginning to to kind of make its way through and this is a very interesting time I think we're entering with the leadership of Iran being toppled because I remember when the Lord had said to me back in February of twenty twenty-three I was at Church International and the spirit of the Lord hit me and I just began to prophesy and he said Netanyahu will be the ox for me that topples the regime of Iran and helps plow the fields in America which is interesting seeing what we see happening so how do you think that is going to change now going into this season yeah the dynamics of Iranian leadership yeah well on one hand the man has never been well visiting I'm being nice when I'm saying that I know He he's he's he's he's old and he's going to pass away at one point. But you know you don't know if the next leader's going to be you know you know how it is. The system has to change. What I've heard from people who are from there actually is going to may sound strange for some people not for others. And that is Iran. They they a person from Iran just told me is that about 90% of the people number one are against the government and they're actually pro Netanyahu. They actually are saying and I don't know what the statistics nobody has a thing on it but that's amazing. Widespread. He said they're actually saying Netanyahu come get over here come we'll build an embassy we'll build embassies in every city come and get rid of this this thing and Netanyahu was actually addressed the Islamic the the Iranian people you know saying this because he knows that there's a difference so the thing is the interesting because in the Dragons prophecy you know on one hand and in biblical prophecy Iran is an enemy of Israel in the in the last days we know that that doesn't mean there can't be revival in the middle of that and a turn but also we saw one of the things we I think we we spoke about that I is led to put on the book and that is that that the you know there's this Abrahamic covenant and the last president of Iran the president who's the secular head under the Ayatollah he's the one who who who authorized who fired the missiles on Israel and 30 days later he's struck down dead there's the Abrahamic covenant that was wild and amazing thing because you know he also vowed that he was going to bring destruction to Israel which is blasphemy and that the weekend that he was killed that he was struck down the the Ancient word that was was appointed in every synagogue of the world ended with the man who said the blasphemy will be struck down. The next day he struck down and God says you know in Ezekiel thirty-eight Iran is going to be one of those nations. Yes. He says I'm going to bring you on against the mountains and he literally brought this president of Iran down on the mountains against the mountains. So so you don't mess with God. And so this is one who messed with God. The is the other one. So I wouldn't be I mean I don't know you know about the Intel reports but I do he you know he's not in a good a good position because you don't do this to Israel these are this is the leadership the first one ever that directly attacked Israel so I wouldn't I don't know if it's the case but I wouldn't be surprised if it is you know it's interesting but what we've seen happen just now in America in the realm of the spirit it seems to have now triggered this tremor that is going across the globe and we're about to see a very significant changing of the guard within the earth because of this it seems have gone out now in this tremor and we're we're of I I believe we're being positioned right now to to witness this from the United States but to witness a changing of the guard. It's interesting. Around the globe. Yeah, interesting because because on one hand, you know, you have Netanyahu in a similar position. He was out of power for a little bit. Yeah. Came back and there's somebody who said there was a word so that when you see Netanyahu come back, you'll see Donald Trump come back and there is a there is some there is a connection there. And so yeah what happens in America's going to happen to the world and it is there is something it is going to cause Trump. There's no question about it. There was no and but and and Jehu was like a wrecking ball. You know he was as you kind of said in that word. You know he he overturns. You know he overturns. And Jehu was listen when Jehu was anointed by that prophet. He was anointed to actually bring vengeance. You know and the thing is that that now now we know you know it wasn't necessarily his personal vengeance. It was God's vengeance. So yeah. So people say oh Trump is vengeful is vulnerable. Well you know Jehu was too. But the but you know and the other thing is that Jehu was a judgement against the status quo and against the elite and against the old guard and against the corrupt order. So Trump whether he means it or not it doesn't matter. It seems like he's the same thing. You know it it it's interesting because this year as we both know was the year of the dragon in China. Still still is. Still is. Until the release of book. Which is kind of isn't that strange it's the timing of God but in I believe it's in February when they're when they switch and February 20 there's there's two interesting events that are happening within within two months we'll say within the two month time span next year we've got the in China it becomes the year of the snake the surface in itself that's an improvement Amanda no we don't this is something we're going to have to pray on and see but then Purim next year is marked by a blood moon. It's marked by a lunar eclipse. So I find that interesting that going into next year what we first see this. Okay we see what what what's going on in China and the changing there. But then we see what's coming with Purim being marked. Yeah Purim yeah I mean Purim being that the enemies of the enemies the plans against God's people get turned around and get overturned and the enemies of God fall. You know and that and that's been something again and again it could be you know I I expect to be a dramatic year. I expected this year to be a dramatic year. I I when I was praying at the beginning I was pray for a word for the for when I shared Beth Israel and and I got war, war, warfare and it's been totally that. And I expect this one to be a a dramatic year. You know when Jehu... and by the way here's the other thing. You know with with Jehu coming back you know you know he's coming back stronger. Not weaker. He's coming back stronger. You know. Yeah. And so we expect this to be dramatic. And by the way I believe we may have you and I may have spoken once because asked before all this and they said okay well what what do you think with the election? Well and I said I want to be careful. I don't want to be dramatic but I want to but I do want to say things. So so one thing I want to throw this out and this is this is from the paradigm concerning this and that is that you know interesting Jehu's last year because when you look at the ancient people the prototypes and you look at the modern ones there's always a match up with how long they're you know in on the on the national stage and the thing is that with Jehu you know and no president can reign as long as a king can reign but Jehu it says his last year was his the 28th year he's he's linked to the number 28... 28th year the year interesting Trump was elected right now now because he was elected his last year will be the year 28 2028 so so it's in a fact if he was elected for the other election and if he won against Biden, it wouldn't have worked out so it's only because he didn't win that it's going to work out and so this is this is you know there it's not an accident there's going to be a new agenda it's going to be dramatic there's going to be shaking it's going to be dramatic you know what's interesting too you're saying is last year is 28 and that that matches up with Jehu as well and the next shemita year it comes is going to hit 2028 they we're going to be in the middle of shemita year I believe it begins September 2027 correct yeah and and the shemita literally literally shemita means kind of let fall I mean the word Hebrew means let fall it's the it's overturning it's overturning overturning and yeah I it wasn't the case before with Trump so this is the first time you got a lot of things converging and it's going to be a real interesting time and again again our we're all part of it our prayers are crucial this could be this could be you know I was led Amanda to share let me throw this in I I don't sure in August I was I got a a strong leading to give a word to Donald Trump and I've never felt that before and I just felt that and then in October I'm invited to go down to where he was at Atlanta the gathering of Trump with leaders of faith and they asked me to come and be one of those who speak and so Trump came they scheduled me last so just before Trump would be on the stage that Trump came to the building so he's in the building he's back-stage and I'm saying you know what I don't know what but I but at the first way the words going to come out I'm going to share it outright you know there and I did you know and it was and the thing is it was that you know this is you know this may be the last chance you know this is going to be his last act and it could be the last chance for America to come back And so you gotta so I said to him this is the moment. You have to go all out. Trump is a trumpet. Literally. There are a lot of things to that. But a trumpet cannot fulfill its calling unless it's filled with the breath of the one who has lifted it up. God has lifted it up. And we gotta pray that Trump would be filled with the breath of God. The spirit of God to fulfill the ultimate calling for which he was placed on earth. That amen to that. I agree with that. I'm for what you were saying. I'm Gonna read to you something very interesting, okay? That I think you're going to find fascinating. So, the Lord led me to look up the meaning of Donald Trump's father's name, Frederick Christ Trump, right? And Donald Trump's name and put them together. Oh yeah. And when you look their names up and you put them together, it says, the peaceful ruler shall bring forth an anointed one that will announce the ruler of the world for God is gracious and will announce for he will outrank all other suits. The Interesting isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I I I you know I I I you know the Lord I'm not saying it's every case but the Lord many times gives names that do match up. You know Donald Trump world leader. You know and and amazing and the whole thing. Yeah. Yeah. So we gotta pray. We you know what I'm saying is that you know we've got a job to do. All of us. Yeah. Especially those who have God's spirit and God's heart and our and are are tuned to the prophetic times. Let's really commit more than ever to pray that God has his way with America. And that will be the world to and that God that pray for revival. The only thing that can save America is revival turning back. Pray that God uses this one to do his to do that, to be part, to open the door. Well, amen to that. Baruch HaShem to that, while you were speaking, Chet is putting his head up and down. Yes. So, even Chet agrees. If Chet agrees, I'm good. We're good. Amanda, I'm I'm I'm blessed when you agree but when Chet agrees, you know and and just to say for those who if they have it or if they don't have it but when I mention the the things about Jehu that's from the paradigm. If they I don't we don't have any picture of it but the para the book called The Paradigm. I wrote it in 2017. It's still coming true. So that's the paradigm. And the other one of course is the dragon's prophecy. It's literally everywhere. I know you have it. It's literally everywhere and get it for people who don't know the Lord as well as those who do. It's happening now. It's all. It is happening now. We'll put the information up on the screen where you can get the dragon's prophecy. It's so important for what we see happening and for what's going to happen with Israel given this changing of the guard that we're witnessing beginning to occur in the Earth. Rabbi Jonathan, thank you so much for coming on. We love it when you come on. Thank Amanda, it's always a joy. I feel like I'm coming home and and for you to tell me that Chet agreed, you made my day. Well, we we are happy to oblige. We are happy to do that for you Rabbi. Thank you so much. Amanda. And there it is. There it is. How do you guys get, you got the paradigm. I don't even social media team. They found it. You do. You do. Yeah. You do. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, Rabbi Jonathan hope to see you again. God bless you. You too. Okay. Alright. And we are back. That was my time just a couple days ago with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. Right before I bring Clay Clark on there is news that is breaking with Reuters. Some of you were talking about it in the chat as well. It says from the November 21st, which is today the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants on Thursday for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former defense chief as well as Hamas leader Ibrahim Al Mazri for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in the conflict. So this is a developing story right now. I think this judge is treading on very dangerous ground right now. I believe he is trifling in God's business and I think we are going to see a a fierce response on God's part with this but this is breaking news. Some of you are talking about it in the chat but this is actively going on right now along with what's happening right now with Matt Gates as well stepping aside. So let's bring on Clay Clark so we can talk about some of this and other things because there's a lot happening right now. Hello. Hi. How are you? Okay, how are you? You hate to follow Jonathan Conn. I can tell you that. He's an incredible teacher, incredible prophet, a friend of mine, a friend of the Reawakened Tour. I I can't say enough great things about Jonathan Cahn and for anybody out there who hasn't read one of his books. It's a fascinating to read and his process for writing them is pretty incredible too. So, I'm so glad that I have the opportunity to follow Jonathan Cobb. There you go. There you go. So, Clay, there's a lot happening right now. Yeah. So, I was just saying the the ICC, I guess, criminal court issued arrest warrants today which is interesting 'cuz it, this is a breaking, I guess, story that is unfolding on Reuters. We have Matt Gaetz stepping aside from the nomination and I want to get Take on this. Sure. Let's go one by one. So okay. One. While you're talking about the International Criminal Court I believe is declared you know certain arrest warrants. I don't know if people know this but China just announced today they have found copious amounts of gold. Huge amounts of gold today. What? And Russia just announced seven days ago that they now have the most gold they've ever had. They're setting records on the amount of gold they have. Anyway how does this tie in? I want people to understand this. These are coordinated and I'm not playing solitary. I'm going to read you some hard facts and some notes from this screen over here. So Russia announced that they have hit an historic two hundred and seven point seven billion dollars of gold. What? That's Russia. Meanwhile again so Russia this sentence. Meanwhile China has announced. Again this is China. A massive country that obviously Bricks, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. This is a country that you know is teaming up with Russia. So Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. They're all so China has announced that they have found a copious amount of gold just 12 hours ago this breaking news. China has announced they found $83. 83 billion dollars worth of gold reserves in the Hoonan province. So this is at the same time that Putin is talking about introducing a new world order. So would it make sense that China and Russia have announced both the discovery of gold China and the accumulation of gold in Russia at the very moment they're talking about introducing a new world order yes and does that tie in to potentially arrests or some sort of action that is taking place does this coincide with the fact that World War three looks to be eminent by many people that are geopolitical experts of which I am not one but many very realistic geopolitical experts like General Flynn are saying that the idea that you Ukraine is shooting missiles and weapons into Russia that the idea that that is happening that that that escalation continues may be justification for Russia announcing World War three of some kind. So again, there's a lot of events and they're all taking place simultaneously. Yes, they are. All I could say is although I don't know a whole lot about the international court there what they're doing right now but I can tell you that China and Russia are acting together financially and militarily. And there two also that have started to team up with the alliance with Iran against Israel. So as the warrants being issued, you're seeing what Klay is saying and you're seeing this conglomerate of nations come together and you're seeing China and Russia with North Korea as well beginning to come together, right? And and and form a band of brothers we'll say loosely so they could in a way come out against the United States of America is Israel and nations like that. And again these are all events that seem like they're unrelated but I'm telling you folks. They are related. Right now you know Andrew Sorcini who's obviously on your program from time to time and he's on mine as well his organization is a Beverly Hills Precious Metals. His it is his website is BH dash PMW. We have the Cyrus Coin with him. Yeah. I was just talking to Andrew here earlier today and he said hey wow and the retail buy you know again China and Russia are not retail buyers of gold. These are buying copious amounts of gold but he said on the retail front people are pounding the pavement or pounding you know they're they're they're calling they're filling out forms are reaching out to him people are at scale are reaching out right now because typically in a war time most informed investors tend to stockpile gold when war is imminent and so he's beginning to see even retail investors are hearing about this information that's being announced and they are reaching out to him and copious to protect their wealth. So again, these are events happening simultaneously. They're all happening and why are the retail investors buying copious amounts of gold. Well, it's because war appears to be imminent. Why is Russia? Why are Russia and China announcing they have massive amounts of gold? Well, because they're introducing a gold-backed programmable Central Bank digital currency. Now, as far as shifting gears to Matt Gaetz. Yeah. All I know and all I can say is over the last and a half or four years I continue to find people at the top Amanda that are what I would consider to be compromised what am I saying there's somebody who has a very solid stance that's pro America pro God pro bible and then at a certain point they make a hard turn the other way once they get in office and I don't know what that is but I do know that the surveillance technology that exists today has the ability to basically blackmail anybody and so I don't know what is happening I don't know what happened I don't know what went into that decision but I could tell you that this surveillance state is being created and people like Yuval Noah Harari Yuval Noah Harari top adviser for Klaus Schwab they are talking about the building of a surveillance state and and Yuval Noah Harari has said during multiple interviews that he believes that the technology is in place to create a surveillance state right now simply by using cameras and phones and microphones and and so I don't know what what happened or what is happening there but it just seems odd to me that some of the good guys once they gain traction they seem to be removed they seem to be removed from their post or they immediately go the other way once they get to a certain level of influence. You know I'll tell you something very interesting Clay and this is the first time I'm saying publicly but when I saw the nomination for with Matt Gaetz there's a couple of others too that I'm praying about in my spirit I was checked and I was checked in a way of I don't know if this nomination is going to go through now I don't know much about Matt Gaetz I know who he is right but just when I heard the nomination I got checked in my spirit and I went I don't know if this nomination's going to go through and that was the feeling in my spirit watching this unfold and there are times the Lord will do that with me and he'll just check me and he'll go watch that because it's going to change. This was one of those times. And so it it's just you're it's like like Clay was saying it's interesting to see unfold in the timing but I will tell you this Clay. I'm I'm probably going to talk more about this on Monday. Yeah. I am watching a parallel right now develop between the church and the government. Wow. Going through very similar things and what I mean by government is people that are leaders in government, right? People that just ran for election and won, I'm noticing a parallel of similar events happening and similar things coming out at similar times. Yeah. That's a parallel right now with the church and those in leadership and government. Well, I'll tell you this, you joined us at the first Reawaken America. I've been with you from the beginning, Clay. Yeah. Well, we were going to California which I believe if my memory serves me well. It was the second event I believe that you did. It was in Anaheim, California Phil Hotsenillar's Church. You're saying the third. So there you go. The third event. I think it was the third event. Yeah. And so yeah third one. Okay. So we went out there and we were told by certain health officials. I was told that if we went ahead and hosted the Reawaken America Tour in Anaheim there was a potential that you know there might be arrests or that the event would be shut down and Matt Gates was hosting an event at the same time. So we were hosting a Reawaken America Tour. Robert F Kennedy Junior spoke at our event in Anaheim and Matt Gaetz was also hosting an event and for reasons that I don't quite understand, Matt Gaetz ultimately had to shut down or stop his event and my understanding is he chose to or his people around him stopped the event. Remember, this was the time where health officials were telling you it was dangerous to gather in groups and so Matt's event was cancelled and our event continued and I was asked by somebody who was in a, they called me and they said, hey, do you want us to call this event and shut it down or what do you want to do? And I said man I I I didn't mean to be funny. I just said it. I said well I've never thought about starting up a prison ministry but let's go for it. You know and we went and did it. And then I didn't think it was I wasn't trying to be funny. I just how I yeah it it it anyway all I'm saying is you're in a spot right now where you know Matt Gaetz at that point he was speaking out in in favor of liberty and freedom and for whatever reason his event got cancelled right at the time where I thought it might have been the most influential it could have been and it looks as though again here somebody maybe have got has gotten to him or has said something to him. I I don't quite know what went into that decision but you know our thoughts and prayers are certainly with Matt Gaetz a man who I believe President Trump has spoken highly of consistently. Yeah well yes that that is very true and I remember I'm going to see if I can find it real quick. It was the Yom Kippur word from last year. I believe it was on Yom Kippur. Let's see. Uh no no that's from okay I need 2023 and basically what happened was it was before the Speaker of the House, the whole debacle happened that Matt Gates was in the center of. Yeah. And the Lord had me give a word and in that word it was choose wisely. Mm. Oh speaker. Choose righteousness in this hour or you were going to lose your seat. And there was no talk of the Speaker of the House losing a seat at that moment when I had released this word around Yom Kippur twenty twenty-three McCarthy. Okay. 10 days later Matt Gaetz is in the center of that, right? Remember? Yeah, I do. He was he was he was in the center of that and there was almost like a coup or there was a a a plan set in motion. Right. To move McCarthy out of the speaker seat. And it was huge. Now I will say this to you real quick here shifting gears and maybe your producer can pull some of this up on the screen here but I wanted to to share some stuff that I I I want to get your discernment on this Amanda and if you want to punt for anybody out there who who's not familiar with football it is the goal is to get a first you have four opportunities to gain 10 yards and at a certain point if you yes don't quite understand the situation or you don't think your team has a probability yeah so you feel like you know your team can't get a first down you might say well we're going to punt so if I throw you one of these opportunities and you say I want to punt that's fair but Elon Musk maybe we can pull it up on the screen here but Elon Musk has been saying that in 2026 he's saying that that's going to be at the latest he said 2026 at the latest is we're go when we're going to see general artificial intelligence. If we could play on that clip here on your end if we could do that. If not I can play it on mine. Let's see. Can you hear that? For AGI. Roughly 1% chance of civilization ending in any given century. Optimus is really going to be next level. You'll be able to skin Optimus in a white you know pretty much with anything. So people on the internet have asked me to make Cat Girls and actually you can make Cat Girls real if you you have a robot. You have a robot Cat Guild. Optimus will will be able to pick up your kids from school and Optimus will be able to B school if you want. Be able to teach kids anything. Yeah it'll support any language too. Yeah I think AGI will be next year. Probably. It's not next year as say 2026 at the latest for AGI latest. Hope it's nice to us. When defines AGI is smarter than any human. I think it's we're less than twenty-four months away from that. Yeah please be nice to us AGI. Humanoid robots will usher in a level of abundance that it's hard to hard to imagine. There will be no shortage of goods and services. Yeah Optimus can be your bodyguard. We will have Optimus in their in their home. I think probably everyone's going to have an Optimus. Maybe more than one. The price of Optimus. I mean ultimately I think Optimus is probably like twenty 20,000 dollars or something like that. Maybe thirty. At volume production Optimus the parts in Optimus will cost less than a car. Long term is probably $20-30K. I think future wars between major powers will be drone wars. Drone thermos. I don't think you want to have people fighting drones. That's for sure. I mean long term I think there will be more the ratio of human right robots will be more than one to one. Either might be two human right robots or more maybe 10 for everyone human which means well in excess of 10 billion human right robots we're not going to do a Tesla phone retails with you Tesla thanks you retail shareholders of Tesla appreciates the support guys this is the I'm watching the video game here and it's filled with wizardry and spells and all this other stuff now I'm going to point something out very interesting about what he said Optimus. If you remember Clay I think it was the 19eighties. There was a cartoon. Yeah. It was called Transformers. Right. And the leader of the side that was fighting the decepticons was Optimus Prime. Right. And he was a he was a a truck that could turn into a humanoid robot. Yep. Right? Um and and be a champion. So it's very Interesting that they're they're calling this Optimus. Now again I just want to break down what he said because I know it might be hard for some folks to hear. He just said that by at twenty-six at 20 2-6 at the latest that's when we're going to see artificial general intelligence. This is a intelligence that's supposed to be so good that it will take all human jobs. And he just said that is going to happen in 2026 at the latest. He also said I hope it's nice to us. Okay. Elon Musk also said the ratio of humanoid robe which by the way are robots in a shape of a human. He said it will be more than one to one. In fact, it might be ten to 1. Now, when I think of that, I think of Revelation chapter eighteen verse 22 through twenty-three. If anybody hasn't looked that up in a while, I'll read it to you Revelation chapter eighteen verse 22 through twenty-three. This is from the Bible, Revelation chapter eighteen verse twenty-two through twenty-three reads and I'll read it from my script here to left. It says, and the voice of harpers and musicians and of pipers and trumpeters shall not be heard she says shall be heard no more at all in thee and no craftsmen and whatsoever craft he be shall be found anymore in thee and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more all in thee for thy merchants were the great men of the earth and for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived I believe and I could be incorrect I believe Elon Musk is talking about introducing a fleet of robots, humanoid robots that will greatly exceed the number of humans on the planet Earth and I believe that that would make many of America's workers and workers throughout the world myself included. Useless in an economic sense and so that is what I'm hearing there. To me that's a disturbing thing he's talking about. I think the imagery in the video is disturbing. I think a lot of it's disturbing but I wanted to get your on that and your your thoughts there. You know, I think sometimes people think that this is a great idea to produce these things. The problem is they don't have the vision or discernment from the Lord many times to understand that what might be being produced with a good intention is actually can very easily be used for wickedness. And they don't have the discernment from the Lord to understand that if that is created or if this is moving in that direction that the enemy can easily hijack it and take it and use it in a way that is go to do more harm than good and I think this is what's happening here. It is there's become this great fascination with AI for the human race and if we remember in the book of Joshua, the city AI was a downfall for Joshua and his army. It was a temptation to go into a battle too fast without doing the proper leg work, reconnaissance, cleaning out of their own camp, you know, wisdom and thinking about a strategy and they just rushed in and AI ended up being a harmful I agree and and again I won't be able to see this. I want you to if you can folks I really would like it if you could put the dots together. I want to show it to you in a way that's visual. And so the website address I'll give you. I'll give you two here. One is if you go to Time to Free America. com forward slash revelation. That's the website that maybe your producer can pull up or if you're if you're scoring at home it's time to free America. com forward slash revelation. Again Time to Free America. com forward slash Revelation and there I put together a diagram of this thing called the Fourth Industrial Revolution or this thing called the Great Reset and someone says, well, what does that mean? Well, the fourth industrial revolution, it sounds a lot like the fourth kingdom prophecy in the book of Daniel. So, the book of Daniel, Daniel had a prophecy for a fourth kingdom where they would try to mix the miry clay with the iron or man with machine. Claus Schwab has a perverse vision called the fourth industrial revolution which involves mixing man with machine and there are five core components to it one is to put RNA modifying nanotechnology under the skin which by the way Elon Musk's company Tesla makes that technology for Curvac in the shots that's just in two putting a chip in your head I don't know if anybody out there thinks that's a good idea but Elon Musk has now FDA approval to put a chip in your head and this chip is supposed to be able to stop obesity stop mental disorders help the blind see the lame to walk interesting third is to introduce self-driving cars that can drive yourself ever it wants to take you. Fourth is a carbon footprint tax which Elon Musk is in favor of. People don't know that. Elon Musk is in favor of a carbon tax, a carbon footprint tax and introducing artificial intelligence that would be use utilizing 30, 000 low orbit satellites that are in space. These are all Elon Musk technologies. So that is interesting and I want people to be able to see that at Time to Free America. com forward slash Revelation. The second thing I want people to know is if you go to Thrive Time Show. com and Amanda you you know this about me think a lot of our listeners do. The only reason that I'm really relevant for this discussion or discussions like this is God for whatever reason gave me a desire or a a skill set or a gifting to pursue business and in America, a lot of people maybe listen to a business person sometimes maybe more than they should but because I'd had a certain level of success in my life, sometimes people would answer the phone more often when I called and so and I when I felt like many of your listeners called to do something to Stand up for our rights and to save our nation and to lead people into Christ. I think God aligned things in a way where I have the skill set and the connections needed to pull that off. Yes. So if your listeners go to Thrivetime Show. com you know I do business workshops every 2 months. We'll have one featuring Tim Tebow coming up in December. We're going to have one featuring Eric Trump and Robert Kiyosaki coming up in MArkh and I've been doing those four I mean I've been doing like four to six of those every single year for 20 years. This is since 2005 and I can Tell you more and more business people at our in-person workshops are telling me they're saying Clay my job just got removed or replaced by artificial intelligence. This is happening. I'm getting people that are telling me Clay I want to come to your workshop and I and we have a ticket buyers and people that we sell tickets to and we have a process for that we've had for years but my my ticket sales team is now telling me more and more people are saying hey I've worked in a pretty high level in corporate America and I just found my job is going away and it's been replaced by artificial intelligence and so if you're somebody out there and you say wow maybe I need to to restart my career or you have a business and you're trying to optimize that we have these business workshops our next one is December 5 6 and I can tell you a lot of the business people a lot of business people a lot of entrepreneurs you tend to be reseArkhers business people yeah they that is true and these people are sounding the bell or they're they're they're saying I am concerned about the posts of Elon Musk and I say what post just to be curious and this is a post Elon Muck's Musk. He just posted this out today. He said America is the New Rome and I think you're maybe your producer can pull up that clip or anybody can go to Google and do a seArkh for America is the new Rome. Elon Musk just posted in the last twenty-four hours. America is the new Rome now this is for anybody who doesn't know what Rome was all about and again I encourage everyone to look it up don't believe me look at this Elon Musk posts America is the new Rome and he draws parallels between the symbolism and if you scroll down a little bit you can see the different images he put up there and again Elon Musk is saying he wants to become the doge D O G E and I don't think that most people know this but the doge was the supreme leader of the Roman Empire for a thousand years. The doge. The D O G E was a supreme leader of Rome for a thousand years. And by the way not the most benevolent of dictators. So I want to get your thoughts with Elon Musk now saying that America is new Rome. It's probably not the wisest idea being that Rome was so hostile to Christians. And used to for sport persecute them in the Roman Coliseum. Near a seized there were many dictators. Nero was one of them who not only could not stand Christians but had high-ranking members of the occult as his advisers and Rome as well it was the Roman Empire that crucified Jesus that actually gave the order. Pontius Pilate finally washed his hands and the order was given and so Rome was a pagan, barbaric, oppressive. Right. Empire that was void of much of a conscience. And so you don't want to compare the United States that God just saved to something that the Lord purposely destroyed. Right. After what Rome had done to his people and what Rome had done to his son. So you don't want to do that when God has just saved this nation. You don't want to compare it to such a pagan empire. Because it was and there's that saying you know Rome is burning to the ground and everyone's going oh nothing to see here. Right? Nothing going on. I encourage everybody just go to Google folks. Type in Doge. D O G E and then Rome. Just do a seArkh for D O G E and Rome and you'll see most people don't know that. The the the one of the most brutal dictatorships that controlled Rome for a thousand years was called the Doge. I mean this is and he says he wants to become the doge. Okay, here's another not so fun fact. And this is link number four. I sent your producer there. Elon Musk posted here. He put The Rise and the Rise of the Cosmic Empire. He is now talking about the rise of the Cosmic Empire and he posted a picture with six rockets and it says the rise and the rise of the Cosmic Empire. Now, I don't know about you but the image the post the the the language on the spine of what appears to be a figurative book that says the rise and rise of the Cosmic Empire to me the whole thing is disturbing I I I don't know your thoughts on this but Musk continues to talk about wanting to become the Doge and again the Doge was the leader the brutal leader of the Roman Empire for a thousand years he keeps talking about how he thinks about Rome all the time and now he's talking about the rise of the cosmic empire I think this too. I think if Elon Musk wants to truly serve, he has to be concerned about what the Lord thinks about these things and I'm saying that in all sincerity and I'm saying that in all sincerity to the Trumps and to whoever else is being nominated when God has given this victory if you want to serve. Right. You have to concern yourself with the things of God. If you don't and you interfere too much in the direction the Lord wants this nation to go and you begin to become more of a hindrance to it than a help, you are going to see the Lord massively turn the page. Right. And remove people in droves. Because he's not going to give a victory to this nation and then allow others to hijack a victory who who have you know been loathed and deceived by the fragrance of the enemy and the nations that he raised up. So people have to be very careful right now coming into appointments. And the Trump family has to be careful because what God gave, you don't want to cast your pearls before swine. You don't want to make a mockery of it and you don't want to allow people to take it in the exact opposite direction of what God wants it to go because he will most definitely come into the White House and interfere in your business if he gave you that victory. Now, Elon Musk for anybody out there that doesn't know, his name is a Hebrew name which means oak tree also means Zeus for anybody know that. A musk is a smell of an animal. What does that mean? I don't know. I just want people to know that. We talked a little bit or you guys talked a little bit on part one about what names mean. I just want people to know his name means oak tree or again Hebrew name. He's not he claims to not be Jewish but he has a Jewish name, a Hebrew name and his name means oak tree or Zeus. His last name means smell of an animal. Something to think about. And now we move on these two two more things I wanted to share on today's broadcast is Elon Musk is now suggesting that this is link number five I sent your He's now suggesting that the world needs a new philosophy that is capable of that is capable with the most existing belief systems. This is what he says. He says, we need a new philosophy that is compatible with the most with most existing belief systems. Again, a new philosophy that is compatible with most existing belief systems. Now, if you read the Bible and you read what the Bible has to say about philosophy, this is really important stuff here. I'm going to pull up my notes here. The Bible has actually a lot to say about philosophy. So this is not clay clarkism. This is the Bible. So Colossians two: eight says be beware lest any man spoil your youth through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ. So I would submit to you anybody who doesn't submit to Christ is there's either pro Christ or anti Christ in terms of your philosophy. Next first Corinthians chapter two verse thirteen says which thing also we speak not in words which man's wisdom teacheth but which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual. We continue. First Timothy six 20 says, oh Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings and oppositions of science falsely so called. This idea of philosophy, the Bible warns us to not the the Titus chapter three verse nine through ten says, but avoid foolish questions and genealogies and contentions and strivings about the law where they are unprofitable and vain. So this is again, this is this is Elon Musk is now encouraging the world to embrace a new philosophy. Now, if anybody wants to go down that rabbit trail tonight, Elon Musk has done multiple interviews where he has said that that the basis of his philosophy is the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and he keeps referencing the number forty-two. Elon Musk keeps saying that the meaning of life explained in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is forty-two. Now for people out there that really do a lot of reseArkh into this kind of thing. They go isn't that the number of months that the Antichrist is supposed to be in control? 42 months. So there's a little bit of that and I would just encourage everybody. I'm not saying Elon Musk is the Antichrist. What I am saying is that he's entering he's ushering in the fourth industrial revolution technology. Even CNN has reported that Elon Musk is ushering in the fourth Industrial Revolution. What's the fourth industrial revolution? Put a chip in your head. To me, that's a hard pass. Self-driving cars that drive you where they want to take you. To me, that's a hard pass. RNA modifying nanotechnology which i
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