Natural Origin -> Lab Leak Covid -> Bird Flu

2 months ago

12/27/2024 Dr. Kelly Victory @DrKellyVictory, a Trauma and Emergency Specialist: The Biden administration and WHO were involved in covering up the origins of covid19 to protect the CCP and distance themselves from their involvement in the gain of function research. But the fact that covid19 came out of a lab is irrefutable.
#covid19 #covidorigin #lableak #coverup #gainoffunciton #Fauci #WHO #Tedros
12/27/2024 创伤和急救专家凯利·威克瑞博士:拜登政府和世卫组织参与了掩盖新冠起源的行动以保护中共和撇清其参与了功能增强研究。但是,新冠病毒来自实验室这一点是无可辩驳的。
#新冠病毒 #新冠起源 #实验室泄露 #掩盖 #功能增强研究 #福奇 #世卫组织 #谭德塞

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