Prophet Amanda Grace - Jonathan Cahn - Amanda Grace - The Dragon’s Prophecy - Captions

2 months ago

In this video, Amanda Grace welcomes Rabbi Jonathan Cahn to discuss his new book, 'The Dragon's Prophecy.' The conversation delves into prophetic mysteries, particularly focusing on the spiritual warfare between Israel and the dragon symbolized in biblical texts. They discuss recent world events such as the October 7th invasion of Israel by Hamas, relating these events to ancient prophecies and biblical references. The discussion also highlights the roles of various nations, biblical figures, and spiritual entities in these end-time scenarios. The video emphasizes the importance of recognizing and understanding these prophetic signs, encouraging viewers to prepare spiritually for the times ahead.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Amanda! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 09-12-2024 and may be watched here: 👉

Prophetic Insights with Amanda Grace and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn: The Dragon's Prophecy Unveiled

In this captivating episode, Amanda Grace hosts a profound discussion with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, who unveils his latest book, 'The Dragon's Prophecy.' They explore prophetic insights, ancient mysteries, and recent events, such as the October 7th attack on Israel, and how they correlate with biblical prophecy. The conversation spans topics including the significance of the Temple Mount, the red heifers, and the spiritual battle involving the dragon from the Book of Revelation. Join them for an in-depth look at how these prophecies are unfolding in our world today, and what believers can do to be prepared and victorious.

00:00 Welcome and Introduction
02:11 Opening Prayer
05:44 Trailer for The Dragon's Prophecy
06:55 Interview with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Begins
08:52 The Dragon's Prophecy: An Overview
09:06 Prophetic Mysteries and Current Events
14:35 The Role of the Devil and Jewish History
17:01 Ancient Enemies and Modern Parallels
19:22 The Dragon's Prophecy and Revelation
37:21 Hamas and Biblical Prophecies
38:36 Historical Connections and Modern Implications
45:01 The Jubilee Mystery and Modern Israel
48:30 The Mystery of the Year 28
49:12 Signs of the End of Days
51:03 Colors of the Apocalypse
52:50 Ezekiel's Prophecy and Modern Events
54:16 The Sar Paras and Iran's Role
59:29 The Temple Mount and October 7th
01:03:45 The Dragon's War Against Israel and the Church
01:13:22 The Secret Israelis and Spiritual Warfare
01:16:35 Final Words and Encouragement
01:23:43 Product Promotions and Closing Remarks

Video Information:

Join Amanda and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn discuss his latest book and biblical ties to current events. Tune in September 12, 2024 at 5pm ET.

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-21981893-Corporate And Inspirational Cinematic Background Music (1.00 Minutes Version) by StockAudios/Pond 5
-151471022-Uplifting Inspirational Corporate by Patrick_Schlebes/Pond5
-154756307-Magic Fireflies Loop Version2(Modern And Relaxing Background) by Lesya_NZ
-123859534-Successful Product Presentation 60S - P5 by wolfgangwoehrle
-105166597-Believe in You (Inspirational And Uplifting)- P5 by DivaProductionMusic
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Purchase ID/Date: 7365245 / 9-29-2023
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Video Transcript:

Hello, hello, everyone. Blessings. Welcome, welcome. Amanda Grace here with you and Chris is here today because we have a very very special guest coming on. Hello to all of you jumping on in the United States and around the world. We're so happy to have you on with us to our moderators, our Ark of Grace team. Thank you for helping us do what we do for the Lord and as you can notice, the background changed because fall has begun in New York. So, I have changed the and coincidentally, it almost matches the cover of our guest book today and I didn't mean to do that but it kind of does so which is nice. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is here with us. This is probably, I most likely, I believe it, is going to be a very fiery, prophetic, packed time that we have. We always love when he comes on and we get and we get to prophetically talk. He's got this book which we're going to show the dragon prophecies and so we are very much looking forward to talking to him this. This is his newest book that's out. So, what I'm going to do is everyone is jumping on. Hello, hello to those of you jumping on right now. We see a lot of people on from Canada, Ireland. We've had people from Israel come on which is wonderful. So, shalom shalom to our friends, our brothers and sisters in Israel. We're happy to have you on with us as well as those watching in the nation and so I'm going to open up in prayer and after prayer, we've got a trailer to show you about this incredible book and then we will bring Rabbi Jonathan on. So, let us just humble ourselves before the Lord as we go forth today. Father God, in the precious name of your son, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, we come before you Lord. We praise you that you are almighty God. You are high and lifted up for above every power, principality, and might. Father, we give you all the glory, honor, and praise to your precious holy name. We humble ourselves before you this day Lord asking you to forgive us of our sins Lord. Cleanse us of all unrighteousness Father. We all fall short of your Father and we praise you. Your mercies are new every single day. Lord we acknowledge you sent your son Jesus Christ Yeshua to the earth and the word became flesh and dwelt among us. He was the Passover Lamb the sacrifice for our sins. He willingly died at Calvary. He purchased us by the shedding of his own blood. That blood dripped onto the mercy seat and purchased us and redeemed us and reconciled us back to you Father. And we praise you. He miraculously rose again in 3 days. Ascended back into heaven. Took his rightful victorious place at right hand of the Father where he rules and reigns forevermore. He is the king of kings, the Lord of Lords. He is our advocate without ceasing before your throne and we honor that before you this day Father as we come before you with praise and thanksgiving Father God and we bless your holy name Lord. Yes. Father we invite your presence. The presence of the spirit of the living God and the Holy Spirit the Lord to fill this place. Father that your power, your glory would mightily move that people would tangibly feel your presence Father God. Lord I ask today that you fill us and you fill Rabbi Jonathan and myself and Chris with your wisdom, counsel, might, power, and the reverential fear of the Lord by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ by the spirit of the one true living God. May only the truth and power of almighty God with authority come forth in Jesus name. Father in the name of Jesus Christ that he plots him contract assignment or harm. Father God against this broadcast as we go forth Father God Lord against Rabbi Jonathan. Lord against our team. Father in the name of Jesus Christ we take authority over right now and rebuke it in Jesus name. We command it, dismantle, destroy, disabled, thwarted, disrupted, blocked, nullified, voided, disarmed. Their communication lines disrupted. So they cannot carry out their plans. And it bound up and cast back Father God to the dry places, pits, and areas you have designated for such Lord. To be bound there in the name of Jesus Christ and not return or have anything sent in its place Lord. Father take all the Glory for yourself. You are the potter. We are most certainly just the clay. Every breath we take is because of you Father. We are the dust of the earth without your breath of life in us. We say Father as we go forth because you are the author and the finisher, the first and the last. The beginning and the ending and the alpha and omega. Let your name be glorified above all today Father as we go forth mightily and prophetically Father God in you. In Jesus name, Yeshua, we pray. Amen. Amen. And amen. Amen. Amen. Praise the Lord. I love giving it over to the Lord first because the Lord is just welcomed in to have his way and it is amazing. So, hello to everybody that was jumping on during prayer. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is with us. He's going to be on in just a couple of minutes with us and so, we're going to play the trailer for you, The Dragon Prophecy and then we'll bring Rabbi on. Is there more to the world than meets our eyes? Another realm that's transforming our world at this very moment. Is there an ancient vision that unlocks what is really happening and what is yet to come. Is there a secret to the Book of Revelation that reveals what is taking place right now. After eight New York Times bestsellers, Jonathan Cahn, now releases his newest stunning blockbuster, The Dragon's Prophecy, Israel, The Dark Resurrection and the End of Days for the first time ever. Jonathan Cahn will open end-time prophecy and reveal the secrets of our age. The Dragon's Prophecy will reveal the long hidden secret of the last days, the Colors of the Apocalypse, the two 3 15th day, The Beast, What Lies Ahead, and more. What does the future hold? Just when you thought Jonathan Cahn's books couldn't get more explosive comes the Dragon's Prophecy, Israel, The Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days. It will open your eyes, blow your mind, and change the way you see the world. Available everywhere books are sold. Wow, we are in for an incredible time. So, ladies, I'm giving you the cue now. Hello everyone and hello Rabbi Jonathan. So happy to have you. Hey great to be back. Always great to be back at the Ark of Grace. Oh we love to have you on. Rabbi Jonathan requested that Chet come out and see him so we did that before we went online. We had to catch up. We had to yeah him and Chet are friends. They had to catch up. And so that was very nice too. So so happy to have you here with your new book. A a blessing to to be with you. It just came out. I mean it's it's right you know and I'm glad to do this with you. I know that whenever we're we're we're together doing this program. It's always the spirit and so it's always a joy to do this and I know also that your ministry is totally is in the prophetic and so and this is definitely a prophetic work. Yes and we we can see that and so we want to get we want to jump right in. I actually mark some spots in the book too because I started reading through it already and I'm very excited into getting into it more. So, Rabbi Jonathan, if it's okay with you, I'd like to give you a proper introduction. Okay. For those who are watching, it would be wonderful because there are those jumping on who are who know you and there are those jumping on who are getting to know you and so Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has been named along with Billy Graham as one of the top spiritual leaders to have radically impacted our world in modern times. He has spoken at the United Nations on Capitol Hill to members of Congress and to millions around the world. Everyone of his books starting with the Harbinger onward has become a New York Times bestseller. He is recognized as a prophetic voice for our times. That is absolutely true. His teachings and prophetic words on YouTube. I've received over 100 million views. He leads Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, New Jersey and Hope of the World Ministry which is a world outreach of God's word and compassion to the world's most needy. Amen. Praise the Lord. Thank you. So let's talk about the Dragon's Prophecy. I have it right here. So I'm going to show everyone. Here it is. I'm going to held it up again. And so how is this different than the other books you have written? Well, yeah. All the books I've written, you know, have a have something that holds them together and that is that they open up prophetic mysteries that are happening now or things from ancient times that are actually unfolding in our world now but this one, first of all, I didn't plan on writing this one. I was I was working, I was working on the the sequel to the return of the Gods when I got interrupted. One, what was happening around the world then I was praying and I saw the image of a dragon and I knew this was from Revelation and so the Lord really just interrupted number number two, it's the only book I've ever written that totally gets into the realm of the end of days and opening up what the prophecy, ancient prophecies, ancient mysteries, ancient entities but prophecies that are actually moving forward today in events that we can actually pinpoint. It is the only book I've ever written as I'm writing it. Things are what's what I'm writing is coming true in the world that I had to keep rewriting, updating it because it kept happening and even after I finished manuscript, it continued to happen. It's continuing to come true. So, so many things are and also it's the only book I've really gotten into Revelation, the Book of Revelation. So, this is, you know, not only, you know, it's kind of like pulling a veil behind what is happening in the world. Once you see the spiritual realm and the prophetic realm, then, everything makes sense and so instead of pulling that veil back and to and also, it's not just what's happening in the world, it all affects each of us, the dragons war is against each of us and so the last part is about how to overcome and how you know with all these things so it's all these things and so and the other thing is you know every book I've written there's always been attack I mean you can imagine that and you I mean dramatic stuff yes but this one as I started writing it everything I'm writing about the dragon in the flood and a flood comes at our building you know three floods come yeah but as I'm writing it only stopped when I stop you know so so I've never seen so much resistance but that's a good sign it means the enemy doesn't want this book out to God's people God does and when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the Lord will raise a standard against him and Hashem will do that he will totally disrupt what you're doing and reroute you and send you in another direction when things happen within the earth and that's part of the that's part of the prophetic office that's part of that mantle yeah oh yeah and we have to be interruptable if we're not We're in trouble. God has to deal with it. It's true. Yeah. We we have to be very interruptable. We do. We just have to you'd be willing on a notice just to change when the Lord says you have to go in this direction. So let me ask you you talked about the book in the book about the events happening in the world and as they were happening that as you were writing them they were happening and you had to rewrite them. So is it true that one of the mysteries in the book foretold the invasion of Israel by Hamas and what would happen and when it would take place. So that was part of that writing. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. I was I I was it was a Friday night at Beth Israel the congregation that I lead in in New Jersey. We have Friday night. We have Sunday morning and Friday night I was led that Friday night to share a mystery from the Bible and that mystery ordained that that there would be an attack on Israel would take Israel by surprise. It would happen in 2023. It would happen in the autumn in the month of October of twenty twenty-three. It would happen take place on a Sabbath day on a Saturday. It would happen it would happen on an ancient Hebrew Holy Day. Mm hmm. And all together the mystery which is over 3, 000 years old would happen the attack would happen on the first Saturday of October of the year twenty twenty-three. Now I'm sharing this mystery on that Friday night. Mm hmm. The next morning, it happens. I shared it on October 6th and it happens the next morning. Those who are at the service are saying, well, Hugh just spoke about this. The thing is that after I finish the the manuscript, three other events happened according to that mystery. So, I don't believe this, I believe this is continuing this. Yes. This mystery from the Lord may even enable us to know future events and when they happen. So, it's one of the mysteries in the book but one of the mysteries that led to the book but that's how it that's how it began. And you know it's interesting because when that happened the Lord had me on a high place. He had me on top of a mountain. And many times when these things happened the Lord for some reason has me positioned where where there's a high place. Yeah. And so when that attack happened that's where I was positioned for that to intercede and pray and it's interesting because you because you were sharing with your congregation and leading up to it the Lord was giving me prophecy that I was sharing About an attack that was going to threaten the whole nation of Israel that was that was about to happen. Mm. So and I'm paraphrasing it. Of course. But it but that that's that's amazing that the night before on Shabbat that you share that and then the next day it happens. Yeah the Lord. It's the Lord. You know the Lord is in charge. He knows the end from the beginning and he does reveal to us. You know he gives us glimpses. You know that we'd be ready. So, there are people who struggle with the idea of the devil but how does Jewish history testify to his existence because there's been a lot of debate about that especially now as we go on in the times we're in and you share about this in the book. Yeah, the the yeah, I mean, you know, there are a lot of there are people who say, oh yeah, I can't believe in God. I can't believe in the devil. Well, listen, the devil is as real as anything. You know, the Bible reveals, first of all, you know, this entity that is the this A angelic entity that is now twisted. It is inverted and it exist to destroy the purpose of God. To invert them. To to thwart them. To destroy them. To preempt them. So it exists for that. On the other hand you have a nation Israel the Jewish people who were brought into the world to bring forth the purposes of God. Yes. So you you bring forth the word. Bring forth Messiah. Bring forth the kingdom that is yet to come. So you got on one side you have that. They exist to bring forth the purpose of God on the other side. You have an entity. Yes. That exists to destroy the purpose of God. So what's going to happen? You're going to have a war. And the war is between the and the enemies between listen he's against everyone who's in the image of God. But he's especially against the Jewish people because of that. Because they exist for God's purposes. And God said you exist Israel you are my witness. They are witnesses that God exists. Mhm. So the enemy if you can destroy them he can stop the purposes of God if he could do that. So, he's been trying to destroy them for 4000 years. Yes. And so and what and what just happened was part of an ancient war. What happened in in Israel and what's happened since is an ancient war. It's been long before we were born. We are on the it was happening. So, the thing is that what would we expect to happen? We would expect that this this the enemy would seek to would would be would actually persecute the Jewish people we'd expect the Jewish people to become the most persecuted, hated, warred against, slandered, he's a slanderer, slandered, attacked, annihilate, all that and that's exactly what they became. That's not an accident. So, the Jewish people not only exist as a testimony that God exist. Their history testifies that the enemy exists. Yes. You know, so it all makes sense. It's what the Bible says. I mean, you know, doesn't matter. You know, the the the people change. They rise and fall. The the names change. You got hit in one generation you have a moth in another doesn't matter you have a it's always happening and it never make sense you know they hated the Jews because they they stick together they hated the Jews because they don't stick together you know they hated the Jews because you know the communist said they're they're capitalists the capitalists said they're communist it doesn't matter ancient times medieval times now it doesn't matter so this is all bearing witness to what the Bible says and so what is happening that there is a real devil a real Satan even the word you know it's a Hebrew word that means something it's from Hassatan means the opposer the opponent he's going to oppose everything nullify everything well that is the war we are watching on the stage right now and that was behind October 7th it's behind everything and and a witness is a validator of a claim that's what a witness is and that's what the Jewish nation exist for because they're in covenant with God and they're validators of the claim about Who almighty God is and I was going to ask for a minute if you could speak to to Amalek for a minute and how the Lord said he would war with them every generation. He would blot them out and he would war with them and how we see this bubble up and percolate in every generation. Yeah, that then that's yeah it's it's and that's like on one hand that's like a whole other mystery because it's so cool and so go yeah and I I'm I'm totally into it you know that's one of the mysteries and at the same time it's a mystery that that harmonizes with this because behind Amalek is the dragon is the enemy you know. Exactly. And it's true. You know and you watch how this unfolds. I mean you know there's so many mysteries to this but I mean of course in the Bible you know you have Amalek and then from Amalek comes Agag King Agag who then who then from Agag comes Haman you know then Puram you know so so this is never ending so yeah Amalek is like the sign of the vessels that the enemy uses in one generation it's Hitler another generation it's you know it's Osama Bin Lavid you know it it's oh but it's always and rises up and and as you said every generation and it's a kind of cool thing because he says I will you know I will blot out the remembrance you know but remember I'm going to do this you know. Yeah. So it's every generation he's going to blot them out but God's going to win. Amen. He does win. God wins. Praise God. So the Book of Revelation because you you you bring this into to the Dragon's Prophecy. Contains a vision of a dragon and a woman. So what does that reveal? Yeah this is Revelation twelve and when I I told you Amanda when I was praying and I saw this dread dragon I knew it was Revelation. I knew that's what what this this Revelation twelve. That's where this begins and that's where I got that's where this the book really kind of is born out of that the dragon's prophecy. It it he the in Revelation John says I you know he sees a woman in the heavenlies and the woman has twelve stars around her crown of twelve stars. Well that's Israel. The twelve tribes of Israel. She gives birth to Messiah. Now that's Israel. The church didn't birth. The church is born a Messiah. So this is clearly Israel. That's one. But then he says I saw this red dragon and the red dragon who is Satan who is the devil it's identified makes war against the woman. So he's and and the it reveals so much because first of all this was written 2000 years ago. And most of what we have seen you know from the Holocaust to this has happened after it was written. So the thing is it's it's prophetic. It's writing and you have you have revelation in there because it's gives the word in Greek the dragon hunted the woman or in Greek persecuted the woman. Word persecution. Why is that so associated with the Jewish people? Cuz of this. The dragon is behind it. And then it says it says he raged. He was enraged with the woman. And the word is or gives which can mean in Greek can mean you know it's antipathy, hostility, a fury, rage, you know you know and that's what you see in regeneration. It this it's the rage of the dragon. It doesn't matter whether it's Harvard University. It's the rage of the dragon. Whether it's whether it's Berlin and Hitler, it's the rage of the dragon. Whether it's October seventh, you know, it's the rage of the dragon and this thing comes up and rears its head and rears its head and that's why, you know, it never ends. People were shocked like, how could this happen again? It's never, it doesn't end until until Messiah because a dragon, it doesn't die he's not he's not flesh and blood so this war and the antisemitism always comes back doesn't matter yeah and and and it's yes and progressive and the thing is that that so now the woke is now part of it you know oh yes you know oh doesn't matter you know you've had it on the right you have it on the left it doesn't matter but now it's the woke with it as well you have the woke on one hand you have radical Islam they shouldn't be together but they're together because it's the dragon they have a common enemy Jews. So so all that's there. So the the other thing about revelation is that if the focal point of that prophecy Revelation twelve is the beginning of the age when the woman gives birth to the to the son and the end of the age which is the majority of that vision. So what's what do they have in common? Both times are when Israel was back in the world. So there's so when Israel comes back in the world this revelation from Revelation. This vision is going to kick into high gear. And and the drag his rage against Israel is going to intensify, intensify, and intensify and that's why it wasn't just what happened on October seventh. What happened after? There was the great it was the most widespread hatred outbreak of hatred of Israel, Jewish people in world history. Mm hmm. So we're in the end-times so this is now so key what we're about to say. Okay so can I add a few things? Yes please. That I think you might find interesting. Okay so first of all with the wokeism. There's something the Lord showed me about wokeism it goes back to the Garden of Eden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When the serpent says to Eve, if you eat of this, your eyes will be open, you'll become woke and you will become like God knowing good from evil. So, that is repurposed from the garden. The enemy repurposed it, he repackaged it and he fed it to a modern generation and that seed for that was planted at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Now, as far as the dragon, I have some interesting things to show you but that I think you're I think you're going to find, you know, interesting in connection to the book this year 2024 is the year of the dragon in China first of all yes it's the year of the dragon secondly June 16th, 2024 they did something in New York City yes and we'll put the picture up yes atop the Empire State Building they decided to erect a 270-foot tall dragon on a high place in New York City there it is yes which to to represent the house of the dragon apparently which is a which is a TV series and there it is yes there it is in all its demonicness looking at us and then thirdly something happened in Rhode Island and we were actually therefore and the Lord probably positioned me there to witness it swarms of thousands of dragonflies descended on Rhode Island beaches Westerly in Watch Hill, Rhode Island and Chris and I were caught in that. Wow. Witnessing it. Came out of nowhere. They don't know where they came from. I was actually asking the staff even. They're like we don't know where these all came from but thousands and thousands of dragonflies invaded that area back when was that Amanda? Late July into early August. So about July 27th wow. To the following week. Yeah. Wow. Yeah you know what I didn't share this but it's but if I I should've. I'm on I'm on the ark of grace. I should've is that is that when I started writing it which was in January when I started writing at the Lord Let Me. I didn't that's what that's when I found out it was right after that the year changed and it became the year of the dragon. I had no idea of that. But also and also here's another thing there's a comet that comes by that comes across the Earth. I've been telling everybody that for over 70 years it's called the House of Dragons Comet. I'm sorry. It's called the Mother of Dragons Comet. Yes. This is the year. 20twenty-four is the Mother of Dragons Comet. Mm hmm. Also called the Devil's Comet because it has horns and so it's happens to be in the year of the dragon. Happens to be when you have dragons appear all over New York City of all places you know and then what and then you just said I didn't know and and the other thing here's another thing like right after you saw that it was the the it's the Democratic convention at the end. Oh yes. And they introduced they introduced Nancy Pelosi as the mother of dragons. Mm hmm. They did. I know. What is this? Yeah. So I I mean I know this is the time for it but I had everything you I had no idea of this. You know when when I started writing it you know and I had never I I didn't hear anything about the dragonfly invasion. Yep there was a dragonfly invasion and this year on Yom Kippur there is another comet set to show up and be viewable from Earth and it's October twelfth. Yeah wow. Mm I'm calling it like the Yom Kippur Comet which is interesting too because you have the Mother Dragon Comet which I have been talking about as well as you. So, we have been warning about this and now you've got another one marking Yom Kippur. Do you know that do you know the name of the of that comment? I don't. No, it's oh it's an it it's named Atlas and it's got numbers on it. I don't think they have like named it named it yet but I'm waiting to see. Interesting. October 12th. October 12th, Yom Kippur they're also having there's also going to be the the women's gathering maybe a million women or I mean that's what it's called but on the National Mall to pray for America on that day you know for those who don't you know yes Lou Angel came on yes he came on to help with that and so I will I will be there yes praise the Lord so the dragon's prophecy reveals an ancient mystery that lies behind one of the central issues of modern times what is the of the sea peoples. This is going to be interesting. The sea yes. Yeah. Well, keep this in mind. Once you look at the spiritual realm, once you go you can everything becomes crystal clear and the thing is this, the enemy is an imitator. He's a mimic. He imitates the things of God to destroy them. He to replace God. You know, everything's an imitation. You know, so think about it. What did God do in this world in modern times? What was his great? He resurrected the nation of Israel back into the world. So the enemy is going to imitate him. And he's going to seek to resurrect an ancient people. And so what people would he resurrect? Well he's an enemy. It's going to be an enemy. It's going to be the enemy of Israel. To to to destroy or to attack God's work the resurrected Israel. What people? Who were the ancient Arkh enemies of Israel? The Philistines. Phil is it. So could he resurrect them? Well he already has. And that is this. He took a people and he conformed them into their image. When you hear in the news the word Palestinian. It's not about them. We pray for everybody. They don't know what they're doing. They're being used but we gotta Palestinian actually means the Philistines. Literally means the Philistines. When you if you you know go in the language of the Palestinians. They don't call each other Palestinians. The word in Arabic Palestinian is the word pronounced Philistine or Palestinian and so literally you've got a people and the thing is it was just as God started resurrecting Israel that the enemy started resurrecting the ancient Philistines. It happened like one after the other and and in fact, in fact, you know, here's the thing, I mean, think about it and it's not that they know what they're doing but they're being conformed into the image of the ancient Philistines to attack Israel to to destabilize it to do an exact same thing. And the thing is that that you know when did they come back? I mean this is actually linked to a mystery called the Bible speaks about the place where the Philistines dwell. We call it they in their Bibles may say call it Philistia. But the the word is a little region that they they centered on that to where they dwell. Well today it still exists. And you know what it's called? Ancient Philistia is called the Gaza's trip. So the Gaza's trip is exact where they were. And so the thing is that the Gaza's trip didn't exist. Gaza did but not the Gaza Strip. You know when it came back? In the year 19 forty8 when Israel came back. Israel was resurrected. The Gaza's trip was resurrected the same year. So the Jew the Israelite returned to the land of Israel. The Philistine returned to the land of the Philistines. And so and so the enemy is using them and that's in ancient times the the Gaza's trip was a the was a place where a lot of evil came out the two of Israel you know and so the ancient Philistines you know you know what they they would do is they they trained up their children from childhood to be child soldiers if you read the story of of David and Goliath Saul tells David you can't fight him he's been a man of war since he was a child so what's happened to the Palestinians is that now they're raising their children same exact thing everything's being conformed you know the the prophet Amos or the prophets speak about in different prophets speak about about the ancient Philistines and they say you've had this you've had this ancient hatred for Israel. You've nursed this hatred for vengeance. Well that's come upon them. They didn't know it. You know they didn't know it but it came upon but the just when Israel comes back they come back. But that's what this is all about. The enemies using it's an ancient mystery. What we saw on October 7th was part of an ancient mystery that the dragon is using to attack Israel. And you know what's interesting because I see the word sea peoples right? Connected to the Philistines. Yeah. And they happen to worship a God named Daegon who was half man half fish I tell people you think Starbucks is a new idea their logo no it's not it's a very ancient one and yes Dagon was half man half fish and there's the account when they capture the ark of the covenant the Philistines decide we're going to put it in front of Daegon and the Lord wants his covenant back wants his ark back and he throws Dagon on his face and then the next time he breaks off his head in his hands from him and starts afflicting the people with tumors and and rodents until they realize they have to send the ark back that God is angry and they have to send the ark back. Yeah, interesting that you said that because another and of course there's so much in on the book that we just can taste, you know, do a taste of it but you know, but but sometimes we we you and I have done a second show. So, we'll see if God does that with that but I wasn't going to share but you just triggered it and that is that the Philistines also they also worshiped Molech and and the Gods of the Canaanites that they would offer their children to but that's what they're doing. They're offering up their children. They're sending their children to be suicide bombers and to be destroyed. It's not that it's it's not natural. You know, and they have mothers celebrating that their their their son was a martyr. That's not natural. You know, it's just not natural but they're they're being affected. They're it's all going back to the beginning. It's all returning. You know, that if God's going to bring his people back to their land They're going to return. Well the enemy's going to take the enemy to the return at the same time. And we gotta pray for them. You know but this is all part of what we're watching. And when you have to go dig up the root of something you overturn everything. Yeah. To get the root. And that's what we see happening in Israel right now. They have to overturn all of this. That's right. To go to this root and the source and pull it out because of what they have built underground and the tunnels and what Hamas has done and how they've intertwined with the Palestinian people and this is why we see every being overturned because now it is time for that route. Yeah. To be dug up and torn out. So the city of Gaza because we're talking about this. Yeah. Is there a mystery connected to that city? Yeah. Yeah. First of all what what on on a first thing you know what we watch it wasn't only you know the the timing of it. I said there's a mystery that ordained that exact time. Yes yes. But the place as well the Bible speaks you know what you know what the ancient Philistines used to do? They used to invade an attack Israel from the Gaza Strip. So they would invade and the Bible gives the place where they would invade and actually you you it's two places. Gaza I mean the Negeb and and a place called the Shephilah. Where they meet up that's exactly where that music festival was. That's exactly where the caboots was. So they're replaying it. And the thing is so they're doing what they used to do and from Gaza. Now the Bible speaks about Gaza. The the prophet actually Amos he condemns Gaza and he says What's the sin he said? For the sin of Gaza? You went and you took captives hostages from Israel and brought them back to Gaza. So literally even that. That's what they did when they swept in. They would they would have they would exert brutality on Israeli villages in ancient times. And they would bring back bring back hostages. But the other thing is there's a story we all learned when we were kids. And it's from the Bible that had a mystery to what it. And now just in a nutshell you know of course the story of Samson. Yes. What what's that about? Well what happened? Samson's an Israelite. Mhm. Samson is taken captive by Philistines. They actually mutilate him which has also happened and they take bring him back where? To the city of Gaza as a hostage. First time he's the first Gazan hostage. And what do they do? They celebrate. That's also what happened that day if you remember? They celebrated in Gaza and you know And the and the Bible says they celebrated that it gives a word the word is Simcha. They had a festival of joy. They call it Simka. Okay. Yes. Now what happened on that day? Well Samson brings down the temple of Dagar. And it the Bible says that how many Philistines were struck down about 5000 it says. About 5000. Well what if the enemy the dragon was going to work a revenge? Not that the people know it but he knows it. So what happened on October seven? It. It's the revenge. The Gazans come and now they attack Israel as the as as the tragedy for them happened on the day that it says as a festival of Simcha they attacked on October 7th was Israel's festival holiday called Simcha Torah, the day of joy. It's the same thing. How many how many the the IDF identified the initial invasion and they said how many Gazans attacked Israel? They said about 5000 the same exact number and phrase from the story of Samson. I mean it's amazing. Amos one six through seven. I was looking for this while you were talking. Thus says the Lord for three transgressions of Gaza and for four I will not reverse the punishment or evoke my word concerning it because they took captive the entire Jewish population and deported them to Edom so I will send a fire on the wall of Gaza and it shall consume her her citadels. And that and we won't we won't have time to go into that but even that happened. It it's like a what happened to Gaza? A fire came and consumed this walls. You know, a war came. You know, in the Bible, you have righteous kings like Hezekiah and others who actually wage war on Gaza because of what they did but that that even that's part of the prophecy, absolutely. And you also say that Hamas appears in the Bible. Now, I know about in Genesis, Hamas, which means violence, right? So, where does Hamas appear? Yeah, Hama and so people know Hamas is Arabic word it means the Islamic Resistance Movement or but it's strange because it's a Hebrew word at the same time and in Hebrew it means as you said it means evil death violence and destruction and so so it actually appears in the here are some of the I I put this in the book here are some of the the instances number one it says Lord save me from the man of Hamas save me it says Hamas has risen up as a rod of evil in the land it says Hamas is in the city and the land is full bloodshed. It said you know how Hamas hides in the tunnels? There's a scripture it says Hamas dwells in the dark places of the earth. And then it says to Israel it says to Israel it says rid Hamas from the land. And then in here there's a promise of Messiah's kingdom. And you know what it says? One of the promises to Israel it says in that day no no more shall Hamas be heard in your land. The Bible actually has all these revelations of Hamas. That's amazing. You write also that Adolf Hitler had a part in October seventh. So, how does he have a part in what happened? Yeah. Well, you know, because the enemy is goes from generation to generation and so, you know, one rises, one fall, he rise up another one and so there's like a torch being passed in every generation. Well, it turns out there was a guy called an Arab guy called Al Husseini also called the Mufty and he in the in the 20th century, he hated the Jews. He tried to stop Israel. He was responsible for bloodshed. He was going to be put on he fled to Germany. He went to Berlin and met Hitler and they formed a working relationship that he wanted to bring Hitler's Holocaust to Israel and so he actually worked for the Nazis. He was employed. He radioed Berlin. He broadcast Hitler's hatred of the Jews throughout the Arab world and and the thing is at the end of the war, they were going to put him on trial in Nuremberg but he escaped. He went back to Egypt. In Egypt, he met an Egyptian teenager and he mentored him and discipled him and trained him. The teenager's name was Yasir Arafat. Oh wow. So you got a direct link from Hitler to a Mufty to Yasser Arafat. And this guy the Mufti is called the Father of Palestinian nationalism. He was an employee of Adolf Hitler. But not only that. Hitler also he sponsored an organization in 1930s. He helped them get strong. He he funded them. He trained them. He worked with them. They translated Hitler's work into the Middle East. The the was called the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is the organization that gave birth to Hamas. Hamas is part of the organization that Adolf Hitler who has funded and and and powered and when you look at the the charter of Hamas, the it's it's the words of Adolf Hitler in that charter and not only that, Hitler, he he put a man in charge of the Holocaust whose name was Heinrich Himler and he he he did it was one day that he appointed him over all the conquered territories throughout really to begin the Holocaust. The day that he chose seventh. October 7th. Wow. And when was when was not only was Himler put in charge, Himler was born on October 7th. So you got this this you have this war, you have the train of the dragon, the chains, and all the fingerprints are there. They are there and you know it it the enemy works in cycles. Yeah. So he works best when he's working in cycles and keeping those cycles like you're saying going. He's keeping those chains going. And so you can you can then start to identify his fingerprints all over something when you see these events happen. Yes. Mm hmm. So, the Hamas invasion with Israel is connected to the Book of Revelation you say. Now, how are these two connected? Yeah and what you just said about, you know, fingerprints. Yeah and mystery. In the Book of Revelation, I mean, in that vision, the dragon is attacking the woman and how does he attack her? It says, he spews forth a flood to flood her away, flood her away. Well, you know, October 7th, people don't it it was had a code name. Hamas gave it a name. They called it Operation Toufon. You know what Tufon mean? Tufon is Arabic for? The flood. As in the dragon's flood. So even that was part of what this mystery is. You know that is so wild because back in October of twenty twentytwo I had a dream. It was like a vision. I got taken up in the realm of the spirit. Atop a very high mountain. And there was an angel dressed in Centurion Garb Warring Garb on a very large white horse and when he spoke it was stereo sound it just encompassed the atmosphere and it was a stone building with open windows and he told me to look to the left right and he told me Sodom is burning to the ground and then he told me to look to the right and I saw these clouds coming in and he said a great flood is about to hit the earth and now was October of twenty twenty-two. Mm. When I was told that and then I woke up. Mm. I came out of it. So when you said that, that triggered me. When you said flood. Yeah. Yeah. The enemy works through floods and as you said it comes like a flood when I'm riding the dragon's prophecy. We had no less than three floods as I'm writing about the flood and there was a flood wasn't only the flood of October seventh. The flood that went all over the world of hatred for Israel as well so there and and then we then we're dealing with the flood of immorality and the flood this is the enemy but it literally so when you get to Israel that's his that a physical nation. It's all concentrated. So, the actual attack was literally called the flood. That's amazing. How was October 7th connected to the principle of satanic desecration? Yeah, another another realm of fingerprints. You know, what is the enemy? The enemy is a desecrator. He takes holy things and he inverts them and desecrates them and make them unholy. That's what he does. So, the thing is on October 7th was not just October seventh. It actually was a convergence Of no less than three Hebrew Holy Days. Three. One was the Sabbath and the Sabbath what do you so what did the enemy do? He takes away their peace on the day of their peace. He you know they celebrate. How do they celebrate in their home? They welcome in the Sabbath. Well he went to their homes. You know and you know you know what Israel calls that day today in Hebrew? They call October Sabbath the Black Sabbath. Which Black Sabbath is linked to the enemy. Then there's so much more about this. They actually but now it was also as I gave a hint it was called day of joy and rejoicing and you know and on that day the Jewish people are they go out of the houses go in the streets they sing and dance and clap and it's custom it's tradition to give out candy on what happened on the day of joy the enemy takes away their joy turns it into mourning and yet but in Gaza and in the West Bank and around and all around the world with the enemies of Israel they went out into the streets and they celebrated and they clapped and they sang for Jewish Blood and they gave out candy all over the all over it was the devil's holiday. Well that is that's you know there's so many things going through my mind when you say these things about a dream I have back in 2021 that involved that involved Arab nations and the passing out of candy. So that's really interesting that that happened around that time. What is the Jubileean mystery with this? Cuz I know it's 50 years from the Yom Kippur war 50 years. Yep. That happens. Yeah well well the the the big context is first you know of course God you know Jubilee every 50 years and God restores if you Lost your land, you get it back. Well, there's no people who so dramatically lost their land as the Jewish people but the amazing thing is God restored them according to the mystery of the Jubilee that every 50 years that I'll just do a query quick nutshell. 1867, the land is actually released for the Jewish people to redeem it back and much more. First first Jubilee. Go count 50 years, it takes you to 1917, anything happened? Well, yeah, the Balfour declaration gives the land to the Jewish people. The Turks Lee the British come in promised the land but they never got Jerusalem count 50 years, it takes you to 1967 6-day war they enter the gates of Jerusalem Jubilee gotta happen and we should all rejoice because only by that happening can messiah's messiah going to come he's coming back to Jerusalem and the Jewish people but then they never got it Jubilee you always get you get the legal rights you get the recognition the world refuse to recognize Jerusalem for to this to that time but count 50 years where is it take you. Takes you to 20 17. Anything happened? Trump, President Trump, America, issues the Jerusalem Declaration to give the legal recognition first time since agent time. So everything's according to that. But the enemy is a imitator. So he takes the things of God the Jubilee and he turns it upside down. So instead of taking a victory he takes a calamity. And the calamity as we said 1973 Yom Kippur war they're invaded Israel's invaded land invasion it takes them by almost destroys Israel in the natural. They actually thought they were going to it was going to end Israel. That was it. But they miraculously turned it around by God. But it shook Israel to this day. It was the greatest calamity for Israel up until October seventh. Well so what is it ordained? The enemy's going to take it and he's going to have a devil's jubilee. And so so 50 years later it's going to ordain there's going to be an invasion. It's going to happen in the year twenty twenty-three. The war took in October. It's going to happen in October. War happened on a Saturday. It's going to happen on a Saturday. War happened on a Holy Day from Leviticus twenty-three. This is going to happen on a holiday from Leviticus 2023 which is called which is the other holy day and the war not only took Israel by surprise and led to war happened on the first Saturday of October of seventy-three. So this is going to happen on the first Saturday of October twenty and there's only one day that that is. That's October 7th. Yes. It was the devil's jubilee and there's a mystery. There's so much to this but I won't won't go into it but there's a mystery in the book where actually there's prophetic countdowns which start at the beginning of the six-day war and when you count these things down, I mean, thousands of days, they come to the exact morning of Saturday, October 7th. Wow. You see, that's and you know, 2028, if I'm correct, is the next Schmidt year coming up. Which is also happens to be the next election year. For the United States of America. So I think 2028 is the next Schmita. Mm. Year. I was double checking on that like a week ago or so. Yeah. Oh well yeah twenty twenty-two. Yeah yeah. I think it would be 28 and 29. Yeah. It would start from one goes there. Yeah and it's there is a mystery to to the the year 28 that's actually linked that could be linked to Trump but we can talk another time but okay well interesting. Interesting yeah. Okay. So exactly did the mystery foretell of the invasion of Israel? Well well that yeah I actually yeah it actually did and that's why that's why Amanda when the night before this happened I was led I didn't know I was led you know on that day to speak of the mystery of the Jubilee and then and then and which all ordained the next day it happened so it was that night actually began that night. The Sabbath began that night but yeah. And so the book opens up the signs of the end of days. What are they? Yeah well the Bible says how do you know you're going to be in the end of days? This this all go this this goes back to Moses. He actually talks about the end of days. It's it's the the last of days or the end of time and that is it says how you going to know? You're going to know when you're in living in a world that Israel has come back into it. Number one. Number two that world is going to be focused on that little tiny New Jersey size land. It's here. The the world is going to be obsessed with it. The world is going to rage against it. We're here. We're here. It's all going to be a world that turns away from God apostasy we're here. We're watching all that. But but so so the thing what I noticed I'm sure you did too Amanda Gary that is that that as all these things were happening this last year it was like end-time prophecy was accelerated. Yes. So much here and so what I started seeing is like literal absolute end-time prophecies were touched by this where lines were crossed and so we're in that. You know what I find interesting is is the size of the land of New Jersey and there the Lord has you positioned in New Jersey. So, I just find that. I find that just fascinating and just and just the Lord at work there. Uh and our and our and our ministry, the building of our ministry. It's Beth is Beth Israel. It's called House of Israel and the building is called the Jerusalem Center. So, it actually looks like Jerusalem and yeah and the flood, I told you three floods. The enemy he set it against the Jerusalem Center, Beth Israel. That's but that's what happens when you begin to shine the spotlight and expose what the Lord uses you to do with the plans of the enemy. Yeah. And what he's doing. You know there it is met with resistance. The enemy does try to stop it but praise God the people of God prevail when we persevere in the Lord. So praise the Lord for that. One of the chapters in the Dragon's Prophecy is called the colors of the apocalypse. So what is this? Yeah. Let's get into this. Yeah Revelations gives colors for the apocalypse and it's in the four you have the the white horse for conquest you have the red horse of war you have the black horse of famine or want and then you have the green or pale green horse of death well the amazing thing is that in all these gatherings when this hatred of Israel this war at Israel erupted all over the world the colors of the apocalypse start manifesting that is because they're they're all reuniting under a banner the banner that they're waving is the Palestine flag the Palestine flag is white for the white horse for the red horse, black for the black horse, pink green for the green horse. In fact, every nation that has that configuration of colors as their main colors in the flag, it marks them as an enemy of the nation of Israel. That's amazing. That is and I don't know if you heard but it was it was Passover in England. Big Ben froze at the nine o'clock position and horses that were doing military exercises broke loose in the and one of them was a white horse. One was a black horse. I believe one of them was more reddish brown horse. Broke loose in the streets on Passover. Some of them covered in blood. Nothing like that had ever happened before. I heard you know Amanda I heard something but I did not did not hear that you know to go into the details. Just a question. Was that this Passover or the Passover before? It was this past Passover. Okay. Okay. That's when it happened. Passover Passover even has a place in this mystery with the dragon's prophecy. So I'm sure it does. I'm sure it does given all this. So the prophet Ezekiel foretells it for coming invasion of Israel that maybe the next big prophetic event. I'm thinking this is the war of Ezekiel perhaps. Yeah. In the book you reveal a surprise connection to the prophecy. What is it? Yeah. Well Ezekiel yeah Ezekiel gives that major prophecy of a massive invasion of Israel by nations coming against Israel in alliance and he does name them by their ancient names and we can identify a whole bunch of that. And there you know and the thing the amazing thing is what what I found out as I looked is each one of them that we can identify for sure Kush for instance. Okay. Okay. That Kush was actually had a part. It says they're they're having they're going to invade Israel. Well that's to come. They're going to come but this the first time ever that one of them Kush had a part in the invasion of Israel October seventh. First invasion in 50 years. Actually was behind Hamas and all these things. Put the other nation. I'm not going into their modern names. Also was part of a it. Togarma was also part of it and Persia, Iran was everything that he says they actually had a part in the invade the first time ever that these nations that are going to invade Israel had a part in the we cross the prophetic line. Wow. So basically, that's that's laying the pathway for this. That's opening up a gate in a way for this coming event. Exactly. Okay. So, the Dragon's Prophecy speaks of an ancient entity called the Sar Paras. Yeah. Which actually lies behind the current and dangerous world events we see happening what is the Sar Paras is is mentioned in the Bible. It's an entity. It's a demonic entity that wars against Israel particularly against the the end-time purposes of the nation of Israel. So when Israel comes back in the world this this entity it is going to get it's going to activate it aroused. Well what does it mean? Sar means ruler, master, or general and or and Paras means Iran. So it literally is linked to Iran. So you got this entity the Bible says see when you see the Bible when you take away the veil then you then everything makes sense what's happening in the spiritual realm what's behind Iran is an entity it's the that entity exist to destroy Israel so why is Iran obsessed with destroying Israel why is Iran Iran because of this and the thing is that is why I mean there's no nation on earth that is so obsessed with destroying Israel's Iran that's why they want nuclear weapon they want to wipe out Israel Yes. It's not them. There's an entity leading them and the thing is that that's why they're behind Hezbollah. They're behind the Hutis. They're behind Hamas. When you look at October seventh, you know, Gaza was behind it. Behind Gaza was Hamas. Behind Hamas was Iran. Behind Iran was the Sarparas. Behind the Sarparas is the dragon and so, they were behind it and the thing is that's why that by the way, Israel speaks about, I mean, the Bible speaks about another entity called the Sari Israel which is an entity that means literally his name means who is like God? Mikael or Michael. And so Michael literally is defending Israel while Iran's attack. So you have this attack. You by the way Ezekiel says that Iran's going to attack Israel. Now it's still to come but it never happened. We've never had a direct attack ever until now. Another line we cross. It send all those missiles into Israel. Yes. Oh yes. They were struck down. I believe more than technology you have Assari Israel. You got Michael there. You know so literally the Bible says Warring that entity and on earth you got the two nations worrying well it's because it's all what's happening in the heaven is explaining what's happening on earth in our day so let me ask you in the book of Daniel when the prince of Persia meets Gabriel is this connected to the is this account because Michael is called in yeah to defend Michael they need the big forces the heavy hitters here. Yeah yeah no not only that yes in the the prince what we call the prince of Persia is the us. Okay. Yeah. And and you have an angel fighting and then and then yes then then Michael's called in and when you look at the book of Revelation again Revelation twelve the dragon's prophecy. Look at there. It says Michael battled with his angels against the devil the dragon and his angels. One of those angels is the star for us. And so there that's there and we literally on earth have already seen a shadow of it again. Yes we have. Absolutely. So this is interesting this next Question because of of what the Lord had shown me leading up to this event happening but was there an ancient mystery behind the sudden death of the Iranian president? Yes there was. The president of Iran whose name was Ibrahim Resi. Ibrahim is named after Abraham, the Father of the Jewish people. Trying to destroy them. He has their name. Also it be his name bear witness of the Abrahamic covenant. If you you bless Israel, you bless, curse Israel, your curse. Whatever you do. And so God says that Israel's the apple of God's eye. You touch it, you're touching his eye. Abraham Racy, President of Iran's the first president of Iran who actually touched the apple of God's eye. Actually directly struck Israel. About 30 days later he was struck down dead. As his helicopter mysteriously came down. And the thing is the thing is he also issued a threat. During that time he said he's going he he threatened the annihilation of the nation of Israel. There'll be nothing left. Well that's blasphemy because this is God's nation and there actually the the day before he was struck down. It was the Sabbath and there was an appointed word read all over Israel all over the world chanted from the scroll. You know how it you know the last words of that appointed word said the one who blasphemies shall be struck down. And then he was the next day. And in the book of Ezekiel when God says I will call all you enemies down to Israel. It says I will call you against the I will bring you against the mountains and you will fall in the mountains on that day Abraham Racy is the first one of those nations who actually struck Israel on that day he was brought down against the mountains. He died on the mountains. Yeah that is Jeff. Yep and they called it a hard landing. Oh. That's exactly. Yes. Oh yes. That's that's what it was reported as a hard landing. So the book reveals a connection between the Temple Mount October 7th the Antichrist and five red cows. The red heifers. The red heifers I leave. Tell us the secret of the mount. Yeah, listen. The the temple mount is the is the ground zero of prophecy. That's where it's all coming to ahead. That's where the temple's going to be. That's where the Antichrist is going to go. Yes. Declare himself God. That's where Messiah's going to reign. So, the think about that. So, the enemy, the dragon is going to do everything to control that mountain and keep this from keep God's will from happening. Literally, he does in one sense because Jewish people are not allowed to go up there and pray be cause of the the dragon. You know, he he's kept the temple from being rebuilt so far. He has the mosque up there. So, what would happen if this if there was ever a threat to his dominion on that mountain. Well, all hell would break loose. Well, something happened. You know, CNN will never tell you this. You'll never see it up. Something happened. It was on Passover. They just of that year, something happened. There was a rumor that Jewish people were going to actually celebrate the Passover on the Temple Mount. That send the dragon crazy. You know, that would be a threat to the dragon. All hell broke loose on the temple mount. Riots always, Hamas issues a a a threat to Israel because of that. It says, because of that, b

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