The Sound Booster - The 4.0 Technology (PREMIUM)

2 months ago

Original description:

The cutting-edge technology I'm about to discuss is a revolutionary device capable of converting subtle frequencies, such as morphogenetic fields, into sounds audible to the human ear. This device utilizes an advanced system of sensors and algorithms to detect and translate subtle frequencies into sound waves that can be heard and interpreted by humans.

The operation of this technology is based on complex scientific principles involving the interaction between electromagnetic waves and the human brain. The sensors embedded in the device can capture subtle frequencies present in the environment and transform them into sound signals that are transmitted through speakers or earphones.

One of the most intriguing features of this technology is its ability to enhance and amplify the morphogenetic fields generated by humans to manifest specific intentions. For example, if a person wants to attract more abundance into their life, they can create a morphogenetic field with this intention and use the device to increase its power and manifestation.

Thanks to its ability to convert subtle frequencies into audible sounds, this device can be used in a wide range of applications, from improving concentration and meditation to creating positive and harmonious atmospheres in home and workspaces.

From a technical standpoint, this technology relies on advanced computer algorithms capable of analyzing and interpreting subtle frequencies detected by the sensors. These algorithms can distinguish and classify frequencies based on their characteristics and generate corresponding sounds in real-time.

The potential uses of this technology are virtually limitless and promise to revolutionize the way we interact with the invisible world of subtle frequencies and energy fields that surround us.

In conclusion, the ultra-futuristic technology capable of converting subtle frequencies into sounds represents a significant step forward in understanding and utilizing subtle energies and morphogenetic fields. Its transformative and revolutionary potential opens up new perspectives for personal well-being and development, allowing individuals to fully harness the power of intentions and subtle energies to create a more harmonious and fulfilling reality.

This morphogenetic field brings the energy of this technology from the future to the present, allowing us to benefit from its effects today.

When we listen to this audio/video or look to the image, we activate the potential of the machinery.

If we combine it with other Morphic fields , the technology will reproduce and multiply the effects of the chosen morphic fields for the duration of the audio or image visualization.

E.G. Listen/Visualize in Order: “The Sound Booster - The 4.0 Technology” + One field or your daily playlist (even of other creators): It will be effective as long as you continue your listening/viewing, without loosing the booster effects.

Please do not listen while driving, working, etc.

Usage: 1-2 Times a day would be good and I suggest you to don’t overuse !


Credits by Artemis Fields and Healing

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