Mysterious "Demon Orb"

2 months ago

This is the "demon orb" as I've named it. The "voice" (?) you hear wasn't heard while recording, but it was on the recording when we played it back! Am I sure? Yes, I would have remembered that low, guttural growling voice.

So, I happen to have a lot of experience in audio and video production, which means I have a lot of audio tools. I was able to clean up the sound a lot. Got rid of most of the background noise. I then used an AI translator to detect the language (it's definitely not English) and transcribe it to English. I did this several times, but the AI gave different results each time. So, I am no closer to figuring anything out than I was before. I sped it up, slowed it down, raised the octaves, and nothing so far has produced any answers. I welcome anyone to see what they can come up with. I'll still work on it, but for now, I am back to square one. #Orbs #UFOTwitter #UAPs #dronesightings #ovni

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