Episode 208, "The Grand/Devil's Chessboard"

2 months ago

-Andrew For America talks about the Trump election, and how political storylines are increasingly beginning to seem like WWE storylines. Andrew makes the argument that the way that you get people emotionally invested in characters is by utilizing well-crafted storylines and narratives. Andrew argues that it is done in politics and media the same way it is done in professional wrestling, movies, and tv. Andrew also plays clips from many WEF and UN contributors including Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand, European Central Bank head Christine Lagarde, UN climate change advisor Ayisha Siddiqa, the UK's Net Zero Secretary Ed Miliband, former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, King Charles, Klaus Schwab, and Donald Trump himself discussing free speech, social media censorship and fact-checking, climate change, and CBDC’s (central bank digital currencies).

-The song selection is the song, "A New Direction" by the band Chaser.

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