Help me make this original song I wrote for my wife Stage 4 Cancer FAMOUS!

2 months ago

Happy New Year! 2025! God bless you and your family. Please consider a good deed for The New Year!

Help my Wife and an Amazing Mother of our 2 children who has Stage 4 Breast cancer that spread to the brain and spinal cord inside and outside. God bless her.

For a small $1 gift on my Cash App Request your favorite song or joke from Rodney Dangerfield. I will perform it for you on a short video on YouTube. My Cash App is $RichardLevoi

Here are some requests I already did!

1. Matter of Trust

2. Tainted Love

3. Run through the jungle

4. Legs

Also if you get a chance please listen to an original song I wrote for my Wife God bless her. Help me get this song FAMOUS for The New Year 2025! It is called Back into my arms. Here is The YouTube video link:

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