The Death of Nazi Germany (1944-1947)

2 months ago

In June 2010, independent author Thomas Goodrich published a book called “Hellstorm,” which told the tale of what really happened to innocent German men, women, and children both during and after World War II. After several years of going mostly unnoticed, Hellstorm was turned into a documentary movie thanks to the efforts of Kyle Hunt.

Released on May 1, 2015, the documentary hasn’t yet been covered by mainstream media sources, but it’s rustled enough feathers that the BBC, the Daily Mail (twice), and NBC have all published reports in the last two months chronicling just a small taste of what the German people were subjected to by the Allies. The documentary covers the full extent of the horrors in seven different DVD chapters: Terror bombing, rape, the Baltic Massacre, defeat in the west, death camps, purges, and ethnic cleansing.

The horrors exposed in this documentary are real and undeniable. The same people who deny that they happened are the same people who pretend that “White Privilege” exists and that Whites are somehow uniquely “oppressive” towards colored people. The question, then, isn’t whether these horrors happened. The question is whether they matter.

After all, even for those who don’t believe in myths like “White Privilege,” the consensus in the United States, Britain, France, and indeed, modern-day Germany itself, is that the German people of the 1930s and 40s “deserved” every bad thing that happened to them. No tears are shed for them, and no hearts are moved for them. For they have been stripped of their humanity by the descendants of the British (1689), American (1776), French (1789), and Bolshevik (1917) Revolutions. Four horses of the apocalypse, indeed. But for those who are not mentally and spiritually enslaved by such things as "liberty" and "equality," Hellstorm has the potential to flip the historical narrative on its head, and to provide catharsis and reconciliation among the European people, including European-Americans.

review by Dan Poole at

Documentary & Book Website

Peoples World War

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