VSRF Live #158: The Asian Vax Battle

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This Thursday Steve will be sitting down with Iris Koh, a musician turned medical freedom advocate from Singapore, to discuss her inspiring story to protect citizens' medical rights and freedom under strict Singaporean law through her activist website known as Healing The Divide. Her brave story fighting for medical freedom in an unforgiving foreign land known for its harsh punishments and strong authoritarian tactics is a truly remarkable tale that will be sure to inspire many around the world.

Steve will also be joined by Dr. Dan Van Ackeren, who will share his heartbreaking yet courageous journey following severe injury from a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in 2021. His story sheds light on the profound struggles faced by many who have suffered from these experimental injections—from being dismissed by the medical establishment to enduring financial hardships as essential treatments remain largely inaccessible and uncovered by insurance.

Join us for this critical discussion and as always, please share this link and bring some friends!

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